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Bangkok expat with Kenyan wife slams Air Asia for "racial profiling" and "humiliation" at Don Mueang airport


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2 hours ago, Kerryd said:

<deleted> ?

You expect us to join a (closed) Facebook group so we can see the full text of his complaint ? What kind of BS is that ?


Pretty lame way to try and increase numbers on someone's page.

what? he was providing you with the information to read the full complaint, i hardly see how he was pandering for clicks or numbers.


some people on here are thoroughly disturbed.

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7 minutes ago, Bannoi said:

They were for thousands of them very bad luck.


Yeah, probably because the white skins (mostly from Europe) had a habit of raping, pillaging, enslaving, murdering Africans in many parts of the country. You can't blame them from being racist can you?

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3 hours ago, Kerryd said:

<deleted> ?

You expect us to join a (closed) Facebook group so we can see the full text of his complaint ? What kind of BS is that ?


Pretty lame way to try and increase numbers on someone's page.

or even  join face book to begin with

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3 hours ago, webfact said:


Bangkok expat with Kenyan wife slams Air Asia for "racial profiling" and "humiliation" at Don Mueang airport




A man has gone online to complain about Air Asia after he says that he and his Kenyan wife and cousin were humiliated at Don Mueang airport.


He said this happened to people "traveling while black".


Is he saying that when "traveling while white" this didn't (doesn't) happen.

I would like to know how you can change back and forth on how you travel.

Might come in handy sometime.



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3 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

Racial profiling is everywhere. When me and my thai wife travel from SG to BKK, the immigration officer wants my wife's ticket to be stamped checked by the airline but not mine.. 


When ask why mine is not needed? Reply. Becos she is Thai. 

That has nothing to do with race. Both Thais and Singaporeans are Asian. Thais are well known for overstaying visas in Singapore and working in the grey economy.

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Tony Fernandez AirAsia and taking care of its Customers is baloney. Take it from a Black Brit who looks very Asian however why was the owner of a British Passport? Air Asia needs to re-train their Personnel with providing a non-discriminate service. A passenger is one that pays to get from A to B and does not stand in front of your Counter for you to make judgement of their Colour Race Nationality or Religion. We are all equal as paying customers and Air Asia needs to apply these fundimental regulations. Personally I endured a similar situation but decided to bite my bottom lip because I am not a resident of this country.  Personally I would rather walk then ever use this Airline as they do have issues. I did report my racially profiled situation but never received any acknowledgement of my grieviance, not surprisng!

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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I hope the general condemns this or it might lead some of us to believe he supports this behaviour.

And he have to do with a private air lines way of service in what kind of way. You really hit rock bottom there!


3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Because I am a handsome single white male I have to endure daily marriage proposals from Thai women.

And a Thai woman at security ran her metal detector wand over my rear end more than once as her female friends laughed and went on in Thai. Right out in plan view of everyone at the airport.

I guess that was a terrible experience. Maybe there is possible to put the shattered pieces of your horrible experience together again, with some professional help. :cheesy:


3 hours ago, Kerryd said:

<deleted> ?

You expect us to join a (closed) Facebook group so we can see the full text of his complaint ? What kind of BS is that ?


Pretty lame way to try and increase numbers on someone's page.

The kind of BS that always comes from Facebook. Need to say more???


3 hours ago, seahorse said:


This is a grey area. Not everything is black and white.

No there is also nicely tanned brown color. Never her anything about them. That´s also a kind of discrimination, right?


3 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

He will probably be sued by Thai Air Asia for slander under the you can't say that statute.

No, no, no! According to the comment above from JHolmes Jr a mentioned person will take care of that. I don´t know, but that nick really sounds familiar! :cheesy:


3 hours ago, scotchbroth100 said:

Get over it pal!!!

You have to understand this persons terrible experience. Ain´t gonna be easy to get over this one. You hear how he sounds. Like marked for life with scars that will never heal.


3 hours ago, YetAnother said:

dont see what 'bangkok expat' has to do with anything; if it were a 'chiang mai expat' what would be different ?

Yes off course! What a stupid question. :cheesy:

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I do not see any racism there. and yes, thais are 'racist', like about any people on earth. skin color, dress, nationality matter. they always did; they always will. this guy had their vacations 'ruined' by this? thin skin; very much so and this is dangerous in a sunny country like thailand.

