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Leave our dolphins alone - petition started to save Pattaya roundabout!

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57 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


That's a subject of debate, actually, and both terms are commonly used. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/21073/does-one-drive-a-motorcycle-or-ride-it.


Forum rules prohibit grammar police, BTW. That's why I don't get to correct your mistakes. Nor is the discussion affected materially by the usage of one term over the other.



A motorbike's moving faster or not has nothing to do w/ whether a light will improve the overall traffic situation at the roundabout. It has nothing to do with whether more accidents will occur at that intersection because lights are there because vehicles will jump the lights. As I noted, there's no reason to think any such thing.



Have another one, pal. Next.

Who makes mention of accidents or light jumping .. Not I .. I but only pointed out that motorbikes by definition can move about faster after you're post that you ride a motorcycle and as such you're follow on observation's are irrelevant .. You are less likely to be caught up in jams than 4 wheel + motorists have to endure .. That is fact which is why big cities have motorcycle couriers , paramadics , police , postal service etc etc .. They all use motorcycles because no suprise they get across town faster than a car .. Go to Bangkok motorcyclists rarely get held up there .. And when they are held at lights have you not noticed how they all get to the front of the queue for the off which gives them a stretch of open road so they don't sort of get held up .. Have you not seen that .. And motorcycle taxi's why do you think they use 'erm motorcycles .? But if you wanna put it to the test take a meter taxi car across Patt ' you'll probably find its a lot slower than the same journey on a motorcycle which brings us back to the original story topic about the Dolphin roundabout that speaks only of traffic flow it makes no mention of accidents .. Whether the roundabout remains or not is not for I to say .. Pattaya's whole traffic control situation needs to be reviewed with ever more traffic piling in .. But as I alluded to understanding how to go about a solution be that by R/bout , lights , signs , new roads or even a return to traffic directors as China have requires first something to be done .. 2nd call ' answers on a post .. 


I drive a truck , I drive a car and my licensing for them puts it that way .. exactly .. Driving .. My licence for a motorcycle is to ride a motorcycle .. There is a distinct difference .. If I transgress the traffic laws back home on my motorcycle my summons will always state " riding ' or 'rode ' contrary to blah blah .. Transgress in my truck and the summons will start with drove or driving contrary to blah blah so actually it is not subject to debate ..  it is quite clear and quite clearly different .. Or another way to look at it is you don't " drive " a bicycle you ride one and as motorcycles started out as bicycles with motor's attatched to them ( hence the name ) It follows you would continue to ride and not drive one  .. :shock1:

18 hours ago, webfact said:

They said that the landmark had been named as one of the twelve most beautiful in the world in 2015 by the "British Roundabout Association".

Just when I thought I'd heard everything 555... 


I bet the Police don't want it ripping out either, it is their favourite spot for pulling over tourists and hitting them with a fine.


Roundabout would work better if the oversized coaches were kept away from it.


anyone who lives in pattaya north knows how useless this traffic circle is...beautiful yes,functional NO...

On 8/8/2017 at 5:34 PM, JSixpack said:
On 8/8/2017 at 10:17 AM, mikebell said:

It's just another building scheme to enable back-handers.



No, it's a building scheme to improve traffic flow, just as the promenade greatly improved the flow down Beach Rd. Try to get over the tea money/brown envelope obsession.

Dear Mr Pack, I used to be like you & thought I lived in paradise where all Thais were angels.  Then I had to pay over 60,000 baht thanks to a bent, racist cop.  That didn't include an under the table sum in a brown envelope which necessitate my wife selling her gold.  The exact sum she will not disclose lest I lose all control.


14 hours ago, jacko45k said:

I bet the Police don't want it ripping out either, it is their favourite spot for pulling over tourists and hitting them with a fine.


