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She could be pregnant, but I don't live in Thailand..


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Wait and see. Once the pregnancy is confirmed then get a DNA test done. If your claim on using condoms without fail is correct, then you are 99.x% safe. 
Should a miracle have happened and you fathered the child then it is up to you on what you want to do. Either an abortion, which can be done in Thailand or you re-arrange your life completely. 

If you just walk away from the whole case despite knowing that you are the father, then little will happen to you but you might have to live with the fact, that you fathered a child which has been deprived of a lot of chances because of you are a coward. 

As both of you never wanted a child an abortion might be the easiest way out for both of you - your call! 


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I had a thai gf once and after me leaving to Europe she came up w the being pregnant lie. Boy did I have a hard time and after all it was a lie so I don't get away from her. 

I am pretty sure she is not prego if u always used condoms. U must be going crazy over there but I tell you just relax. She is most likely not prego

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With the information you have so far there could still be many possibilities:

1.  She is NOT PREGNANT and her period just came late.  Let's wait for a pregnancy test.

2.  She is PREGNANT and its not your child.  Get a DNA test to confirm this before you make any decisions. You will need to provide a DNA sample somehow.

3.  She is PREGNANT and its your child.


Ask for evidence THAT IT IS YOUR CHILD.  Give her the benefit of the doubt before assuming she is milking you but don't do anything until fatherhood is confirmed.  When I mean don't do anything is, don't block her, don't accept any responsibility.  Play it cool but gentlemanly.


Now if it is scenario 3 you will have to decide, which I feel should not be based on legal rights, but your decency of being a father on what support you can muster.  I understand you feel that you used protection but these things do happen and leaving her to take care of the child alone is not the right thing to do.


I hope its either scenario 1 or 2 for you.





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31 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

If you just walk away from the whole case despite knowing that you are the father, then little will happen to you but you might have to live with the fact, that you fathered a child which has been deprived of a lot of chances because of you are a coward. 


While that's a compelling thought, I have mixed feelings about a case where a guy has been deliberately bamboozled into a sperm donation for the purpose of extracting child support $$$.  Whether the bamboozler is in Thailand, or back home.


Why is he any more of a father than a guy that goes down to the sperm bank and donates very anonymously?  Yet there's no societal pressure on those guys to support their progeny.  In fact, they may even get paid for the donation.


I admit that I feel a little stronger because my ex (back home) tried to get pregnant after she had already decide to leave our marriage.  Her words (related to me many years later by mutual friends) was "may as well get a kid out of this".  I'm pretty sure I accelerated the process when I refused to play along.  But I digress...


BTW, on a related note, nowadays I always take the used condom, turn it inside out and rinse it thoroughly before it goes in the waste can.  Seen way too many movies...  Back home they went down the toilet.  But Asian toilets can't seem to handle them.  


Edited by impulse
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OK, Stop... Hold your horses. If you knew how many times my thai ex gf`s  and even some i just dated 1 week, Were pregnant as soon as i left. None of them have after my 6 years in Thailand a baby. So either thais have more than 9 months pregnancy or it never happened.

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Ask her to take a prenatal paternity test. On many occasions you hear no more. https://www.gtldna.com.au/non-invasive-prenatal-paternity-test/ or wait until baby is born, go for a non-legal but ensure swabs are independently collected. . If positive then you’ll probably have to redo as a Legal DNA test.


Doesn't matter where you live. Companies arrange deliveries of kits to different countries for same test.

Edited by rocart
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20 minutes ago, impulse said:


While that's a compelling thought, I have mixed feelings about a case where a guy has been deliberately bamboozled into a sperm donation for the purpose of extracting child support $$$.  Whether the bamboozler is in Thailand, or back home.


Why is he any more of a father than a guy that goes down to the sperm bank and donates very anonymously?  Yet there's no societal pressure on those guys to support their progeny.  In fact, they may even get paid for the donation.


I admit that I feel a little stronger because my ex (back home) tried to get pregnant after she had already decide to leave our marriage.  Her words (related to me many years later by mutual friends) was "may as well get a kid out of this".  I'm pretty sure I accelerated the process when I refused to play along.  But I digress...


BTW, on a related note, nowadays I always take the used condom, turn it inside out and rinse it thoroughly before it goes in the waste can.  Seen way too many movies...  Back home they went down the toilet.  But Asian toilets can't seem to handle them.  


How can he be a sperm donor if he used a condom? You suggesting after the deed she ripped it of him and poured it in her somehow?

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Firstly, make 100% sure that it is yours through a DNA test. Do not send her the money for the test,

have a 3rd party pay for it or pay the hospital directly, maybe in advance. My guess that once you

mention a DNA test that will be the end of it.


If she has the DNA test and it is yours, then it is your decision what you do. No one can decide that

for you.

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Way too much information to get to the point. This almost sounds like click bait. He all but described the color of the "spotting" to us. And way too soon to start thinking seriously pregnant. 

