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Myanmar men appeal against death sentences over British murders in Thailand


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Channel 3 interview with interpreter, Banana Pancake man, who says:

The first weapon was a large bottle of wine which was used by Win on David Miller. Then Win used a hoe to finish the job.”

“On the day of the crime re-enactment, the translator said he was told by police to talk to the Zaw Rin, Win and Maung – about anything, the police said.”


“The translator said no police were present during the meeting.”


Wine bottle?


What happened to this crucial, key evidence?



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2 minutes ago, iReason said:

Then Win used a hoe to finish the job.”

Never been explained how that large hoe was able to produce small precise puncture marks on David's head?


Reason being is because it didn't, but to have to provide evidence of what caused them would mean the BIB would have to have another explanation, another murder weapon and another MO..........so don't explain it at all hoping that it will go away.


That they haven't got an explanation to those wounds shows how much of a farce the investigation was.

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"Colonel Somsak Nurod, who led the original investigation, said some evidence could no longer be re-tested as it had been lost, including a hair sample found in Witheridge’s hand."


“There is documentation of the testing we did at the time but some of the evidence, including the hair sample, was lost, so it cannot be retested,” Somsak told Reuters in a telephone interview."

"He added that biological samples found on cigarette butts taken from the crime scene were “finished”,

but declined to go into further details."


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"I insist that all officials in this case have done a good job;" Pol Gen Somyot told a press conference in Bangkok, "a perfect job."


"I confirm that there was no abuse of any of the suspects," said lead investigator Maj Gen Suwat Chaengyodsook."


"During interrogation, the suspects' lawyer was present and physical check-ups were performed on them.”




There were no lawyers present.

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"Zaw Lin’s cellmate tells his trial he saw injuries on the suspect’s body after he was interrogated by police and confessed."


“The wound and bruising were clearly visible,” his cellmate told the court in Koh Samui which is hearing the ongoing murder trial."


"A procession of police witnesses have confirmed that both the suspects did not have any legal representation when they were being questioned."



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“Tonight the defense tore into the impartial observer from the Lawyers Council of Thailand who had sat in on the prison interview, prior to the official charging of the suspects, accusing him of being negligent in his role because he offered Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo no advice at all, and didn’t tell them they could request legal advice."


“He said that because they had already confessed he wasn’t concerned about their rights."

"He appeared indifferent."



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47 minutes ago, greenchair said:

IReason nomsod already sued several newspapers and won several settlements for these illegal pictures. 

I just don't know what you are doing on this thread when you are so backward to the present day. 

Actually, it was his father Woraphan that sued one publication only - Khaosod English.  These pictures are not illegal and they are a matter of public record.  Get back in your box and -deleted-.

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"The trial of the Burmese migrant workers accused of killing two British backpackers in Thailand last year has descended into confusion on its second day, with the morning session suspended after a senior Thai police officer appeared confused about what forensic evidence from the crime his department is in possession of."


"Police Lieutenant Colonel Somsak Nurod, the chief of police on both Koh Phangan and the neighbouring island of Koh Tao, ... said he would have to return to Koh Tao to check what evidence the police were holding."


"The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing."



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“Police handling the Koh Tao murders case have again stood up the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), which has repeatedly invited investigators to its headquarters to clear up allegations they tortured two Myanmar suspects to confess.”


“The NHRC would begin debating whether it should file a complaint against forensic police, Police Region 8 and the Metropolitan Police Bureau after the three departments failed to show up for the fourth time.”



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“Asked by his lawyer where the interrogation took place, Zaw Linn said it was at the Ocean View Bungalows in Koh Tao."


"He said he was kept naked in the air-conditioned room and beaten, all the while with a plastic bag over his head."


"He said the police also threatened to pull out his teeth with pliers."



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“Myanmar Ambassador U Win Maung said the case must be appealed and treated fairly.”


“Observers at the trial said little concrete evidence was presented by the prosecution and DNA evidence gathered in the case was flawed and inconclusive.”


