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Trump - no transgender people will serve in U.S. military: Twitter


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3 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

A total abundance of left wing bull puckey right there.

Baseless assertion.


4 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Whatever your unnamed source - I dont believe anything the MSM says about Trump.


Denial of facts.


5 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

The wall will be built - and it will be a Great Wall 


Wishfull thinking.


You now qualify to go on to the next round in Alternate Bingo where you circle whatever number you want and scream "BINGO," at any point in the game apropos of nothing actually happening in the game.


Good luck! You're a winner!



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6 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

A total abundance of left wing bull puckey right there.

Whatever your unnamed source - I dont believe anything the MSM says about Trump.

The wall will be built - and it will be a Great Wall - but no Chinese labour/products this time - all American.

"All American" as in Trump´s and Ivanka imports?

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1 hour ago, iReason said:


Well, a small minority entrusted the security of the country to a mentally confused person in the White House.

Go figure...


Voted in legally.......go figure the American mentality?

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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


The news reports I saw indicated that the initiative had come from the military itself.   Somebody's off the mark here.


Washington Journal/Washington Post??  Say no more.

There is a link on this thread (probably from iReason) that clearly states that attendees at the meeting with Trump (who were Republican congressmen/women) asked only that Trump stops the transgender people from getting operations on the military budget, nothing more. The same lobbyists were shocked that Trump responded with his tweet. A ban on Transgenders was NOT what they asked for.



3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Transgender is more of a mental illness than a biological truth, not a good idea to have mentally unstable people in the armed forces.


1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

Does anyone think it's a good idea to entrust the security of a country to mentally confused people who want to change sex, then sometimes change back again? these people are nuts. There is just male and female and you get to be one or the other when you are born, anything else is fantasy role play not to be encouraged, or given a uniform!

Orton, to call it a 'mental disorder' puts you in the category of the deplorable's.  When people are born it is not only what is on the outside, it is what is on the inside that really matters. Somebody can be born in a male body but have a genetic disposition to being female. It is not a mental disorder but it certainly causes a life time of mental anguish when they literally cannot settle in their 'bodily' gender. This is a genetic issue, and different genes can be implanted in error in many people (hardly surprising considering the complexity), so the gene that causes people internally to 'know' that they are really a woman but are trapped in a mans body (or the other way around) is just the same as the gene that was implanted in you that makes you a nasty homophobic ignorant fool.

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14 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

A total abundance of left wing bull puckey right there.

Whatever your unnamed source - I dont believe anything the MSM says about Trump.

The wall will be built - and it will be a Great Wall - but no Chinese labour/products this time - all American.

After a recent experience using Delta Airlines I wouldnt shout too loud about "all American" the service was  pretty good  but the planes were old/tired last generation Business seats, lost bags, poor  food, crap lounges..........it was pretty dismal

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36 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

well they don't let ladyboys join the Thai army, and for good reasons

Lady boys act 'camp' it is a cultural 'fashionable thing in the eyes of Thais. Transgenders in the US Military act their gender.

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10 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I point out that in the past when Colin Powell, was the Secretary of Defense he made a statement on the topic of transgenders and gays.  He said something like this:, "without judging people's preferences or desires, one has to realize that the moment a transgender or gay joins a company or squadron, the fact is it usually polarizes the group and creates discontent and harms the overall effectiveness of the group.  The military is primarily a war fighting machine and we can't afford to allow it's effectiveness to be compromised".



From my memory when I read his book, that is extremely close to what Colin Powell said. 


There is another of his quotes that is very relevant for many people who refuse to accept the reality of banning transgenders: Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.  The way I see it, many people cannot change their views because they are inherently locked into them, because to change them and admit being wrong is too personal a blow to take. Liberals think everything they support is personal and they take instant offence at what should be simply a pragmatic issue of common sense - like banning transgenders from the military and girls toilets. They turn it into a personal issue of discrimination and offence, because to see it any other way to them means they are personally wrong/bad.


Image result for colin powell quotes


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1 minute ago, ELVIS123456 said:

From my memory when I read his book, that is extremely close to what Colin Powell said. 