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8 minutes ago, Lucky mike said:

Responsibility is a dying trait,  if baby is yours you need to man up !  The baby deserves some support from father he / she did not ask to be born......so do homework on DNA...and if the cap fits...wear it...




Nice pun "if the cap fits" lol

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Hilarious thread. A Thai bimbo hooks up with a dead end kid from England and we have a romantic comedy in the making.


It's hilarious because of this  gem;

she doesn't want a abortion if she is Pregnant, which I can understand. She said she would unfriend and block me on Facebook if I wanted her to have an abortion.

Having her unfriend  and block is a gift that should be embraced. Block  her too. Better yet, get rid of facebook and change the email and phone numbers. Crazy lady problem solved.

And why raise the issue of an abortion if she  doesn't want one. Nothing really comes out up to 6 weeks when aspirated, so it's no biggie. Besides with the high number of spontaneous abortions aka miscarriages, in Thailand, it's nothing no one hasn't seen before.

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1 minute ago, impulse said:


I think you just explained one reason there are so many 70-80 year old guys pushing strollers along the sidewalks of BKK.


? Doesnt make sense as you didnt quote my full post lol

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


While that's a compelling thought, I have mixed feelings about a case where a guy has been deliberately bamboozled into a sperm donation for the purpose of extracting child support $$$.  Whether the bamboozler is in Thailand, or back home.


Why is he any more of a father than a guy that goes down to the sperm bank and donates very anonymously?  Yet there's no societal pressure on those guys to support their progeny.  In fact, they may even get paid for the donation.


I admit that I feel a little stronger because my ex (back home) tried to get pregnant after she had already decide to leave our marriage.  Her words (related to me many years later by mutual friends) was "may as well get a kid out of this".  I'm pretty sure I accelerated the process when I refused to play along.  But I digress...


BTW, on a related note, nowadays I always take the used condom, turn it inside out and rinse it thoroughly before it goes in the waste can.  Seen way too many movies...  Back home they went down the toilet.  But Asian toilets can't seem to handle them.  


I was waiting for you to say you are a proud Scot and would use it again!

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7 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

I was waiting for you to say you are a proud Scot and would use it again!


No, but I do admit a certain trepidation about tossing them in the trash since there are several levels of scavengers between my bathroom and the guys in the smelly truck- that go through all the trash 2 or 3 times.  I probably shouldn't care, but my sex life really isn't anybody's business but my own, and I know how the locals love to gossip.


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Many Thai girls have Thai boyfriend or I better say boyfriends. Don't you think they are just waiting here for a knight to arrive from UK and rescue them.

any Thai guy (a friend or friend of a friend or a classmate or a friend of casmates or ......) around ask them for a happy night out at club, they jump. 

They are just looking for some guy like you to have permanent house in foreign countries. ? Ok UK is beautiful let's go ?. 

If, and if she is pregnant the chance the baby is yours is little. 

Listen to others and do DNA test. 

Do not freak out. Think and do smart. 

Good luck


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You like her and screw her so it's safe to assume she is relatively attractive or you would be spending your weekends in soi 4

You think she is saving her self just for you? My guess is there are several foreigners receiving the same news starting with wealthy Japanese down to the poorest being OP

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14 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

She said she would unfriend and block me on Facebook if I wanted her to have an abortion.


So she has already concluded that the OP is the father. But he has stated he had covered sex, which means the odds are he is not the father. Three possibilities: 1. Condom was faulty (doubtful) 2. She`s been sleeping around (highly possible) 3. She`s scamming to get money (highly probable).


Delete her from your life and move on.

If she was scamming, she would have insisted on sex without a condom.


The most likely possibility here is that it's a late period - which is quite common, especially after being sick and taking medication. My wife's periods would often vary by 10 days, sometimes more... and how good is the OP's girlfriend at counting the days? Some of them think it should come the same day every month - which could put them out by many days, even if they are regular.



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4 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

You like her and screw her so it's safe to assume she is relatively attractive or you would be spending your weekends in soi 4

You think she is saving her self just for you? My guess is there are several foreigners receiving the same news starting with wealthy Japanese down to the poorest being OP

And you deduce this from? 

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And you deduce this from? 

10 years in Thailand.
This is why you pay for it. Asian woman are the most deceitful on the planet. There is always dramas.. Even getting pregnant with a condom is worth a shot and amazingly OP is actually giving serious thought to it.
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20 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:


10 years in Thailand.
This is why you pay for it. Asian woman are the most deceitful on the planet. There is always dramas.. Even getting pregnant with a condom is worth a shot and amazingly OP is actually giving serious thought to it.


Why you pays for what? I can name women who are a lot more deceitful than Asian women. So you recon your ten years in Thailand allows you with very little, sorry wrong NO knowledge of the woman in question, to judge her and state she has multiple lovers. You seem to have had a bad ten years in Thailand based on your deductions.

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