Roundabout would work better if the oversized coaches were kept away from it.

yes the tour buses have destroyed this city..they are great where they belong (motorways).I don't mind the tourists ,just keep the filthy buses out

On 8/9/2017 at 2:04 AM, Justgrazing said:

Who makes mention of accidents or light jumping .. Not I .. I but only pointed out that motorbikes by definition can move about faster after you're post that you ride a motorcycle and as such you're follow on observation's are irrelevant .. You are less likely to be caught up in jams than 4 wheel + motorists have to endure .. That is fact which is why big cities have motorcycle couriers , paramadics , police , postal service etc etc .. They all use motorcycles because no suprise they get across town faster than a car .. Go to Bangkok motorcyclists rarely get held up there .. And when they are held at lights have you not noticed how they all get to the front of the queue for the off which gives them a stretch of open road so they don't sort of get held up .. Have you not seen that .. And motorcycle taxi's why do you think they use 'erm motorcycles .? But if you wanna put it to the test take a meter taxi car across Patt ' you'll probably find its a lot slower than the same journey on a motorcycle





which brings us back to the original story topic about the Dolphin roundabout that speaks only of traffic flow it makes no mention of accidents .. Whether the roundabout remains or not is not for I to say .. Pattaya's whole traffic control situation needs to be reviewed with ever more traffic piling in .. But as I alluded to understanding how to go about a solution be that by R/bout , lights , signs , new roads or even a return to traffic directors as China have requires first something to be done ..



Here's your allusion, or rather illusion:


Roundabouts are a product of those damned farangs and you know how much they loath adopting anything Western here apart from um mobiles , cars , a/c , electricity , ATM's ,  etc etc .. 



I drive a truck , I drive a car and my licensing for them puts it that way .. exactly .. Driving .. My licence for a motorcycle is to ride a motorcycle .. There is a distinct difference .. If I transgress the traffic laws back home on my motorcycle my summons will always state " riding ' or 'rode ' contrary to blah blah .. Transgress in my truck and the summons will start with drove or driving contrary to blah blah so actually it is not subject to debate ..  it is quite clear and quite clearly different .. Or another way to look at it is you don't " drive " a bicycle you ride one and as motorcycles started out as bicycles with motor's attatched to them ( hence the name ) It follows you would continue to ride and not drive one  .. :shock1:



It doesn't matter what you think. People use the terms interchangeably and I gave you a reference for that. They're gon' keep doing it, and I am, so you can either suck it up or continue to imagine you have a point that means anything; further silly grammar bickering will be reported as they're against forum rules, which is why I don't get to shred your grammar. 


On 8/9/2017 at 10:25 AM, mikebell said:

Dear Mr Pack, I used to be like you & thought I lived in paradise where all Thais were angels. 



I don't think think that way. How silly and naive of you to set yourself up for an easy fleecing. Thailand really proves the old saying about a fool and his money, eh.



Then I had to pay over 60,000 baht thanks to a bent, racist cop.  That didn't include an under the table sum in a brown envelope which necessitate my wife selling her gold.  The exact sum she will not disclose lest I lose all control.



On the other hand, a cop once saved me B80,000 and asked nothing; I tipped B1000. But I think we've arrived at the reason then for joining the Brown Envelope Bots with one-note posts that don't add anything, really just express your own resentment and are therefore akin to mere whinging. Surely you'd be happier to move on and get over it, as I suggested in my original reply to your sneer. Here ya go: 12 Steps to Overcoming Bitterness.



On 8/8/2017 at 7:35 PM, Moonmoon said:

I can tell u something, it is just a scam to ask for money to improve the road conditions while pocketing part of the money meant for contractors. After a few years, they will suggest something else and ask for mony again to improve so that they can pocket the money again. Dont ask me, my mother in law who is an expert in matters like this told me so.


Are you new here? No need to consult the mother in law. Whenever any public works project is announced, the mighty TVF Tea Money Chorus always arrives to chant the chants, engage in phony hand wringing, and appear wise & shrewd. Now in Asia generally things don't get done without the grease; there's a good bit of it the West as well, BTW. But you'll have to ask yourself whether you'd be enjoying yourself as much w/o roads, bridges, internet, electricity, BTS, and cellphone service. I kinda doubt that, since you're posting on the Pattaya forum and are able to do so. Note that if something doesn't get done, it's owing to lack of tea money. It's always tea money here you see. The counterpart for private constructions is the TVF New Construction Syndrome. You may see its expression in initial threads on anything such as Terminal 21.


