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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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This is because we already know the biases of CNN and NYT. Unfortunately the Dailywire is a wee bit less well known so it is salient to point out its bias.
I sincerely hope you are not falling into the trap of painting everyone who comments with the same brush. Most commenters have not resorted to name calling nor condemning "everything" as fake or lies.
Most just seem disagree with you.

Really? All of these butthurt anti-Trumpers disagree with me because I'm saying that Antifa are a violent anti-Trump terrorist group. That surprises you why?

Like I said, as time goes on there is going to nothing but more proof that Antifa are a violent hate group and no proof that they are an anti-Nazi group.

Since Charlottesville they have already rioted in Boston and Berkeley and now they are planning to riot for a week against free speech in Berkeley. Where are these Nazis at these events they are opposing?

Can we just all be grown ups and call it what it is. You hate Trump, they hate Trump, let's have an adult conversation without pretending something isn't what it really is.

Btw, I saw the Washington Post ran an article yesterday about Antifa causing the trouble at Berkeley. So even the media which bashed Trump for blaming both sides is now admitting that there IS two sides.
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4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Really? All of these butthurt anti-Trumpers disagree with me because I'm saying that Antifa are a violent anti-Trump terrorist group. That surprises you why?

Like I said, as time goes on there is going to nothing but more proof that Antifa are a violent hate group and no proof that they are an anti-Nazi group.

Since Charlottesville they have already rioted in Boston and Berkeley and now they are planning to riot for a week against free speech in Berkeley. Where are these Nazis at these events they are opposing?

Can we just all be grown ups and call it what it is. You hate Trump, they hate Trump, let's have an adult conversation without pretending something isn't what it really is.

Btw, I saw the Washington Post ran an article yesterday about Antifa causing the trouble at Berkeley. So even the media which bashed Trump for blaming both sides is now admitting that there IS two sides.


1. I do not think I ever declared I was "surprised" about anything. Its been quite a while since anything anyone says has "surprised" me.


2. You are using your crystal ball again trying to predict an unknowable future.


3. There have undoubtably been instances where those linked to the Antifa movement have been bad actors.


4. I do not hate Trump, or anyone else for that matter. I do believe he is not the best person for the job he now occupies.


5. There are an infinite number of sides, actors, provocateurs, dogmas, ideologies, etc... as many as there are human minds which ponder and act upon these things. The more pertinent question is: is there absolute right and wrong or is there a proportionate sliding scale of right and wrong?

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1. I do not think I ever declared I was "surprised" about anything. Its been quite a while since anything anyone says has "surprised" me.
2. You are using your crystal ball again trying to predict an unknowable future.
3. There have undoubtably been instances where those linked to the Antifa movement have been bad actors.
4. I do not hate Trump, or anyone else for that matter. I do believe he is not the best person for the job he now occupies.
5. There are an infinite number of sides, actors, provocateurs, dogmas, ideologies, etc... as many as there are human minds which ponder and act upon these things. The more pertinent question is: is there absolute right and wrong or is there a proportionate sliding scale of right and wrong?

Well your post was a bunch of nothing except for this:

3. There have undoubtably been instances where those linked to the Antifa movement have been bad actors.

So I've been called a conspiracy theorist in this thread many times for having a different opinion but you are literally being a conspiracy theorist and saying "I don't believe this so it must be people acting just to prove me wrong". Source please?

It's not an unknowable future is it? Do you really think that Antifa is going to be allowed to keep to keep rioting and attacking people they say are Nazis forever with no retaliation? Especially when their agenda is against the ego sensitive President Trump? You really don't think Trump is going to do something about them? He calls out the fake media every day, he's not going to address a violence anti-Trump group any time soon? He retweeted an anti-Antifa article just yesterday, you think he will do nothing about them??

Like I've said, you can only twist the facts for so long before everyone sees the truth, and every day Antifa are attacking innocent bystanders and journalists and people who are clearly not Nazis or KKK. It's all a big lie which you are either buying into or knowingly spreading because you share their goal.
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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:

Since Charlottesville they have already rioted in Boston and Berkeley and now they are planning to riot for a week against free speech in Berkeley.