There is another of his quotes that is very relevant for many people who refuse to accept the reality of banning transgenders: Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.  The way I see it, many people cannot change their views because they are inherently locked into them, because to change them and admit being wrong is too personal a blow to take. Liberals think everything they support is personal and they take instant offence at what should be simply a pragmatic issue of common sense - like banning transgenders from the military and girls toilets. They turn it into a personal issue of discrimination and offence, because to see it any other way to them means they are personally wrong/bad.


Image result for colin powell quotes


I can change my  mind but it takes Guesthouse or Naam/Naams  dog-s to change it for me usually...............where is GH these  days?

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

There is a link on this thread (probably from iReason) that clearly states that attendees at the meeting with Trump (who were Republican congressmen/women) asked only that Trump stops the transgender people from getting operations on the military budget, nothing more. The same lobbyists were shocked that Trump responded with his tweet. A ban on Transgenders was NOT what they asked for.




Orton, to call it a 'mental disorder' puts you in the category of the deplorable's.  When people are born it is not only what is on the outside, it is what is on the inside that really matters. Somebody can be born in a male body but have a genetic disposition to being female. It is not a mental disorder but it certainly causes a life time of mental anguish when they literally cannot settle in their 'bodily' gender. This is a genetic issue, and different genes can be implanted in error in many people (hardly surprising considering the complexity), so the gene that causes people internally to 'know' that they are really a woman but are trapped in a mans body (or the other way around) is just the same as the gene that was implanted in you that makes you a nasty homophobic ignorant fool.


To be fair, "nasty homophobic foolishness" is more of a learned behavior. ☺️


If if you look at kids, they get along fine, have no preconceptions, till adults "teach" it to them.



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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Stop baiting me with the same repetitive B.S. 

Jing your scraping the barrel and protesting way too  much......baiting .............pah give me a  break

I point  out however  much you hate him and you do hate  him hes  legally  in , personally  couldnt give a toss but find it  funny with all the moaning in  a  democratic  country such as the US

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Just now, kannot said:

Jing your scraping the barrel and protesting way too  much......baiting .............pah give me a  break

I point  out however  much you hate him and you do hate  him hes  legally  in , personally  couldnt give a toss but find it  funny with all the moaning in  a  democratic  country such as the US

We know he's legally in. That is not an argument. Nobody disagrees with that. Being legally in doesn't make him the emperor. Again, stop baiting me unless you ever have anything original to say that you haven't emitted a hundred times before. 

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


To be fair, "nasty homophobic foolishness" is more of a learned behavior. ☺️


If if you look at kids, they get along fine, have no preconceptions, till adults "teach" it to them.



Just like religion, should be banned as child abuse until the age of 18+

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9 minutes ago, kannot said:
12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Facts about trump's lies are low. No. He's low. 

but still in legally, its a  given they all lie

"They all lie" is a BS argument that aims to sneakily shift the discussion from the specific lies of a specific topic of discussion to a meaningless generalization. The fact is, "all sides" DON'T do it.


When you say, "they are all the same" - what are we to make of that? That we should not chastise anyone or call them out for particular lies in particular instances because "all politicians lie" so we should just disengage? Be completely cynical? Not care?


Each instance of lying needs to be called out on its own demerits, exposed and chastised and the liar held to account, not be allowed to slide on the baseless presumption that "they all do it"


It must also be noted that not all lies are equal. There are white lies, lies of omission, lies to avoid embarrassment, lies to deceive, scurrilous lies, misdirection, nefarious lies, and outright bullish!t. To lump them all together as "they all lie" is to equate a white lie with a scurrilous lie; to treat them the same, shrug and move on, thus letting the scurrilous liar escape accountability.



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1 minute ago, kannot said:

but still in legally, its a  given they all lie

Why are you saying in almost every post "but still in legally"!! So that means for you that you don't show respect, don't be a man of your words, and just do everything you can to screw people over, that part of legally??

Well, youjustbe a good trumpeteer and support this clown of a potus, btw, I didn't write potus in capitals, because the clown doesn't deserve this title!!!


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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



TV news in Australia.   If I'd known you were going to ask, I probably could have recorded them.


It's interesting that Obama only introduced it in the last months of his presidency, in a last ditch effort to make himself and democrats look better.


When I was serving in the military, Royal Australian Air Force, not even homosexuals were permitted to sign up, the logic being that since their activities were largely concealed, they were open to being blackmailed.  


Interestingly, the military have never been, nor ever will be, an equal opportunity employer.

