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North Korea calls Trump's warning a 'load of nonsense'


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I would say they have called this one fairly accurately. Only a fool would get sucked in to a game of rhetoric with North Korea.

And the Ultimate Fool is currently in the Whitehouse. And it's well known Trump is easily baited.
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9 hours ago, landslide said:

Trump stooped to the fat boy's level with the "Fire and Fury" comment.  A much simpler and to the point response would be that if the DPRK should attempt a nuclear missile launch against the USA or its allies, Kim Jong Un and the DPRK will cease to exist.

I think that has always been the line and the same for NK who have said they would retaliate IF attacked by the US.  So in fact everyone is on the same page and we can all go back to playing cards and drinking our coffee.

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5 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

If everyone were like me there would be no

Armies, even police wouldn't carry guns. Unfortunately true evil exists. Only because of decent men with guns can you sleep safely. Nk (next Iran) cannot be allowed to posses a nuclear weapon capability.

Trump shouldn't be allowed either !

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On 8/10/2017 at 6:09 AM, webfact said:

Democratic Senator Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the committee, said Trump's words were counterproductive. "Defusing the North Korea threat will take smart, steady leadership and stronger diplomatic ties with our key allies," Reed said.

Decades of this ^^ is what got us to where we are. They didn't decide to hate America and build nuclear weapons and point them at us since President Trump was elected. Grandpa's dream has come to fruition, plain and simple.

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24 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Decades of this ^^ is what got us to where we are. They didn't decide to hate America and build nuclear weapons and point them at us since President Trump was elected. Grandpa's dream has come to fruition, plain and simple.

Grandpa's Dream meets America's Nightmare.

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