Where are these Nazis at these events they are opposing?


What? You want them all to wear costumes?

Their words are enough.

You have all the information on the speakers and the white nationalist hate groups they belong to.

Plenty of it presented here on this thread.

Your disingenuous crusade of deflection, propaganda and disinformation is pitiful.


I think it's pretty clear where your allegiances lie.

Hey, speaking of allegiances, how do you feel about White Supremacy and an Ethno state?

Do you agree, or disagree with these concepts?



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3 hours ago, KunMatt said:

Yesterday I posted a page just because it contained a bunch of YouTube and Vimeo vids showing Antifa doing what they do and instead of discussing the content of the videos everyone just attacked the container.

So feel free to discuss the content of the posts and the points I make.


"So feel free to discuss the content of the posts and the points I make."


Sure. Although you never respond.


Your extreme far-right site that you source, (once again) is infamous for being intentionally misleading, extremely biased and promoting overt propaganda.



Case in point: The hard-edited videos you sourced from their site.

Have you seen the longer versions of them?

Where the challengers of neo-Nazis racist bigots are attacked and are defending themselves?

No. You post neatly edited versions.


You are a one trick pony. And very easy to identify.

You just fabricate a scenario as if it were fact and then argue against it.

Cheap trick.


Extreme Right, Propaganda:

Screen Shot 2017-08-29 at 7.53.22 PM.png

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Well your post was a bunch of nothing except for this:

3. There have undoubtably been instances where those linked to the Antifa movement have been bad actors.

So I've been called a conspiracy theorist in this thread many times for having a different opinion but you are literally being a conspiracy theorist and saying "I don't believe this so it must be people acting just to prove me wrong". Source please?

It's not an unknowable future is it? Do you really think that Antifa is going to be allowed to keep to keep rioting and attacking people they say are Nazis forever with no retaliation? Especially when their agenda is against the ego sensitive President Trump? You really don't think Trump is going to do something about them? He calls out the fake media every day, he's not going to address a violence anti-Trump group any time soon? He retweeted an anti-Antifa article just yesterday, you think he will do nothing about them??

Like I've said, you can only twist the facts for so long before everyone sees the truth, and every day Antifa are attacking innocent bystanders and journalists and people who are clearly not Nazis or KKK. It's all a big lie which you are either buying into or knowingly spreading because you share their goal.

So as usual nobody is willing to discuss the content or the points I make, they only attack the source whenever they can.

Very telling who is in the wrong here. (Spoiler: it's Antifa!).
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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:

So as usual nobody is willing to discuss the content or the points I make, they only attack the source whenever they can.
Very telling who is in the wrong here.


Must be getting really desperate out there.

You have now devolved into having a conversation with yourself.

Very revealing.


"So as usual nobody is willing to discuss the content or the points I make"


Au contraire my disingenuous one.

You have not "discussed" any rebuttal I have presented to you on this entire thread.


Why is that? Trepidation?

Or, have you simply run out of repetitive alt-right platitudes?




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SCNazi chimes in just below the photo from a poster suggesting a way to kill multiple challengers of racism and bigotry, on organizer of the "Unite the Right" rally, Jason Kessler's (aka MadDimension), site.

Nazi-esque poster below listing the featured speakers and chief purveyors of white supremacy and an ethno-state.

(Note the anti-semitic Pepe the Frog left flank soldiers portrayed in the poster, next to their all white, right flank)



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Interesting pieces in the New Yorker today about a new confederate monument in Alabama. 



Key part for me

Most of the attendees were so polite, and so eager to tell me that the Confederate legacy was divorced from slavery, that it reminded me of the peculiarity of racial relations in America, where a person who has racist beliefs believes himself to be absolved if he doesn’t consider himself racist. Beyond a modern political correctness, this way of thinking, and of self-deception, has been around since Reconstruction, when Southern whites who considered themselves well meaning could perform charitable deeds for, or often hire, their black neighbors, as long as those black people knew their place and stayed there. 



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White nationalists still plan on coming to University of Florida


"White nationalist Richard Spencer intends to come to Gainesville, whether he has a permit or not."


