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One dead in knife attack in Hamburg supermarket, motive unclear


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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

Well fear is a  precursor to hate, hate generates bilious commendatory. Afraid??? your choice, not mine.

we all need to fear Islam as it is a religion of violence and supremacy, but we should not hate Muslims as they are just as much victims of this pernicious ideology as the rest of us.

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45 minutes ago, halloween said:

<snip> hope you realise that terrorists can't tell, or even care, if the infidels they kill are PC sympathisers.

I have never articulated sympathy / support for Islamists. Put up or shut up.

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1 minute ago, simple1 said:

I have never articulated sympathy / support for Islamists. Put up or shut up.

Almost every post of yours is a support for Islamists. You continually claim that muslims are not to blame for muslim terrorism, ignoring that before they were terrorists they were muslims. Islam is a breeding ground for terrorism, based on a myth force fed to gullible children.

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4 minutes ago, halloween said:

Almost every post of yours is a support for Islamists. You continually claim that muslims are not to blame for muslim terrorism,<snip>

You're lying, as I said put up or shut up

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38 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

1600 knife attacks in 2017 throughout Germany.

4000 knife attacks in 2016 throughout Germany


Guess who carried out most them.


Merkels illegal  open door policy bears fruit.




Bad as it is if the reporting is correct, there were 34,443 violent attacks using a weapon in Germany during 2016. No doubt you will be pleased to learn "A significant proportion of bodily harm offences resulted from fights between migrants, while only about six percent of violent offenses were directed at a nonmigrant". 



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5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Bad as it is if the reporting is correct, there were 34,443 violent attacks using a weapon in Germany during 2016. No doubt you will be pleased to learn "A significant proportion of bodily harm offences resulted from fights between migrants, while only about six percent of violent offenses were directed at a nonmigrant". 



Is that supposed to make it acceptable? Can you not understand the monetary cost of policing and hospitals, as well as the social cost of a violent society?

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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Bad as it is if the reporting is correct, there were 34,443 violent attacks using a weapon in Germany during 2016. No doubt you will be pleased to learn "A significant proportion of bodily harm offences resulted from fights between migrants, while only about six percent of violent offenses were directed at a nonmigrant". 



I'm not sure how that advances your argument that the immigrants are peaceful?


Its become depressingly obvious that a percentage of 'refugees' are nothing of the sort - they're actually violent and very religious, a bad combination....


But this is straying from the topic as to how a known (?) religious extremist was allowed to live within the community once his 'refugee' status had (finally....) been denied by the courts?

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43 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'm not sure how that advances your argument that the immigrants are peaceful?


Its become depressingly obvious that a percentage of 'refugees' are nothing of the sort - they're actually violent and very religious, a bad combination....


But this is straying from the topic as to how a known (?) religious extremist was allowed to live within the community once his 'refugee' status had (finally....) been denied by the courts?

Never suggested all immigrants are peaceful, there is crime represented in all national / religious groups. Yes there does seem to be a gap in German law for detention of undocumented / rejected asylum seekers. Believe European Commission is currently looking to make recommendations to address the issue uniformly across member countries.

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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

@simple1 put your figures into relation to the specific muslim illegal migrant groups and not in proportion to the whole population. the result is an 80 % increase caused by muslim crime violence.




Most of the crimes are committed by repeat offenders, and just 1 per cent of migrants account for 40 per cent of migrant crimes, according to the figures.

Refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria are statistically less likely to commit crimes than rejected asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants from elsewhere.

The highest crime rate was among migrants from the Balkans, Morocco, Algeria and the former Soviet Union, who have little chance of being granted asylum.

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@simple1 obviously you did not learn the ropes announced on wednesday by the european high court....every migrant entering under merkel's open door policy is illegal. syrians etc. coming from turkey, jordan are no refugees, they are illegals. whereby syrians, iraquies, afghanies, somalis are the most quoted violent criminals pertaining sexual offences.


australia very well done no more boat illegals and soon no fake refugees.




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13 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

@simple1 obviously you did not learn the ropes announced on wednesday by the european high court....every migrant entering under merkel's open door policy is illegal. syrians etc. coming from turkey, jordan are no refugees, they are illegals. whereby syrians, iraquies, afghanies, somalis are the most quoted violent criminals pertaining sexual offences.


australia very well done no more boat illegals and soon no fake refugees.




Obviously you believe your opinions overrule international rule of law / Conventions in regard to asylum seekers. However, just to point out what the European Court of Justice ruled was: 


"Right of member states to deport asylum-seekers to the first EU country they enter". 




Merkel's so called Open Door policy was to assist asylum seekers, particularly aimed at Syrians, but abused by economic migrants, who were not being processed under the terms of Dublin regulations due to insufficient funding and resources for front line countries. It's still very much in doubt the Dublin regulations will be effective due to ongoing under funding by EU member states, especially those moving to the right of centre such as Hungary & Poland.


Regards Australia, you're incorrect, with more than 6000 arriving by air p.a., as they have done for years, then claim asylum.

