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Racism and Bigotry Among Thailand Expats

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1 hour ago, Ahab said:

So if reverse racism does not exist, that then means that only whites can be racists! Brilliant!


Racism can exist no matter what your race. White people have no monopoly on this ugly thing. Also I feel dumber for having read that article, total politically correct garbage. I will say it again, only someone who has become "well educated" at a university could spew such incomprehensible gibberish (and believe it). Common sense and reason are becoming endangered species,

Your first sentence was the point I was making. Lunacy but I believe it is correct legally.

Edited by binjalin
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3 minutes ago, binjalin said:

You have misunderstood my comment sir, I did not say they 'cannot' be racist, I said in legal terms. HiSo Thais are amongst the most racist people I have met. They loath dark skinned Thais and look down on farangs as only they are the 'chosen ones'. Maybe you misread?

I think you're right. The qualification of "legal terms" is what I missed, which changes the entire meaning of what you said. My apologies.

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7 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

I think you're right. The qualification of "legal terms" is what I missed, which changes the entire meaning of what you said. My apologies.

Thank you sir for your courtesy (so rare on TVF) and I can see I could have been clearer. 

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On July 27, 2017 at 8:36 AM, jesimps said:

I knew as soon as I saw the title of this post that it was going to be from a left-winger. Racist, bigot, fascist are words that naturally roll off their tongue. Now add to that, leaver or Brexiteer. These descriptions, the left apply to anyone who's political beliefs are in opposition to theirs. Even when they're in the minority, ie the US election and Brexit referendum result as cases in point, they still think the majority are extremists for not voting the same way as them. A bit like the soldier who says "Look mum, I'm the only one in step".


I genuinely believe that the left are the extemists, in fact I think a lot of their beliefs are evil. Without getting into a debate about it, I personally think that the killing of unborn babies is abominable. I think that letting immigration get out of control is letting the people of a country down. I believe that murderers should be put down. I abhor violent leftist protestors. I think that Brexit is a good thing for the UK, despite living in Thailand and struggling because of the low pound. I believe that everyone has the right to like or dislike who they choose and for whatever reason. Take you, I suspect you dislike right wingers and in my opinion, you have the right to do so. 


I don't like starting political threads on here, but when I see a post like yours I feel that it needs a response from someone who doesn't agree with what you say. I can't understand how you'd want to start a thread about it though. You're that soldier who I referred to in my first para.


By the way, I've been with my Thai wife for ten years and I'm incredibly happy, but I reserve the right to criticise her and other Thais whenever I choose. It doesn't make me a Thai basher. Same goes for what I think of other people and races. Goodness knows, I moan about the UK often enough. You'll probably find that the people you're generalising about, probably moan about their own country as much as any other. Of course, you won't admit that because it doesn't fit your political agenda.




A very good post. I find it very strange that during 30yts of Thailand, I have seldom heard any racialist remarks spoken. Comments about Thai drivers and corruption. Yes, but then my Thai wife also makes similar comments.

I have however heard many comments/ criticism  regarding events in the UK by UK ex-pats. So perhaps the OP is correct, in thinking many UK ex-pats are racialist against their fellow citizens, especially when they hold different views.

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On July 27, 2017 at 11:16 AM, iReason said:


That didn't take long.


Bigotry personified.


bigotry: noun bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself


I'm sure there will be more to come once the usual suspects on these forums tire of the thread they are on at the moment:

LGBT in the military.



Well done, you've just proven his point.

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On July 27, 2017 at 0:11 PM, roundtheworld said:

Brilliant post 19 from jesimps.


On the other end of the scale peter48 refers to ' the older, little educated ( no college education ) were most likely to vote Brexit. Such people with little education do not understand economics, tariff free trade, single market, importance of migration - .'  Are these the older working and lower middle class you refer to who have seen their wages decrease over the years or their jobs taken as the country opened up to uncontrolled immigration? Unskilled workers from poor countries who would work for half of what the Brits were working for and think they have hit the jackpot. Uncontrolled immigration from poor countries was never going to be good news for indigenous workers at the lower end of the scale.


Of course immigration can be beneficial to the economy and the natives if it is controlled and only those who can prove that they have the skills to work and a job available should be let in. I remember when the UK  joined the EEC . Good idea then. Single market and stronger together etc. Nobody said back then anything about laws being dicatated to from Brussels or courts ruling who could and couldn't be deported from ones country. I think it was in 2004 that the UK government estimated something like 13,000 Poles would arrive in the first year. That's how many showed up at Victoria bus station the first morning when work rules were relaxed. Politicians are either clueless or they have a bigger plan at hand. Import cheap labour for their buddies in big business?  Long term Brexit will benefit the U.K. Why be restrained to doing business with the failing EU when they can negotiate deals with the US, China, India and Australia for e.g? And they will still be trading with the EU. Expats abroad will suffer with a weak pound but this situation will rectify itself and the U.K will be a stronger country and once again independent of foreign interference. 