“I can confirm we are coming to the University of Florida, regardless,” said Cameron Padgett, who organizes speaking events for Spencer.”


"Earlier this month, the University of Florida denied a permit, filed by Padgett, for Spencer and others aligned with Spencer’s National Policy Institute to speak at the Phillips Center on Sept. 12."


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Kyle 'Based Stickman' Chapman Remanded in Custody

"Chapman, hailed on social media as Based Stickman or Alt-Knight, is accused of bashing an Antifa protester in the head with a stick when fights broke out during the May rally."


"Dressed in a hoodie, knee pads, a fume mask, goggles, and a helmet, Chapman, who was also carrying a shield, was caught on camera hitting the protester."


"He is also ordered to not own, use or possess any dangerous weapons, including pepper spray, brass knuckles, wooden sticks, according to the conditions of his bail."



$135,000? And facing felony charges.  Clearly a menace to society.


‘Based Stickman’ in custody, ordered to stay away from Civic Center Park

"Daly City resident Chapman, a two-time felon,  was charged last week with possession of what police called a leaded cane or “billy,” also described in court papers as a “blackjack, sandbag, sandclub, sap, or slungshot.”


"Police said in court documents that Chapman was among multiple people “causing violence” during the “March 4 Trump” rally in Berkeley on March 4."


"According to police, Chapman sprayed “what appeared to be pepper spray” into a crowd of people who disagreed with “his side,” which was identified by police as the “March on Berkeley” event organizers."



Twice convicted felon.  Hopefully the third time is a charm, and puts this menace to society in prison for a long time.


Kyle Chapman, featured speaker at the Boston "Free Speech" rally:


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The 18 year old who drove his car into a crowd needs to get a good attorney and he'll beat the charges.    I saw on video his car being attacked.  He did what most would do and sped up to get away.   He was blocked and backed up.    He will plead out with a manslaugher charge max.    


I'm no fan of Mr Trump but what he said was accurate.  There were peaceful protestors the first day who have a constitutional right of peaceful assembly.    Counter protesting is OK but does not give you the right to disrupt another group.       The second day some far right idiots showed up flashing Nazi salutes.   But what is more troubling were the far left thugs who showed up with glasses full of urine and feces throwing them at peaceful protestors..    


The media coverage is biased as usual.    The statues were built at the 50 year and 100 year anniversary of the Civil War as a sign of healing and unity.   The media is spinning it as built during Jim Crow so that the 90% of white America could assert it's white supremacy.   Ridiculous!

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1 minute ago, 67Vagabond said:

The 18 year old who drove his car into a crowd needs to get a good attorney and he'll beat the charges.    I saw on video his car being attacked.  He did what most would do and sped up to get away.   He was blocked and backed up.    He will plead out with a manslaugher charge max.    


I'm no fan of Mr Trump but what he said was accurate.  There were peaceful protestors the first day who have a constitutional right of peaceful assembly.    Counter protesting is OK but does not give you the right to disrupt another group.       The second day some far right idiots showed up flashing Nazi salutes.   But what is more troubling were the far left thugs who showed up with glasses full of urine and feces throwing them at peaceful protestors..    


The media coverage is biased as usual.    The statues were built at the 50 year and 100 year anniversary of the Civil War as a sign of healing and unity.   The media is spinning it as built during Jim Crow so that the 90% of white America could assert it's white supremacy.   Ridiculous!

I saw that video too. They battered his car with bats out after he plowed in into the crowd.  So are you arguing it was preemptive self defense? Ludicrous.

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1 minute ago, 67Vagabond said:

 The statues were built at the 50 year and 100 year anniversary of the Civil War as a sign of healing and unity.  

So in 1965 at the height of the Civil Rights movement Virginia decided to build a statue honoring the Confederate effort as a sign of healing?   lol.

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33 minutes ago, 67Vagabond said:

The 18 year old who drove his car into a crowd needs to get a good attorney and he'll beat the charges.    

I saw on video his car being attacked.  

He did what most would do and sped up to get away. 

He was blocked and backed up.  


Just making stuff up.



And couldn't even get the age right of James Alex Fields Jr., 20, ; who is charged with one count of second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and one count related to leaving the scene of the carnage.