And it's not many of your tax dollars financing anything anyway. Nor can you do a thing about it. So why worry? Meanwhile, it's a nice day in Pattaya. :smile:


On 8/8/2017 at 10:04 PM, Sydebolle said:

Let's face it - someone has to make some money again.



This way would appear more productive than some.



All, I repeat, ALL traffic lights along the railway were never switched on. Same applies to the intersections at Wat Suttawat, Siam Country Road's Mitrkamol intersection as well as the intersection in Nong Prue. 

Millions of wasted tax Baht for traffic light systems which are purposely not switched on. Now, go figure what happens with the Dolphin roundabout.



I've figured and concluded the lights will be switched on.


As a history lesson I'd note that it was firmly predicted that there would be no lights at all at the major intersections on the uneeded 3rd Rd. Gotta love Pattaya doomsayers.



. . . a Grand Prix track . . . . At the moment there is no evidence to suggest that traffic lights will be installed. The fourth solution, and the one most likely to be adopted, is to do sweet nothing! First come first across, and where is the nearest hospital? . . . What on earth is the point of the new Third Road? (Apart from providing the local idiots with a race track.) It ends in a full stop at the Crystal Beach which hardly anyone wants to visit. . . .

Oliver W. Minto, "What to do about Third Road junctions," Pattaya Mail, Vol. V No.11 Friday 14 March 1997 - 20 March 1997


6 hours ago, JSixpack said:


Are you new here? No need to consult the mother in law. Whenever any public works project is announced, the mighty TVF Tea Money Chorus always arrives to chant the chants, engage in phony hand wringing, and appear wise & shrewd. Now in Asia generally things don't get done without the grease; there's a good bit of it the West as well, BTW. But you'll have to ask yourself whether you'd be enjoying yourself as much w/o roads, bridges, internet, electricity, BTS, and cellphone service. I kinda doubt that, since you're posting on the Pattaya forum and are able to do so. Note that if something doesn't get done, it's owing to lack of tea money. It's always tea money here you see. The counterpart for private constructions is the TVF New Construction Syndrome. You may see its expression in initial threads on anything such as Terminal 21.




R u humorless? Or u cannot understand mother in laws' jokes.


Where in my comment did I come across as worried? 

Was I making any complains? 

Don't make baseless assumptions. Have a nice day.


An off topic post has been removed, everyone knows about your accident please do not keep bringing it up again and again, thank you

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


The idea of the intersection is to increase traffic flow from road into Terminal 21.  Terminal 21 is the new landmark...Get out of the way dolphin! Get out of the way!  Comercialization is here, forget the beaches and mother nature make way for big money.

On 10/08/2017 at 7:59 AM, JSixpack said:




Here's your allusion, or rather illusion:




It doesn't matter what you think. People use the terms interchangeably and I gave you a reference for that. They're gon' keep doing it, and I am, so you can either suck it up or continue to imagine you have a point that means anything; further silly grammar bickering will be reported as they're against forum rules, which is why I don't get to shred your grammar. 


