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Reporting motorcyclists on pavement


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I read today that the facility to report motorcyclists on pavements, and other wrongdoers, has now gone live, you can do so by email, in person or even by an app, any fine would be split with the person reporting the violation, the BMA have promised that the person making the report would remain anonymous.


I wondered if anybody on this forum would actually report a violation and would they trust the BMA to keep their identity secret?


I wonder if you'd get a bonus if you reported a police officer?

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I might report a truck dumping rubbish (fly tippers), rabid packs of dogs,dangerous cables,potholes,trucks belching diesel fumes and or earthquaking music.

but not a motorbike on the pavement
or a street vendor...they are (mostly) just trying to make a living.

and no I wouldn't trust it to be anonymous...how would they give a reward if they didnt know who reported

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2 hours ago, johng said:

but not a motorbike on the pavement or a street vendor...they are (mostly) just trying to make a living.

and no I wouldn't trust it to be anonymous...how would they give a reward if they didnt know who reported

I'd be tempted to report a motorcyclist, in my view they're dangerous, whether I actually would though is a different matter.


The street vendors don't bother me too much providing they don't block the whole pavement.


I understood that whilst obviously the BMA need the details of the person reporting, they are not shared with the person accused of violation.


The QR reader opens up a line page, in Thai.

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3 hours ago, johng said:

I might report a truck dumping rubbish (fly tippers), rabid packs of dogs,dangerous cables,potholes,trucks belching diesel fumes and or earthquaking music.

but not a motorbike on the pavement
or a street vendor...they are (mostly) just trying to make a living.

and no I wouldn't trust it to be anonymous...how would they give a reward if they didnt know who reported

It also sounds like it's easily open to abuse. If I know of someone with a motorcycle who I dislike for any reason, I jot down his number plate id, wait until I know he's headed off down the street and report him for riding on the sidewalk/pavement.


If he appears in court to contest the accusation, wouldn't I be obliged to appear?


Aside from all that, unless the person riding on the walk was being especially reckless or hit someone, most of the reports are likely to be made by people who live to stick their noses into other people's business for no other reason than to cause grief. Come to think about it, that lifestyle choice accounts for the many of the posts here Thai Visa




Edited by Suradit69
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26 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

Who's in charge of this? The East German Stasi? 

Apparently the idea was put to the BMA by the widower of a woman who was knocked over and killed by a motorcyclist speeding along the pavement, seems the motorcyclist was too busy to be held up by the slow moving traffic or indeed to stop and help the woman he'd just wiped out, maybe the offending motorcyclist was relying on the apathy of others to allow him to get away with it. 


Interesting to see that most who've responded seem to be criticising the authorities who may just be trying to address the issue and those who might be tempted to report wrongdoers.

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I'd love to report the motorcyclists on the footpath if i had any confidence they would actually follow through and do something about it. They are bloody dangerous and ride like they are on an open road. Alas, i doubt they will, so will continue my death stares as they throttle by me and my children at pace.


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From my observations over many years here, the entire population wish to have no dealings with the police, for any reasons.  What brought us all here in the first place was the laid back aspect of rules and regulations, so let,s not try and change that any more than the authorities are already trying to do.

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1 hour ago, thonglorjimmy said:

Interesting to see that most who've responded seem to be criticising the authorities who may just be trying to address the issue and those who might be tempted to report wrongdoers.

They have a law enforcement department whose job it is to enforce the rules spelt out on the risible signs adorning a number of Bangkok's pavements, which threaten a B5,000 fine for offenders. Funny, ha, ha. If they did actually enforce the law, and did collect the fines, the long-standing problem would be short-lived and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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1 hour ago, 3421abc said:

I would and I will, of course I will do with a bogus name and email, I dont care about the reward just want the pest off the sidewalk


1 hour ago, thonglorjimmy said:

Apparently the idea was put to the BMA by the widower of a woman who was knocked over and killed by a motorcyclist speeding along the pavement, seems the motorcyclist was too busy to be held up by the slow moving traffic or indeed to stop and help the woman he'd just wiped out, maybe the offending motorcyclist was relying on the apathy of others to allow him to get away with it. 


Interesting to see that most who've responded seem to be criticising the authorities who may just be trying to address the issue and those who might be tempted to report wrongdoers.

Two months ago I was hit from behind by a motorbike taxi  while walking on the pavement in Silom and broke both knee caps. The rider then reversed and knocked over a girl cutting her face badly and drove off. 

Yes I want these bastards reported!

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If I had any confidence in the likely outcome I'd report every time. Pavements are there for pedestrians to walk safely. Should we be able to turn the tables and walk in the middle of the road and feel there's nothing wrong because it's Thailand so we're all laid back? Of course not, at least allow us to walk safely.

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I sure would. It's high time that motorbike riders, both Thai and Farang, got a kick in the ass. Why should pedestrians have to give way to them and risk injury or death. On the roads they pass on the inside lane (the only place in the world that I have seen this), on the outside lane, and weave in and out of lanes. Is there a rule about this and if so, what is it, and why isn't it enforced?

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I was transiting through BKK the other day and spent a couple of days visiting friends. My very first day out from the hotel, within a hundred meters, I had to quickly step aside as I approached an intersection when a motorcycle cop hopped on the sidewalk from around the corner and definitely impeded my safe progress and I jumped to the side. I'd report idiots like that anytime, especially police. But in the area I live, most riders who go on the sidewalk do so carefully and often give thanks or apologize as they pass slowly by. I wouldn't report them.
I don't believe it's a black and white issue. It can also be perfectly safe to drive a motorcycle on sidewalks in given conditions. A motorcycle can be driven just as safely as a bicycle. So if the conditions merit, I don't think anything should be done about safe drivers. Safety is the issue, not just motorcycles on the sidewalk or not.
The last thing we need is a bunch of do-gooders reporting on the populace willy nilly instead of the police actually doing their job to stop unsafe drivers.

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Definitely YES! However...


Shouldn't be the pedestrians job, but rather BIB. Same with motorbikes going Wrong Way on One Way streets and speeding. They get Carte Blanche...a free pass and it should be enforced and STOPPED by Thai police. In Patts, motorbikes going Wrong Way and/or super fast in both directions is DANGEROUS and out of control and needs to be stopped by BIB. 

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I wouldn't mind reporting someone because I regard the action as arrogant and infuriating. Particularly as it appears the riders feel they have right of way on the pavement too. As for any money, what the heck is a share of a few peanuts.

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Can someone post the actual link or QR code or whatever for this particular BMA program???


Presumably, you'd have to get a clear photo of their license plate number for this thing to work -- if it actually works at all, unlike most of the government programs here.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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21 hours ago, johng said:

I might report a truck dumping rubbish (fly tippers), rabid packs of dogs,dangerous cables,potholes,trucks belching diesel fumes and or earthquaking music.

but not a motorbike on the pavement
or a street vendor...they are (mostly) just trying to make a living.

and no I wouldn't trust it to be anonymous...how would they give a reward if they didnt know who reported

It's only for Thai persons not for farangs.

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I would happily report the police who almost ran me over near central lad prao.  However, what is the risk involved with actually doing so? does one need to take a photo pointing at the person with index finger while smiling at camera in act? or recreation?  many quesitons

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