Ohio Man Charged With Murder In Fatal Car Attack On Anti-White Nationalist March

"The FBI also says it is opening a civil rights investigation into the incident, together with the Department of Justice."

"Investigators want to know whether Fields crossed state lines with the intent to commit violence"



Federal crimes.

Sounds like good grounds to put this Nazi sympathizer (second from left) behind bars for a long time as well.  :thumbsup:


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1 hour ago, 67Vagabond said:

The media coverage is biased as usual.    The statues were built at the 50 year and 100 year anniversary of the Civil War as a sign of healing and unity.   The media is spinning it as built during Jim Crow so that the 90% of white America could assert it's white supremacy.   Ridiculous!

Who cares when or why the statues were built?  If Charlottesville wants to take them down, it has a right to take them down.


If some people want statues of confederate generals they can put them up in their own communities or their front yard, but don't deny this city the right to choose what monuments it will keep and which ones it will get rid of.


Of course this protest was not about statues.  This "Unite the Right" gathering was always meant to be a show of strength by far right "nationalists", the new term for racists and fascists.

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More confirmation about the terrorists you support and defend in this thread ;

"Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO."


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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:

More confirmation about the terrorists you support and defend in this thread ;


Who on this thread has ever said they "support terrorists"?

No one. None. Zip. Nada.


Just more of your outrageous gibberish that you state as fact, and then, wait in futile hope that someone will bite.


Hey, while I've got you here, what are your views on White Supremacy and an Ethno-State?  Do you agree or disagree with these concepts?

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More confirmation about the terrorists you support and defend in this thread ;

"Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO."


Hilarious that not one of you dares answer this now you cannot attack the source.

I was correct from the beginning. You were telling me I had to support a violent terrorist group simply because they hate Trump. I condemned them all from the start.
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35 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Hilarious that not one of you dares answer this now you cannot attack the source.

I was correct from the beginning. You were telling me I had to support a violent terrorist group simply because they hate Trump. I condemned them all from the start.


Tired of feeding the Troll?

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"President Donald Trump has retweeted a statement written by one of the alt-right’s leading figures, who has defended white supremacists."


"[Jack] Posobiec, a Trump activist who writes for Rebel Media, a Canadian-based online political news commentary publication, is currently helping organize multiple alt-right rallies similar to the one in Charlottesville in cities throughout the U.S. this coming weekend."


"Spencer, who was one of the leading figures at the Charlottesville march, claims to have coined the term “alt-right” to make the group’s views more palatable, he has said repeatedly that his vision for America is a white ethno-state."


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Trump retweets right-wing provocateur known for pushing false conspiracy theories


"Late Monday, after thousands of protesters flocked to Trump Tower for the president’s first trip back to the

Manhattan penthouse in seven months, the president took to Twitter."


"First, he wrote that it felt “good to be home.”


"Next, he retweeted a post from an eyebrow-raising Twitter account: that of right-wing provocateur Jack Posobiec,

a supporter of President Trump known for advancing a number of conspiracy theories, such as those tied to “Pizzagate

and the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich."




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On 2017-08-31 at 3:35 PM, Meljames said:

So in 1965 at the height of the Civil Rights movement Virginia decided to build a statue honoring the Confederate effort as a sign of healing?   lol.

All the Trump supporters in Charlottesville was Alt Right and all the Trump protesters wasn´t Antifa!

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4 hours ago, KunMatt said:


Maybe, except I'm not trolling. I guess they just got bored of this thread, but I'm gonna believe it's because I was correct from the beginning and they can't handle it! :)


All the Trump supporters in Charlottesville was Alt Right and all the Trump protesters wasn´t Antifa!

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All the Trump supporters in Charlottesville was Alt Right and all the Trump protesters wasn´t Antifa!


I think you mean to say;


"All of the alt-right in Charlottesville were Trump supporters" otherwise you're saying that more than half of the USA are alt-right.


Btw why has alt-right become the new term for far-right?? You realise that this is just the MSM's way of accusing internet trolls of being as bad as white supremacists, don't you?


And what does far-right mean now if alt-right covers all the racist ideologies of the right??


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