“In a trial where torture allegations by the two accused were left uninvestigated and DNA evidence was called into question by Thailand's most prominent forensic pathologist, both the ruling and these death sentences are profoundly disturbing,” said Phil Robertson, the deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Asia division."



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26 minutes ago, iReason said:

"Colonel Somsak Nurod, who led the original investigation, said some evidence could no longer be re-tested as it had been lost, including a hair sample found in Witheridge’s hand."


“There is documentation of the testing we did at the time but some of the evidence, including the hair sample, was lost, so it cannot be retested,” Somsak told Reuters in a telephone interview."

"He added that biological samples found on cigarette butts taken from the crime scene were “finished”,

but declined to go into further details."



To paraphrase Oscar Wilde:  "To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness." 


Losing or mishandling all the evidence looks like....?

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September 25, 2014

"Thailand’s military junta has vowed to launch a major anti-vice campaign on the tourist island of Koh Tao following the horrific murders of two British backpackers."


"General Prayut Chan-o-cha, the country’s Prime Minister, has ordered an immediate offensive against “influential rackets and illegitimate businesses on the tourist island, and pledged to punish soldiers or police patronizing these people or their activities,”


"The crackdown would target “mafia-type influential people”




I must have missed that "crackdown"...

Anyone heard about it?

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Laura Witheridge:

"What if I told you that when we went to Thailand to bring Hannah home, we were offered the opportunity to go to the Royal Thai police headquarters for an ‘official update"


"But that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces"


Sister of murdered Briton claims cruel Thai police told parents to 'just make another one'






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48 minutes ago, EyeOfRa said:

Police lie at press conference about the Supreme Court Appeal of Koh Tao Murder case


Extremely thorough analysis follows at



Ask Jane taupin what are the probabilities of someone who has the same dna match and possessions of the victims phone and was 60 meters away from the murders and smoked cigarettes that matched the dna in the victim and was wandering around the murder scene throughout the a.m.with strange stories about why they were there and lied about it on several occasions. 

There was no need to do an analysis of the population.

Nobody matched that profile, except Wei Phyo. 

The probability of all of the above happening by bad luck is in uncountable probability area. 

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The death sentences have raised concerns among human right defenders amid claims that the evidence presented by prosecutors had failed to establish the pair’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Critics have also accused the police of failing to properly collect and test DNA samples from the scene. Myanmar authorities and civil society groups have also expressed their concerns over the conduct of Thai police and the way they handled the case. 

Myanmar suspects submit their final appeal in Koh Tao tourist murder casehttp://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30324491

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17 minutes ago, iReason said:

September 25, 2014

"Thailand’s military junta has vowed to launch a major anti-vice campaign on the tourist island of Koh Tao following the horrific murders of two British backpackers."


"General Prayut Chan-o-cha, the country’s Prime Minister, has ordered an immediate offensive against “influential rackets and illegitimate businesses on the tourist island, and pledged to punish soldiers or police patronizing these people or their activities,”


"The crackdown would target “mafia-type influential people”




I must have missed that "crackdown"...

Anyone heard about it?


Money talks, bs walks.

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2 hours ago, greenchair said:

Here is their story. 

Muang Muang, Zaw and Wei Phyo sat on a log drinking beer until around midnight. Muang went away for an hour and came back with a bottle of wine around 1 o'clock. according to cctv footage they were the only people in the area. (At 1.15 and 2 o'clock first hannah then david entered a bar. They were never seen alive again. The only possibility is they left out the back door, which led past the log that the 3 were drinking. David and Hannah were found dead 60 meters away behind a rock. )

After drinking some more Muang left  (he said to visit girlfriend ).

At about 2 o'clock am it was raining and Wei Phyo said he had a headache, so they decided to take a swim and clean themselves. After  that they went back to maung house to sleep .but said their clothes were stolen whilst swimming. So wei pho went back to the beach to find them. Wei Phyo says while he was walking on the beach he found the victims phone. He also says he met Muang on the way back. But Muang says he woke Wei Phyo up and they went back to the beach together( someone is lying). They were out and about between the hours of 1 am and 4am coming and going from the area of the murder. 