Those who have lost jobs or seen their wages fall or their own countries inner cities change beyond recognition in such a short period of time have every right to complain. They have been shouted down and called racist but they are only saying what they have seen unfold before their very eyes. And when expats here talk about Pakistanis or Nigerians for e.g. in negative tones that doesn't necessarily mean they would look down on Thais. Because it's obvious to most of them ( I hope )  the Thais are a totally different ballgame. A wonderful people and Thailand is a great country. 

Wow! Two great post in one tread.

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2 hours ago, Been there done that said:

I agree, we have to adapt to the standards of our immoral hosts.

Why on earth do you spend time in Thailand if you hold its people in such low regard? It's their turf, so blending in and keeping a low profile is a much more sensible thing to do.

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On July 27, 2017 at 2:26 PM, jenifer d said:

specific examples? just read almost EVERY post here regarding Muslims, katoey, or even Thai people...

Muslims have been mentioned once, tongue in cheek post 96. So how is that almost Every post.  I myself have been accused of Islamphobia/ racist for highliting  the antics of Muslim pedeophiles in many UK towns. This makes me very confused, as my two best friends ( Thai/ Farang) in Thailand over the last 30yrs are Thai Muslims.

  It would seem to me that many bigoted people, like to throw insults at those who hold opposing views. 


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On July 27, 2017 at 6:27 PM, jenifer d said:

actually, since i am quite famous as a musician on our island and elsewhere, in towns and cities from Betong (Yala) to Chiang Khan (Loei), i am known by literally thousands of Thais from ALL socioeconomic classes and walks of life- TV stars, governors, police chiefs, entrepreneurs, businesspeople, diplomats, laborers, - and THEY are the ones who have told me this (not vice versa) i know these thousands of Thais as well, and although they ALL know my name, i am terrible at names (it is a running joke among most Thais who know me, "dok mai can never remember anybody's names because she knows too many people") 

EVERY Thai person i know, without exception, is fiercely proud of the fact that Thailand has never been colonized, and in the same vein they deeply resent foreigners who come here and show off their money and/or settle here without learning the language or understanding the culture whatsoever...

there are several pejorative terms that are used, i know all of them, 99% of the time those epithets are used in farang's presence and the foreigner is none the wiser...

that is not to say we are not welcome here, we ARE- if we actually come here with an open mind and willingness to learn the who what when where and whys of Thai and Thainess, then we are embraced;

ask the several TVF members who live happily w/family in small villages (although our island is an increasingly popular tourist destination, we still have a resolutely small village feel, especially in my community where i live- despite the tourists since most residents were born here, unlike Phuket, Samui, etc, where several migrate to for work)

So famous, living on Lanta ( Krabi province). I am in Krabi never heard of you, just now, asked some Thais, strangely they also have never heard of you.

And by the way, my Thai wife was never a prostitute,as again your bigoted veiws tend to label all Thai wives of farangs  with that label. 

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13 minutes ago, iReason said:




Criticize bigots and get called a bigot in defense.


Youse guys are too funny.


Don't underestimate yourself.  You're hilarious!  :cheesy:

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26 minutes ago, nontabury said:

So famous, living on Lanta ( Krabi province). I am in Krabi never heard of you, just now, asked some Thais, strangely they also have never heard of you.

And by the way, my Thai wife was never a prostitute,as again your bigoted veiws tend to label all Thai wives of farangs  with that label. 

Yes - seems to be all about me, myself, & I - drum banging.....


Narcissism is not in short supply.....

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2 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Yes - seems to be all about me, myself, & I - drum banging.....


Narcissism is not in short supply.....

Take a read of Post 279. you are correct narcissism is not in short supply on TV

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11 hours ago, Been there done that said:

If the women were not so cheap and sexy, yes, I would not stay here.:partytime2:

You are a disgrace calling any woman cheap, you are likely to be one of those pot belly expats who think all women are in love with him. Bugger off to where you came from. All you do is tarnish the rest of the expat community in Thailand

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1 hour ago, Flying Kiwi said:

You are a disgrace calling any woman cheap, you are likely to be one of those pot belly expats who think all women are in love with him. Bugger off to where you came from. All you do is tarnish the rest of the expat community in Thailand

This is part of the attitudes I have been mentioning. Some expats decide to stay in Thailand because it`s cheap and suits their purposes, but they generally look down on the Thai population and the country as a whole. Easy to prove, only need to look at the many comments on these threads, whereas the terms Somchai and Thainess have become racist slangs.