Very true. Having had some experience in that area (security clearances), I can assure you the main reason gays were banned, was because in the 'old days' they were very suseptible to being manipulated through threat of exposure. And there were many cases of people being 'manipulated' by others in the past (both internal and external) which in the military was seen as too big a risk.  Nowadays that threat of exposure has nowhere near the negative impact it did have 50 years ago, and that is why the ban has been eased back.

But the Transgender ban is not about that issue - it is about leadership, teamwork, morale and costs.


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On 7/27/2017 at 9:29 AM, Skywalker69 said:

Transgender Navy SEAL Hero Issues A Challenge To Donald Trump 


Retired Navy SEAL veteran Kristin Beck responded to Donald Trump’s tweets about transgender individuals serving in the United States military.




No heel spur here!


45 is a coward and draft dodger. He can only bully people who have no defense. Hell I 'd gladly punch his lights out then he would sue me. 45 is a world class punk.

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14 minutes ago, kannot said:

I can change my  mind but it takes Guesthouse or Naam/Naams  dog-s to change it for me usually...............where is GH these  days?

Me too - change it often - I am always looking for one that works better.

GH (Bogie) is still around - doesnt waste his time with us idiots.

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5 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

45 is a coward and draft dodger. He can only bully people who have no defense. Hell I 'd gladly punch his lights out then he would sue me. 45 is a world class punk.

I thought the left wingers were all about peace and harmony and goodwill to all.

Amazes me how quickly they resort to violence at something they dont like.

PS - beating up a 70 year old makes you the punk.

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On 7/27/2017 at 10:15 AM, ben2talk said:

I really do still believe that he's just a comedian. He's really just taking the piss to find out how far he can take it...


America just upgraded from Democracy to Idiocracy.

45 is pushing to become America's first dictator. He will push and push until he's stopped; then he'll exit. He does not care a/b America's democracy or rule of law. He wants to "rake in" enormous wealth like his girlfriend Putin.

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15 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

But the Transgender ban is not about that issue - it is about leadership, teamwork, morale and costs.

In what way is it about "leadership, teamwork, morale and costs"?



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3 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

45 is pushing to become America's first dictator. He will push and push until he's stopped; then he'll exit. He does not care a/b America's democracy or rule of law. He wants to "rake in" enormous wealth like his girlfriend Putin.


I beg to differ. I believe Trump is the "girl" in that relationship.



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1 minute ago, kannot said:

well at least you have thrown the dummy out of the pram like JT ( POTY I voted for "legally")

Hes  in you have to live with it, moan all you like change it next time round, whats the point  nothings  permanent, call em out it wont change the result for another few  years then get the next bunch of liars in.

All his  lies have been pointed out, he's  still there hanging on and  the funniest thing is he   won.

Democracy and the duties of citizenship don't end after an election, to be put on hold till the next election. Holding leaders to account after elections is part of democracy and citizenship. 


In normal circumstances, citizens' and media's watchful eyes has the effect of curtailing leaders' worst instincts and moderating any radical behaviors. 


In Trump's case, that no longer can be taken as a given. In that sense you are right. It doesn't mean we give up and quietly accept whatever comes. It's possible things may be even worse if we did that. 


To to be vigilant and to oppose where opposition is warranted is the right thing to do regardless of who is in power. More so when a habitually lying greedy narcissistic megalomaniac is in power.




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Transgender troops: 'We're not burdens'


"Army Staff Sgt. Patricia King woke to her phone blowing up with calls and messages about the return of a ban on transgender people in the US military."

"Until she hears otherwise from her command, the infantry soldier said she plans to continue going to work, after 18 years of service and three tours of duty, she cannot imagine leaving the Army."
"The great thing about being in the military is when we take our oath we take it to our country," she said. "My service is not diminished in any way by what has transpired, and I'm eager to continue proudly serving my country."
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Trump Bans Transgender People, Then His Draft Dodging Papers Get Leaked


Yesterday, President Trump tweeted out (before he told the Pentagon – let that sink in for a minute) that the U.S. would be banning transgender individuals from military service.  It’s ironic for several reasons: First, it breaks a campaign promise that Trump made saying he would be a unique conservative standing with the LGBTQ community. Second, well, do we really want a p***** grabbing draft dodger deciding who is fit for service or not?




"Underwent an Armed Forces Physical Examination - Disqualified"

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