Wei Phyo then gave the phone to his friend and told him he found it in a bar(lie 2). Then he changed his mind and said he found it on the beach and said it might be from the murdered people they had just heard about. His friend renren destroyed the phone and hid it. 

The evidence is the cctv footage of them near the scene that showed that nobody else went into that area. There is a shadow of someone running in the direction of Muang house. 

The phone belongs to David and he accepted the charge of theft of the phone because he could not explain his possession of it. 

Dna was collected 17 days before their arrest that matched cigarette butts found near a log.

The dna in the victims Virginia matched Wei Phyo. the dna on the victim boob partly matched Wei Phyo but was not accepted by the court. The dna in the victims bottom matched both Wei Phyo and Zaw. The dna is the most disputed part. All the rest of their crazy night is their own story. 

Did you not see my post to you iReason. 

What do you think about Wei Phyo incessant lies about his whereabouts and having David's phone. 

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8 minutes ago, iReason said:

Laura Witheridge:

"What if I told you that when we went to Thailand to bring Hannah home, we were offered the opportunity to go to the Royal Thai police headquarters for an ‘official update"


"But that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces"


Sister of murdered Briton claims cruel Thai police told parents to 'just make another one'







I read somewhere that the 'officer' who invited the Witheridges charged each journalist a fee to get into the room.

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9 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Ask Jane taupin what are the probabilities of someone who has the same dna match and possessions of the victims phone and was 60 meters away from the murders and smoked cigarettes that matched the dna in the victim and was wandering around the murder scene throughout the a.m.with strange stories about why they were there and lied about it on several occasions. 

There was no need to do an analysis of the population.

Nobody matched that profile, except Wei Phyo. 

The probability of all of the above happening by bad luck is in uncountable probability area. 


There was no dna match because there was no dna to match to the b2, just a fake document saying that there was a match.

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4 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Did you not see my post to you iReason. 

What do you think about Wei Phyo incessant lies about his whereabouts and having David's phone. 


He's probably bored with repeatedly correcting the same dogged misrepresentations that you make month in, month out.

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Before the trial even took place:

"I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men.”


“I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison.”


"They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."



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Chomphuchat and others note numerous concerns beyond the confessions. A key part of the police case is DNA evidence supposedly tying the men to the scene. However, Thailand’s most senior pathologist expressed alarm on learning the samples were not collected by trained forensic officers. Meanwhile, CCTV of the key night shows one suspect, Wai Phyo, wearing the same pristine white T-shirt in which he was later arrested.


Chomphuchat and others also stress how unlikely it is for two unworldly young men to commit such a vicious crime and then work as normal for three weeks, even volunteering for DNA tests. In an interview with the Guardian during their court hearing the pair appeared awed and naive, talking excitedly about their love of Manchester United and the thrill of being transferred on a police helicopter.



There are several counter theories circulating on Koh Tao about who killed Witheridge and Miller. Most centre around men associated with a dominant Thai family on the island, one of several that run dive schools, resorts and bars. A version recounted repeatedly - without any evidence - is that Witheridge had an argument with one of them at a beachside bar run by the family, shortly before the killings.

Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were killed in Koh Tao, where fear of mafia involvement hides under paradisical façade  


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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Woraphan Tuwichian, Village Chief of Koh Tao, owner of the AC Bar and father of accused Worat Tuwichian, (seated to his left) along with National Police Chief Somyot Poompanmoung, who personally took charge of the case, (seated directly to his right)







You missed the best one. The looks on Somyot and Woraphan's faces give the game away:




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on Koh Tao, many residents were just as convinced that the prosecution case was riddled with holes. For them, the killings exposed a dark side to life amid the breath-taking beauty of Koh Tao.

Fifteen months after the murders, however, they still felt too intimidated to speak openly to outsiders for fear of repercussions from the prominent local families that dominate the island.