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Simple 1 ,give it up ,your like the voice in the wilderness , no one is listening , you can print your "facts" all day long , you will not change our minds , now i know you will come out with your usual stuff ,but your flogging a dead horse .

go off and live your peacfull life amongst your lovely muslim mates , :ph34r:

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Posts containing links to a foreign language news site have been removed:


English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

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32 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Simple 1 ,give it up ,your like the voice in the wilderness , no one is listening , you can print your "facts" all day long , you will not change our minds , now i know you will come out with your usual stuff ,but your flogging a dead horse .

go off and live your peacfull life amongst your lovely muslim mates , :ph34r:

As one other poster said in another topic as soldiers were marching "look mum, I'm the only one in step"

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21 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

we all need to fear Islam as it is a religion of violence and supremacy,

but we should not hate Muslims as they are just as much victims of this pernicious ideology as the rest of us.


Reminds me of a tune pounded into my head as a child:


Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See his banners go!
At the sign of triumph
Satan’s host doth flee;
On, then, Christian soldiers,
On to victory.
Hell’s foundations quiver
At the shout of praise;
Brothers, lift your voices,
Loud your anthems raise.
Like a mighty army
Moves the Church of God;
Brothers, we are treading
Where the Saints have trod.
We are not divided;
All one body we:
One in hope and doctrine,
One in charity.
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1 hour ago, bert bloggs said:

Simple 1 ,give it up ,your like the voice in the wilderness , no one is listening , you can print your "facts" all day long , you will not change our minds , now i know you will come out with your usual stuff ,but your flogging a dead horse .

go off and live your peacfull life amongst your lovely muslim mates , :ph34r:

Atypical right wing attempt at censorship. If you are not interested in what I say, don't / read respond to my posts. Your claims of 'our' / 'we'  is belonging  to one of the ugliest groups in Western society. So long as 'your' group posts despicable content I'll respond in accordance to forum rules. Enjoy your myopic fear fuelled life. Trust I will not be hearing from you again.

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1 hour ago, bert bloggs said:

Simple 1 ,give it up ,your like the voice in the wilderness , no one is listening , you can print your "facts" all day long , you will not change our minds , now i know you will come out with your usual stuff ,but your flogging a dead horse .

go off and live your peacfull life amongst your lovely muslim mates , :ph34r:

Peaceful? Where is that? Honest question... 

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There does seem to be some serious self-censorship by the mainstream European press and media - and not just about attacks by Islamic extremists.  In the UK there's been a series of cowardly attacks in the street using acid - and the UK press did not give any details on the victims for several days.  But the Dhaka Times reported that the two victims and the attacker were Bengali Muslims.


Comes to something when we have to read the Dhaka Times to find out what's going on in London!

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31 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

to keep the people happy www.independent.co.uk  second muslim terror attack in germany in a night club within 1 week. muslim from iraq shot 2 dead, several people wounded.




Criminal, not Islamist terror

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On 7/29/2017 at 10:10 AM, sweatalot said:

If the police don't say the attacker is a genuine German then it is not unlikely that he belongs to that peaceful group of people that criminal chancellor Merkel invited to harrass her people.

Yes more suppression of free speech in Germany the new great stasi state...  worse than pravda at least pravda benefitted the Russian people...

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19 minutes ago, losworld said:

Yes more suppression of free speech in Germany the new great stasi state...  worse than pravda at least pravda benefitted the Russian people...

What are you going on about, it was fairly quickly established the killer was known to police as a supporter of Islamist ideology and reported in MSM. Even media loathed by the right of centre such as the BBC, Guardian and Independent e.g.



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Just now, simple1 said:

What are you going on about, it was fairly quickly established the killer was known to police as a supporter of Islamist ideology and reported in MSM. Even media loathed by the right of centre such as the BBC, Guardian and Independent e.g.



check the laws pertaining to surveillance and regarding the media and censorship and you will see Germany is a Stasi syle state pretending to be otherwise...

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6 minutes ago, losworld said:

check the laws pertaining to surveillance and regarding the media and censorship and you will see Germany is a Stasi syle state pretending to be otherwise...

How about providing a link to the government legislation to prove your point. It's proven extremists of all persuasions resist legislation to stop hate speech / calls to violence. perhaps that's what you're talking to?

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21 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

5555, a muslim arab iraq man stormed into a night club with a US-M 16 assault rifle firing 30 rounds into the crowd of innocent christian, thats plain terror mate.




Nope it is currently alleged it was an attack by a Iraqi Kurd criminal against a property owned by his father in law with whom he had had an argument. Bouncer was killed, was he of Christian heritage? If he was probably not the actual target for revenge killing, though investigations may prove otherwise. In this specific instance, best to wait and see the outcome of police investigations before claiming an act of Islamist terror.



An update OP on TV...



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5555 German police said....the same BS like Swedish police on Swedish media suppressing details, espicially as there are in 7 weeks national election in Germany. Thus any bad public publicity about illegal muslims or muslim migrants would hurt Merkel.




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20 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

5555 German police said....the same BS like Swedish police on Swedish media suppressing details, espicially as there are in 7 weeks national election in Germany. Thus any bad public publicity about illegal muslims or muslim migrants would hurt Merkel.




OK, without any doubt whatsoever a true believer. 

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