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Top Thai drug enforcer says "E-cigarettes are bad for you"


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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Sounds a lot like he is protecting the regular cigarettes. Its a replacement of regular cigarettes, its better but i guess the producers of cigarettes have a lot of influence here. 

Yes its purely protection of corporate interests .

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Top Thai drug enforcer says "E-cigarettes are bad for you"

...because they don't bring tax to the government coffers to pay thousand of nurses a decent salary and provide them with a proper work contract.


Note: everyone who will reply to this post mentioning submarine, tanks and fighter jet purchases maybe subject to attitude adjustment...

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6 hours ago, JonnyF said:

This is just a delaying tactic until they can get the correct companies/taxes/monopolies in place to ensure that the "good people" profit from the sale of e-cigarettes.


They don't want people stopping buying cigarettes from the Thai Tobacco Monopoly and importing e-cigs from abroad. No no no, that would be most unhealthy. Once they have a way to profit internally from the sale of these things they will change their tune and accept conventional wisdom that whilst not as good as quitting altogether, they are better for you than normal cigarettes and can aid quitting (they helped me quit 3 years ago). They also don't smell and are better for non smokers in the vicinity of smokers.

All bullshit from Thai Govt. Missing Bah tax revenue.  Not good for your health? That simple!

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

A "user" was fined 10,000 Bht in Pattaya last week, sitting innocuously in a bar, a victim of the relentless drive against crime ! But really everyone should just man up and quit !

Not that easy old son, I gave up 5 months ago, every time I go to the bar I find it difficult as the smell and the pull of Nicotine is very strong, as yet I haven't succumbed but it does take a lot of will power, I am in my lounge right now, all the doors and windows are open and I can smell the cigarette that the guy next door is smoking, he smokes rollies (Old Holbourn tobacco) I can ignore it though.


Another downside is the fact that I have put on about 12 kilos, that's about 2 Stones in weight. 


I need to get off this keyboard and get back on me bike and do some swimming as well.  

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7 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Just idiotic. As the rest of the world accepts that e-cigs, although not without risk, are far better than analogues, Thailand buries the head , ignores the evidence and misses an opportunity.

Standard Operating Procedure

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Sirinya was quoting from an article published in the "Journal of Adolescent Health" (2017) that he said pointed to raised blood pressure because of the nicotine in vaping fluid.


News just in : Exercise is bad for you because is rasises blood pressure and pulse rate.

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6 hours ago, JonnyF said:

This is just a delaying tactic until they can get the correct companies/taxes/monopolies in place to ensure that the "good people" profit from the sale of e-cigarettes.


They don't want people stopping buying cigarettes from the Thai Tobacco Monopoly and importing e-cigs from abroad. No no no, that would be most unhealthy. Once they have a way to profit internally from the sale of these things they will change their tune and accept conventional wisdom that whilst not as good as quitting altogether, they are better for you than normal cigarettes and can aid quitting (they helped me quit 3 years ago). They also don't smell and are better for non smokers in the vicinity of smokers.


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Utter stupidity. Tbere is NO evidence to back up this absurd claim ... The FACT is that properly manufactured ecigs and juices are 95% to 99% safer than conventional cigs and have helped millions of former smokers quit completely. That is why in the UK and other countries where FACTS are more important than vested interests, the mecical community... Doctors and Health Authorities... not only recommend tobacco smokers switch to vaping but in some cases, actualy GIVE them ecigs to help them switch away from far more harmful cigarettes. ... 


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1 minute ago, jabsjabs said:

No One will ever say they are great for your health. Obviously they are not. 


Its more a matter of are they honestly way worse them cigarettes and should punish people as heavily as they do?

It took the scientific communities a few decades just to admit the harmful side effects of "passive" smoking:cheesy: (exposure to cigarette smoke from non smokers)...not to mention the rest....


so perhaps in 10 or 20 years something will comme up regarding the vaps....

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I think vaping would be a good alternative as long as the production & sale of the fluids is regulated.... god only knows what chemicals are used to give the vanilla etc aromas..... they could easily be more carcinogenic than those found in regular ciggies.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

Not that easy old son, I gave up 5 months ago, every time I go to the bar I find it difficult as the smell and the pull of Nicotine is very strong, as yet I haven't succumbed but it does take a lot of will power, I am in my lounge right now, all the doors and windows are open and I can smell the cigarette that the guy next door is smoking, he smokes rollies (Old Holbourn tobacco) I can ignore it though.


Another downside is the fact that I have put on about 12 kilos, that's about 2 Stones in weight. 


I need to get off this keyboard and get back on me bike and do some swimming as well.  

Yes, putting on weight does seem to be an issue for ex-smokers.  Smokers for the first couple of decades of their habit can actually have lower blood pressure than rest of population, precisely because they weigh less.  It does of course lead to destruction in the end.


When I vape my BP goes up about 20 points.  Laughing has the same effect I think.