A Thai working there urged The Telegraph not to be seen taking notes and not to mention any details that could identify him. “You don’t know what this island is like,” he said. “Too many rich people have too many secrets and too much power.



on Koh Tao itself, some always doubted the Burmese men’s guilt. That camp instead focused on the reports that Ms Witheridge was harassed in a bar by the son of a prominent local businessman earlier that night, that the unwelcome attention ended in angry confrontation and that a speedboat carrying several unidentified young men left the island for the mainland around the time the bodies were found.


There is also a significant proportion of Westerners who depend on the island’s tourist trade, many of them working in the more than 60 dive centres strung along the coast.


So a lot of powerful players had much to gain from finding the guilty and proving that Koh Tao and indeed Thailand were still safe for tourists.


when the two young men struggled to replicate the crimes they had just admitted committing in a clumsily staged re-enactment on Sairee Beach, there were immediate doubts.



The British authorities consistently insisted that the Metropolitan officers only ever played an observer role.

British backpacker murders: the killings that put a country’s justice system on trialhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/12066600/British-backpacker-murders-the-killings-that-put-a-countrys-justice-system-on-trial.html


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3 hours ago, greenchair said:

Here is their story. 

Muang Muang, Zaw and Wei Phyo sat on a log drinking beer until around midnight. Muang went away for an hour and came back with a bottle of wine around 1 o'clock. according to cctv footage they were the only people in the area. (At 1.15 and 2 o'clock first hannah then david entered a bar. They were never seen alive again. The only possibility is they left out the back door, which led past the log that the 3 were drinking. David and Hannah were found dead 60 meters away behind a rock. )

After drinking some more Muang left  (he said to visit girlfriend ).

At about 2 o'clock am it was raining and Wei Phyo said he had a headache, so they decided to take a swim and clean themselves. After  that they went back to maung house to sleep .but said their clothes were stolen whilst swimming. So wei pho went back to the beach to find them. Wei Phyo says while he was walking on the beach he found the victims phone. He also says he met Muang on the way back. But Muang says he woke Wei Phyo up and they went back to the beach together( someone is lying). They were out and about between the hours of 1 am and 4am coming and going from the area of the murder. 

Wei Phyo then gave the phone to his friend and told him he found it in a bar(lie 2). Then he changed his mind and said he found it on the beach and said it might be from the murdered people they had just heard about. His friend renren destroyed the phone and hid it. 

The evidence is the cctv footage of them near the scene that showed that nobody else went into that area. There is a shadow of someone running in the direction of Muang house. 

The phone belongs to David and he accepted the charge of theft of the phone because he could not explain his possession of it. 

Dna was collected 17 days before their arrest that matched cigarette butts found near a log.

The dna in the victims Virginia matched Wei Phyo. the dna on the victim boob partly matched Wei Phyo but was not accepted by the court. The dna in the victims bottom matched both Wei Phyo and Zaw. The dna is the most disputed part. All the rest of their crazy night is their own story. 

I am hoping as are others that after 2 courts made the judgement that those 2 are guilty as sin, that the supreme court will do its duty and honor those rulings. As readers can see from Wei Phyo own story, it is absolutely unbelievable that he was not there in a very significant way. 

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The hearsay and conspiracy theories on this case have been absolutely horrendous. 

I do wish people could stay with the topic instead of rehashing old news that has been a calculated campaign by defense to deceive the public and discredit the Thai police. 

It won't work. The first judge was right. The second judge agreed. And the appeal judge is no push over either. They will not get out. 

Thank god. 

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2 minutes ago, greenchair said:

I am hoping as are others that after 2 courts made the judgement that those 2 are guilty as sin, that the supreme court will do its duty and honor those rulings. As readers can see from Wei Phyo own story, it is absolutely unbelievable that he was not there in a very significant way. 


There is no dna. It was faked.


Do people who find or steal something normally tell the truth about it?


They were no nearer the crime scene than many other people. Facebook posts discussed a beach party extremely near the crime scene which had gravitated down from AC bar.


Now discuss in detail all the concrete evidence which keeps being provided on this forum which points to other people having committed the crime or stop your incessant trolling.

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