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4 minutes ago, Gregster said:

No not all. Friend has 40KG luggage allowance (Qantas Club member) but was only coming for short stay with no need for checked luggage. I just wanted to know if Vegemite was allowed to be carried on..as asked in OP.


Stick it in the hold then.  Problem solved.

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If able to carry on board, I'd find it too hard to resist, to complement my plastic Inflight Rations, with some of that finest of fantastic butyl mastic



ps - as I am sure us eaters would be outvoted by the unbelievers reading this Topic, then 


why not us start offering advice as we go along? :


Tip#1   - with Vegemite - Less is better (seen unwitting dude ply it on thick, and we wonder not! why he's complaining!! )


Tip#2 -  mix it with a bit of Honey, and a half'n'half ratio is good

(The Vegemite takes the sweet bite out of the honey, and the Honey smooths out the sharp bitterness of the Vegemite)


Tip#3 - Jam works well too... 


Tip#4 - it makes a fine replacement for Rojak styled paste dip, when one likes to dip'n'eat green mango



Edited by tifino
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