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5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

<deleted> ?

You expect us to join a (closed) Facebook group so we can see the full text of his complaint ? What kind of BS is that ?


Pretty lame way to try and increase numbers on someone's page.

Worth joining, probably more popular than this place, and certainly a more representative expat demographic.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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4 hours ago, impulse said:

I'm a little bit puzzled by the details (or rather, lack of them) in the OP.


Certainly, the expat realizes that there are different visa requirements and different levels of scrutiny for people from different countries and the requirements for someone traveling on a Kenyan passport may be different than those required of a guy from a country where parents would name their kid Philip Culbertson.


There's a huge difference between racism based on skin color, and being treated differently because of the nationality shown in your passport, which may be based on any number of treaties between the countries and the related requirements incumbent on the airlines.


Agreed!  I could not be bothered with the link in the original post.  I detest Facebook.

But, seriously, the OP also shows some passive aggressive discrimination.  Nowhere does he state that his wife and "cousin" were black!  The only reference that he makes is the discriminatory "traveling while black" thing!

I have many, many Kenyan friends and, guess what?, some of them are white!  Born, bred, several generations of Kenyans!  Methinks that the OP has a few issues he needs to deal with before posting such crap and eliciting "righteous indignation", not to mention Facefart visits.

Boring.  I am married to a Thai, have worked mostly in Africa for the last 27 years and I come across this kind of slef entitled,  faux outrage all the time.


Passive-aggressive racism, tinged with a little self-loathing?


Yawn.  :saai:

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3 hours ago, Ricardo said:

Knock knock on West-African hotel-bedroom door !


"Who is there  ...  qui est la ?"


"C'est l'amour !  It is Love !" :wub: 

C'est moi cherie!  J'ai finis avec l'autre blanc.  Maintenant, je suis libre (for a small consideration!)

Ca, je compris tres bien!


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12 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

The irony.

The OP clearly stated in his post on facebook that his wife and cousin were black. That you can't be arsed to read it is your issue.

No, he didn't.  

Good grief, are you that desperate for attention?  

Read the article again and then re-read my response.  You must be a little "behind" or just a troll.  I clearly stated that the only reference to them possibly (and probably) being black was the self-indulgent "travelling while black" comment!

I guess it was just to sophisticated for you to understand.  From you previous posts on this thread, I guess you have had some similar misfortunes?  If so, just say so!  Most of us are adults here.

Don't bring a banana to a knife fight.

Muster your thoughts and come back when you have a grown up, logical response.

Good grief!  I have to deal with this and I am not even a primary school, teacher!

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Unfortunately the article is so badly written that it is unclear exactly what happened to Mr Culbertson and his party.    It says they had to wait for 60 minutes for tickets to be issued but later says he had already booked tickets online.  Then it says he had to rummage through his pockets for US$800 which seemingly he had the good fortune to find but doesn't explain why he had to do the rummaging etc etc.  I am willing to believe that the Culbertson party was mistreated by Air Asia but can't see any information in this worthless article to explain how or why.        

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11 minutes ago, saminoz said:

No, he didn't.  

Good grief, are you that desperate for attention?  

Read the article again and then re-read my response.  You must be a little "behind" or just a troll.  I clearly stated that the only reference to them possibly (and probably) being black was the self-indulgent "travelling while black" comment!

I guess it was just to sophisticated for you to understand.  From you previous posts on this thread, I guess you have had some similar misfortunes?  If so, just say so!  Most of us are adults here.

Don't bring a banana to a knife fight.

Muster your thoughts and come back when you have a grown up, logical response.

Good grief!  I have to deal with this and I am not even a primary school, teacher!

Yes, he did. As I stated, in the post on facebook - the one you can't be bothered to read. The OP on this forum also references it as the place to find the full text of the complaint.

Here's are some excerpts from the original post that the individual in question made (no, not the one in the first post here, which itself highlights that it is not the full text):


I can tell you that my wife and her cousin were the only black people in line and they just so happened to be the only people being asked about onward flights



Again, my wife and her cousin were the only black people in line

Like I say, if you can't be arsed (repeatedly) to read things properly, or to research properly, that's your issue.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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