Honestly pack that honorary Thai citizenship you have been annointed with is not allowing you an untrammelled view of the problems traffic is causing Patt' and it's ability to function is it .? Dolphin roundabout is just one symptomatic spot of the ailment in this city .. Too much traffic .. And it will not improve because there is not the Political will , the vision , the " Blue sky thinking  " and dare I say the ability needed to find a solution here .. And if they have opened the box of solutions looking for one I suggest they closed it fairly quickly when they seen what is involved if they want to truly get on top of this .. That is not Thai bashing that is the way it is .. It is part of the national psyche not to accept advice or guidance .. Particularly from the West .. The traffic problems here now are nothing new .. London sought to tackle similar problems nearly 20 yrs ago and it still took 5 yrs development before their system was initiated early 2000's .. Other European cities had no problem going to see how the Brits went about it and a lot thought Hmmm not a bad idea we'll do the same .. Which they did .. And do you know the true magnificence of these schemes .? They make their cities pots and pots of money now .. Now that I would have thought would appeal to the Thai's but it would need a political bulldozer to force through the changes to Thai society that these schemes need to work .. Think mandatory vehicle , driver , insurance , databases that are enforced without mercy as in absolutely zero tolerance of violators .. Can you see that happening here .? It would require new depts of Government to be created and existing ones co-operating with one another on a hitherto previously unseen level .. Can you see that happening here .? And all of this is before you even install all the hardware needed and the major disruption that will bring .. ( road closures , sewerage diversions ) Can you see that happening .? Anecdotal accounts of how someone can get across Patt' on a motorcycle are just that .. the reality for the cars , pick-ups , trucks and buses is not the same .. In the short term a solution of sorts will be found at Dolphin but that's all it will be .. Short term before the next choke point arrives and so it goes .. But don't take my word about how London went about it there's enough on the 'Net to research on the subject .. The " what I think doesn't matter " was a touching thought on you're part unfortunately though again it is irrelevant as if you retrace my post you will find no mention of the term " I think ".. I'll not engage in semantics over whether one rides a motorcycle or not .. My position is defined by law , your's is opinion ..  Law is fact , Opinion is ? .. The reference you speak of .? Thanks but I don't ( open ) I find they can spoil the spontaneity of posts and some people also use them as smokebombs .. but in return I try to do likewise posting photo's only as you know what they say about pictures and a 1000 words etc .. 






JustgrazingThanks for a refreshing  balanced post.

 The usual retort will be that you're using the classic "Apples & oranges comparison".

Most of the negativity on here is seeded by the bad experiences foreigners have historicly suffered.
After all nobody came here with a dislike of any Thai people.


Like many commited foreigners  .....married+kids+property+vehicles+ pets+med.ins+acc.ins. etc etc.........
Anyway. I could fill a page of khrap encouters dealing with " So-called grown ups" at schools+ tessabans+ amphurs+ police+ other drivers+imm. police+ hospitals+ clinics+lawyers etc etc

Not to mention all the effluence accidentally encountered in Pattaya's underbelly.


Do the constant Thai apologists have any skin in the game?  I doubt it.
Some need to get out of the hospitality zone as they don't realise their hosts are paid to pretend to smile and like the falang.

Apologies 'cos I haven't spent all day cherry picking and editing quotes that suit my agenda.
also I haven't used an app. to help me use five dollar words correctly.
Off the cuff....It is what it is.

yours sincerely
dread pirate roberts

  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/11/2017 at 8:01 PM, Justgrazing said:

Honestly pack that honorary Thai citizenship you have been annointed with is not allowing you an untrammelled view of the problems traffic is causing Patt' and it's ability to function is it .? Dolphin roundabout is just one symptomatic spot of the ailment in this city ..



My view of Pattaya traffic is entirely "untrammelled," pal. But that isn't the topic, which you've failed to address except, finally,:



In the short term a solution of sorts will be found at Dolphin but that's all it will be ..



Exactly. And that solution will use Western-derived tech just all the other traffic lights all over town. Traffic lights are nothing new to Thailand. Duh.



I'll not engage in semantics over whether one rides a motorcycle or not ..



Oh, but you have. And that's been dealt with twice. We tend to have short memories around here.



My position is defined by law , your's is opinion ..  Law is fact , Opinion is ? ..


Opinion is when one imagines his irrelevant off-topic opinion is defined by law. Next.


Can it really be called a roundabout since they blocked it off and basically made it a T section out of 2nd rd that causes log jams at several times of the day. Beyond all doubt it cannot handle the volume of vehicles that go through Pattaya now on a daily basis so if people want better flow then it has to be thought out differently

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

3 hours ago, JSixpack said:


My view of Pattaya traffic is entirely "untrammelled," pal. But that isn't the topic, which you've failed to address except, finally,:



Exactly. And that solution will use Western-derived tech just all the other traffic lights all over town. Traffic lights are nothing new to Thailand. Duh.



Oh, but you have. And that's been dealt with twice. We tend to have short memories around here.



Opinion is when one imagines his irrelevant off-topic opinion is defined by law. Next.

I refer the honourable TVF member to previous posts on the subject of traffic chaos to find the solution .. Case solved .. 


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