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16 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

I think vaping would be a good alternative as long as the production & sale of the fluids is regulated.... god only knows what chemicals are used to give the vanilla etc aromas..... they could easily be more carcinogenic than those found in regular ciggies.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

It's fairly well tried and tested now.  Diacetyl 2 was a possible toxic substance as it is believed to be a cause of 'popcorn lung', but that does not seem to be a threat and many liquids do not use it anyway.  There isn't anything in e-liquids that can't be found in far, far larger quantities in cigarettes.

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7 hours ago, WhizBang said:



Don't care one way or the other.  But as someone who is allergic to cigarette smoke (gives me migraine headaches) I would like to see smoking banned in ALL public places.  That means while walking down the street too.

If exposure to cigarette smoke gives you migraines then you have some serious problems that need professional help.

I seriously question if you know what a migraine is.  And it ain't just a headache.

Edited by tryasimight
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1 hour ago, robertson468 said:

And the medical qualifications of the Chief of the Thai Drug Enforcement Agency is????????????

I liked your post because I was thinking exactly the same thing........................:thumbsup:

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52 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

I think vaping would be a good alternative as long as the production & sale of the fluids is regulated.... god only knows what chemicals are used to give the vanilla etc aromas..... they could easily be more carcinogenic than those found in regular ciggies.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

That is the only minus for me with the entire vaping thing here in Thailand. Until the consumables are properly regulated, IMO, the fluid could easily be harmful if somebody copies the production and takes shortcuts to increase profits.


To me it is similar to buying hard drugs off the street after they have been cut numerous times. Apparently you don't get a good high from 30% baby milk, 25% chalk and 10% rat poison mixed with the product. Secondhand info there so maybe wrong.


Similar thought process for me regarding the juice, buy cheap and expect problems. In fact there is nothing to stop someone adding product to aim for a high. Next big problem when they eventually get their act together and tax the hardware and regulate the consumables IMO.


Watch this space.....................:thumbsup:

Edited by chrisinth
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Its amazing how Gullible, uneducated and devoid of simple reasoning some people can be.

However, that sometimes seems to be the norm for Thai people and the higher up, the lower the IQ is

I have less respect for this place, with every new day.... Going backwards must be the new "Thing" in Thailand

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2 hours ago, tryasimight said:

If exposure to cigarette smoke gives you migraines then you have some serious problems that need professional help.

I seriously question if you know what a migraine is.  And it ain't just a headache.

It would have to be rather a lot imho.  But it is possible, particularly if someone suffers allergies in general, but it is really the allergies that is doing it.  If someone has a very blocked nose it can cause sinus headache which is similar to a simple migraine. 


I think you should give someone the benefit of the doubt if they say they have a migraine.  There are two main types, and whilst a simple migraine is not so torturous it is still very unpleasant.

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13 hours ago, robblok said:

Sounds a lot like he is protecting the regular cigarettes. Its a replacement of regular cigarettes, its better but i guess the producers of cigarettes have a lot of influence here. 

No it is not a replacement for cigarettes, I have tried e-cigarettes you just blow some nonsense vaporized liquid.

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How about they tax the tourists upon entry (declare ecigs) and issue a receipt which the tourist must keep at all times to prove tax has been charged. If no receipt then they are fined double the tax charged upon entry. This would keep the tourists in line and able to vape.

Then look at the production of ecigs by their tobacco monopoly company and sell as per cigarettes with tax applied.

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On 7/26/2017 at 9:52 AM, Ricardo said:

The Thai Tobacco Monopoly is state-owned, smoking has serious medical-effects, perhaps the government should just decide to shut TTM down, in the interests of Thai health ? :whistling:


Or perhaps TTM should start manufacturing vaping-fluid itself, and lobby for the current nonsensical ban to be lifted, so that the consumers can decide for themselves ?

That is just toooo sensible 

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On 7/26/2017 at 9:54 AM, Prbkk said:

Get your Mom to try ecigs, I quit regular cigs 6 years ago and took up vaping. 8 hours getting used to it, haven't had, and zero desire to have, a cigarette from that day.

Is that 6 years 3 months 2 weeks 4 days 3 hours & 15 minutes   ? :smile:

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24 minutes ago, superal said:

Is that 6 years 3 months 2 weeks 4 days 3 hours & 15 minutes   ? :smile:

Ha! I know what you mean. When I quit cigarettes before I always remembered the exact date. Actually with the ecig I can't even remember if it's 7 years, 6 or 5. Just approximately but zero interest in smoking tobacco cigarettes.

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4 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Ha! I know what you mean. When I quit cigarettes before I always remembered the exact date. Actually with the ecig I can't even remember if it's 7 years, 6 or 5. Just approximately but zero interest in smoking tobacco cigarettes.

I am interested to know if your vape contains nicotine and are your liquids obtainable locally ? Understand if you are reluctant to answer  

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