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Chinese tourists arrested after Hitler salutes in Germany


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22 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

Give it time there's probably someone working on the concept of an all in package with conversion included even as we sleep though given how controversial even what you eat is when you immerse yourself in a following it's probably preferable to take a package tour in Germany to watch the Chinese .. 

This has already been addressed. A woman that goes through the difficult Jewish conversion process then becomes a Jew and her children are considered Jews unless they later renounce their Jewish identity and follow another faith. That would be the same for any Jewish person. You're basically a Jew unless you take some conscious action to stop being a Jew, which usually involves practicing another religion. But the "rules" are often very liberal. Many Jews are also practicing Buddhists and still identify as Jewish. 


Of course it can be complicated. For example a man named Itzak Goldenblatt that enters the Catholic priesthood and looks like Jerry Seinfeld is still going to be perceived as a Jew by most people. All part of the unusual aspect of Jewish being BOTH a religion and ethnicities. 

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56 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Modern world Jewry is mostly located in the USA and Israel. Relatively small numbers in the U.K. If you have stats on pork eating among U.K Jews by all means share.  

To add to correct your false assertion that pork eating is rare among Jews as I have done in general isn't necessarily a positive thing to say about Jews! That's subjective. It could be seen as positive, negative, or neutral. To Muslims that are more observant in such matters it might lead to label Jews as Godless. To more traditional Christian tradition antisemites which actually does touch on Hitler as though not a Christian movement he exploited already existing antisemitism, lack of observance could be used to label Jews as being atheistic globalist cosmopolitans. That would be used more towards successful assimilated Jews rather than traditional ghetto Jews. We see similar coded attacks on Jews in the American fascist white Christian nativist trumpist movement.


However the facts are used or not used pork eating Jews are not rare.













Jesus Christ geeza' have you not seen some of the other contributors comments on where this ( you are ) taking this .. What started as a story about Chinese behaving badly in Germany has been turned into a theological lesson into the history of Religion and the relevant preferences of comestible's taken by different followings not withstanding where or where not the following partake .. How far back you going with this .. the Old Testament .? I stand by my light hearted observation that Pork is not on the table at Jewish functions in the UK .. It is a fact not a slight , not a slur , it carries no hidden message  That's the way it is .. If I were invited to a Jewish function ( and it happens , people who are not J'ish are invited to Jewish functions ) I would not expect to be offered a Ham sarnie and for what it's worth a lot of Jewish people will even make a joke of it / that .. and if you wish to understanding how self deprecating Jewish people can be go to a Spurs home game ( as I'm guessing you're not English thats Soccer or football ) As I'm sure you know Spurs is a predominately Jewish club ..  now go and listen to what the home fans chant .. about thereselves .. And do you know why they chant these songs .? Because they are able to see the lighter side of life they don't take it all so terribly serious as you appear to do .. Ever seen Sasha Baron Cohen's movie's Borat or the Dictator .? This is a Jewish bloke with a sense of humour and people love him for it .. You run the risk of incurring the displeasure of other contributors by continue to divert from the original subject of Chinese playing up in Germany .. Let it go dude there's no more mileage in it ..  :post-4641-1156694606:

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21 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

I stand by my light hearted observation that Pork is not on the table at Jewish functions in the UK ..

Ignoring most of your obviously aggressively baiting noise in that post to focus on your obvious distortion of reality.


Your original post ONLY said this --




Dont know about that but I'm fairly sure pork will be off the table .. 



Then here you said: I stand by my light hearted observation that Pork is not on the table at Jewish functions in the UK.
That is NOT what you originally said.
I originally responded to your general statement which clearly suggested that Jews don't eat pork. But actually, so many of them do, including the majority of American Jews. Which I have backed up with a credible source, not anecdotal.
I NEVER said it was a slur to suggest Jews don't eat pork. But it was false information and it's now corrected. Many do and many don't.
IF you had originally mentioned  in a specific way Jewish functions, of course I would have totally agreed with you about that, in the UK and everywhere. People can't read your mind. If you meant Jewish functions you should have said that originally and there never would have been any response. 
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1 minute ago, bberrythailand said:

If Germany had finished the job they would be allowed to salute ! Even encouraged !



Very doubtful as that would imply Japan would have won too and the Chinese would be their slaves, not taking tours to Germany. 

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What's the big deal?


In certain countries,  to insult monarchy, leads to jail or real big trouble anyhow...


In Germany, to glorify nazi or white supremacist criminals also get's you busted!....


Europe has very strict laws against public apology of racism, white supremacy, xenopohobia...and that is what makes Europe a civilised continent...


Sensible advice is to stay far out from politics in any manner when you are not in your homeland....or else...accept the consequences when you get busted....and hiding behind a computer may not help for ever in preaching hate!.....

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On 06/08/2017 at 6:41 PM, Prbkk said:

Germany managed to miss the real threats from Nazi-revivalists, like the gang inMunich murdering people for TEN YEARS before the police got lucky and wished-up.

I'm not sure who you mean but if it's the Baader-Meinhoff gang they were distinctly anti-nazi and fuelled to a large extent by young peoples perception of a failed denazification of Germany after the war.

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On 06/08/2017 at 1:20 PM, NanLaew said:

Can you give me a link to any Hollywood movie that glamorized the nazi's? Siskel and Ebert must have missed it too.

 I would have thought it's pretty self-evident. A small sample then, of the sort of thing I mean:


"One of the artists in the exhibition has collected film stills and publicity photos from movies that show handsome actors playing Nazis, to demonstrate that Hollywood glamorizes evil, ... ."


Michael Kimmerman, ART REVIEW; Evil, the Nazis and Shock Value. New York Times, March 15 2002.


I could refer you to Starship Troopers, but I would be being disingenuous, as the director clearly intended a satirical message (as compared to the book).

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15 hours ago, swanny321 said:

    Not as if you can salute the cucked german men they have today.


cucked -- alt right code word.

That's a pathetic thing to miss, dude.

Genocidal fascist leaders to give a Seig Heil to. 

Could be an alt right thing ... 


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Just now, Jingthing said:

Nazis were not leftists. They were hard core right wing fascists. You've defined cucked according to a typical alt-right definition. I didn't need the confirmation. It was already obvious by the context. 


  I've no clue what alt-right even means!

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The Chinese tourists were clearly stupid and hadn't bothered referring to any guide books.  I've no doubt they also have no idea as to why the hitler salute is so offensive to so many Europeans....


I agree with a previous poster - make them watch genuine film of the concentration camp horrors, and them release them to their Embassy to be returned back home.


With a bit of luck they'll realise the link between the Japanese horrors to the Chinese and the nazi horrors in Europe - and educate their similarly wealthy friends.

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39 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The Chinese tourists were clearly stupid and hadn't bothered referring to any guide books.  I've no doubt they also have no idea as to why the hitler salute is so offensive to so many Europeans....


I agree with a previous poster - make them watch genuine film of the concentration camp horrors, and them release them to their Embassy to be returned back home.


With a bit of luck they'll realise the link between the Japanese horrors to the Chinese and the nazi horrors in Europe - and educate their similarly wealthy friends.

Its a variation on the other antics such as writing graffiti on historical monuments.

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  Maybe the Chinese we're objecting to the kind of censorship they know only too well!

Bending over backwards for an absurd excuse now eh?
I think it's fair to assume they were ignorant about the German laws and of history as well.
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