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Beach vendors complain about beggars


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Beach vendors complain about beggars


PATTAYA:--Pattaya beach vendors are complaining that beggars are causing public annoyance.


Jomtien Beach vendors called the media July 16 to vent their frustrations, with one showing a video getting aggressive with a tourist who refused to donate money. The beggar was chased away by others on the beach.


One vendor claimed the beggars come in groups of men, women and small children who trawl the beach for victims, often getting into confrontations with tourists.


Read more: http://www.pattayamail.com/news/beach-vendors-complain-beggars-181761

-- © Copyright Pattaya Mail 2017-07-28
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16 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

Worse thing you can do is make eye contact and say ANYTHING. That's just an opening for them to engage further

Get a pair of those V R goggles same as the bird is wearing so you don't have to do the eye contact thing and if they still insist on striking up a conversation just reply with loads of cockney rhyming slang  .. It confuses the hell out of them and they usually move on fairly rapido looking for another billy .. And it works equally as well with irritating bar-girls , freelancers , waitress's etc .. knowhatimsaying

.. ?

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Q: Mr farang, can you help give me money ?


A: What you offer for me 555


There is nothing so pleasant on Jomtien beach as relaxing in a deck chair under an umbrella and having a food vendor cook some really tasty lunch for you. I might also add that the masseuse are the best in Thailand, But I only do all that a few times each year. Should do it more..............Beggars can beg off.

Edited by Muhendis
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14 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Stones , glasshouses , throwing and don't are forming a picture in my mind .. How does it go again  .. ?

The word is "shouldn't" not "don't", but your point is valid. People who bother you complaining about other people bothering you, is, to put it mildly, hilarious.

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7 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

Yes the Two faced beach  vendors,   showing there true colors

Get rid of the lot.

Jeez' two faced Thai's .!  would you Adam'n'Eve that .. All is not what it appears to be in this place is it .? Shocking revelations such as this are beginning to undermine the wisdom of our decision to set up here lock ' stock 'n' barrell .. Are there anymore unsavoury aspects ot Thai life we should know about .? :ph34r:

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On 28/07/2017 at 9:05 AM, brianj1964 said:

the girl in the photo doesnt look disabled, shes doing the "Mork" hand gesture or was it Spock

Hahaha .. Yea well observed there bj .. bit of an age giveway that you can remember M 'n' M but top observation on you're part .. haha 

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9 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Jeez' two faced Thai's .!  would you Adam'n'Eve that .. All is not what it appears to be in this place is it .? Shocking revelations such as this are beginning to undermine the wisdom of our decision to set up here lock ' stock 'n' barrell .. Are there anymore unsavoury aspects ot Thai life we should know about .? :ph34r:

Spend 20 years here and you will enlightened,  beyond your wildest dreams.

ok,   me old china !!!!!!!!!!!  :coffee1:

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25 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

Spend 20 years here and you will enlightened,  beyond your wildest dreams.

ok,   me old china !!!!!!!!!!!  :coffee1:

20 bloody years !! .. Christonabike I don't know if I could last that long here Stan but I doff my hat to you Sir if you've been here that time .. 

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I have noticed an increase in Cambodians staying near the beach, maybe families of construction workers , maybe no more jobs here so they start begging instead.

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On 7/28/2017 at 2:18 PM, ezzra said:

I think those beggars brigades are not Thai, they tend to be from

neighboring countries.. and from what i have heard, they belong to a mafia

type that put out there to generate income...

exactly! just like the Romani clans  all over Europe generating millions of dollars a year, sending it back to a Romanian town called Buzescu 100 Kms South of Bucharest, full of multi-million dollar villas built by the "donations"

Edited by pattayadude
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On 7/28/2017 at 6:38 AM, amdy2206 said:

Well it makes a change to the Beach vendors annoying the public.

what on earth is that supposed to mean....????   Asking if you might like to sit down perhaps....?   Jesus wept there are some bells about

Edited by Chivas
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