I have known many expats who rarely integrate with the mainstream Thai population and prefer to live in what I describe as Farlang environments, in the heart of main cities where there are plenty of western style restaurants and in their comfort zones. The expats that do venture out to more rural areas are those that are usually married to Thai women but still prefer to keep to themselves and rarely become involved with the Thai communities around them because although it suits them to live there they still don`t particularly like the Thais or the country. 

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6 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

This is part of the attitudes I have been mentioning. Some expats decide to stay in Thailand because it`s cheap and suits their purposes, but they generally look down on the Thai population and the country as a whole. Easy to prove, only need to look at the many comments on these threads, whereas the terms Somchai and Thainess have become racist slangs.


I have known many expats who rarely integrate with the mainstream Thai population and prefer to live in what I describe as Farlang environments, in the heart of main cities where there are plenty of western style restaurants and in their comfort zones. The expats that do venture out to more rural areas are those that are usually married to Thai women but still prefer to keep to themselves and rarely become involved with the Thai communities around them because although it suits them to live there they still don`t particularly like the Thais or the country. 

Well said

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2 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

This is part of the attitudes I have been mentioning. Some expats decide to stay in Thailand because it`s cheap and suits their purposes, but they generally look down on the Thai population and the country as a whole. Easy to prove, only need to look at the many comments on these threads, whereas the terms Somchai and Thainess have become racist slangs.


I have known many expats who rarely integrate with the mainstream Thai population and prefer to live in what I describe as Farlang environments, in the heart of main cities where there are plenty of western style restaurants and in their comfort zones. The expats that do venture out to more rural areas are those that are usually married to Thai women but still prefer to keep to themselves and rarely become involved with the Thai communities around them because although it suits them to live there they still don`t paralytically like the Thais or the country. 


There are however many farang expats who do integrate especially those like me who live in rural Thailand where the next farang may be up to 20 km away.


quote from you  "The expats that do venture out to more rural areas are those that are usually married to Thai women but still prefer to keep to themselves and rarely become involved with the Thai communities around them because although it suits them to live there they still don`t paralytically like the Thais or the country."


I find the opposite is true with those of us living in rural areas. I tend to keep a little more to myself simply because at 73 it is more difficult to travel to a friends house, have a few drinks, some food and a good talk and then drive home again.


We ARE involved with Thais every day in the community. How could we not be? Out here if you don't like or cannot get on with the Thai people (despite being married and having luek krung children, then you need to stay in a farang ghetto and believe that you are happy, even if you are not.

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I find that at my age, I have go back and edit everything that I type.  I find myself misspelling words and omitting words that I think but don't type.  I developed that habit years ago so that I could revise and reinforce my writing.  Some posters are more interested in getting their ideas down and have not been professional writers.  It's OK.  It makes for a little rough reading sometimes but so long as the ideas are understandable it's acceptable.

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19 minutes ago, Been there done that said:

Truth hurts.

Been there and done what may I ask. I'd like to learn exactly what life experiences you have gained. Were you a traffic warden for 25 years or something because I have never seen such a bitter individual. I'm trying to find some positives. Has your life screwed up so bad that you take joy in trying to diminish whatever you see? Oh that's right I forgot I know your other username. Explains everything. 

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8 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Been there and done what may I ask. I'd like to learn exactly what life experiences you have gained. Were you a traffic warden for 25 years or something because I have never seen such a bitter individual. I'm trying to find some positives. Has your life screwed up so bad that you take joy in trying to diminish whatever you see? Oh that's right I forgot I know your other username. Explains everything. 

Sorry :shock1:.


Think you smoke too much pot. Makes you confused I see.


26 years.

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19 hours ago, Been there done that said:

If the women were not so cheap and sexy, yes, I would not stay here.:partytime2:

Some would say that you're the cheap one having to come to Thailand to be able to afford sexy women.

Decades as a dustman didn't end in a glorious pension, then, I take it?

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2 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

Some would say that you're the cheap one having to come to Thailand to be able to afford sexy women.

Decades as a dustman didn't end in a glorious pension, then, I take it?

No mate. Am not a pensioner. 


Good to read that you look down on working class people. Dustman.


You must be a highroller yourself then to make such a pathetic comment.

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8 minutes ago, Been there done that said:

No mate. Am not a pensioner. 


Good to read that you look down on working class people. Dustman.


You must be a highroller yourself then to make such a pathetic comment.

I don't think he was looking down on working class people, I think he was being sarcastic. BTW dustbin men is no longer used, they are now refuse collectors.

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13 minutes ago, vogie said:

I don't think he was looking down on working class people, I think he was being sarcastic. BTW dustbin men is no longer used, they are now refuse collectors.


I thought that their new name was refuse disposal operatives to be PC.

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