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Canadian tourist charged for killer Phuket U-turn

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What no names ?  I am used to see a copy of the foreigner passport plastered all over the news.  


7 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

U turn or lane change, not much different.  Sounds like the bikers were really speeding and not looking ahead and focusing on the road conditions

so it was the bike fault that some idiot pulled across their right of way and killed them. i dont have a lot of time for the way Thai people drive but this time it was clearly not their fault.

8 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

U turn or lane change, not much different.  Sounds like the bikers were really speeding and not looking ahead and focusing on the road conditions

^^Just a really dumb post.

3 hours ago, catman20 said:

so it was the bike fault that some idiot pulled across their right of way and killed them. i dont have a lot of time for the way Thai people drive but this time it was clearly not their fault.

What's your judgement about this similar accident three months ago not all that far from this one?




Do you think the high speed, helmetless stunt riders are always innocent when they wipe themselves out on vehicles making slow maneuvers across their path?

I think the emphasis of blame should be  more heavily weighted against idiots who think massive speed on crowded roads is acceptable.


3 hours ago, beechbum said:

^^Just a really dumb post.

I agree.  Your post is dumb.  My point should have been obvious.  The bikers were speeding and not watching the road.  If they hit a van that takes a fairly finite amount of time to start turning around, then they certainly would not have had time to act if the van was in front of them and made a simple lane change.  The bikers were going too fast.

5 hours ago, catman20 said:

so it was the bike fault that some idiot pulled across their right of way and killed them. i dont have a lot of time for the way Thai people drive but this time it was clearly not their fault.

Yep.  The bikers were going to fast and not watching the road.  The speed limit was 50 km, which is like 30 miles per hour.  They clearly were going faster than that.  And if they didn't see a van starting to make a u turn than they were not paying attention.  And somewhat similarly, had they been driving behind the van in a different lane and the van simply made an un signaled lane change they probably would have it then too.  The bikers were not in control of their vehicles.  Any money bets that the two of them were racing a little bit?

1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

Yep.  The bikers were going to fast and not watching the road.  The speed limit was 50 km, which is like 30 miles per hour.  They clearly were going faster than that.  And if they didn't see a van starting to make a u turn than they were not paying attention.  And somewhat similarly, had they been driving behind the van in a different lane and the van simply made an un signaled lane change they probably would have it then too.  The bikers were not in control of their vehicles.  Any money bets that the two of them were racing a little bit?

Where did you learn of the speed limit there? Where did you learn they were not watching the road? Where did you learn they were going too fast? How could they have been driving behind the van going in a different direction? Where did you learn they were not in control?

6 hours ago, stevenl said:

Where did you learn of the speed limit there? Where did you learn they were not watching the road? Where did you learn they were going too fast? How could they have been driving behind the van going in a different direction? Where did you learn they were not in control?

Are you daft?  There was another post by another person showing the 50 sign.  As for driving behind, I did NOT say they were driving behind.  I used that as an example to say that if they had been, they would have also hit the van since they are driving too fast.  How do I know they were driving fast?  Well 1:  they died hitting a stationary van.  One rarely dies in a 30 mph crash.  2.  look at the photos of one of the bikes.  That is not a low speed crash.

11 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Are you daft?  There was another post by another person showing the 50 sign.  As for driving behind, I did NOT say they were driving behind.  I used that as an example to say that if they had been, they would have also hit the van since they are driving too fast.  How do I know they were driving fast?  Well 1:  they died hitting a stationary van.  One rarely dies in a 30 mph crash.  2.  look at the photos of one of the bikes.  That is not a low speed crash.

Are you daft? There was another post showing those signs are advisory, no more.

One easily dies in a 30 km crash even, so less than your 30 miles, not in use here, if one falls wrong.


My last words to you here, looks like you have no clue, I very much doubt you have any knowledge of the accident site, road rules, etc. I do think you don't like motorbikes though.


On top of that, starting an answer with 'are you daft' is not really respecting other members.

1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Are you daft? There was another post showing those signs are advisory, no more.

One easily dies in a 30 km crash even, so less than your 30 miles, not in use here, if one falls wrong.


My last words to you here, looks like you have no clue, I very much doubt you have any knowledge of the accident site, road rules, etc. I do think you don't like motorbikes though.


On top of that, starting an answer with 'are you daft' is not really respecting other members.

I agree I do not respect you. But I did NOT call you daft.  I asked if you were daft.  Not my fault you keep making assumptions. You clearly did not take the time to look at the posts that showed the crushed front of the van, indicating a high speed collision.  And you clearly did not take the time to see the other posts that showed the posted speed of 50 km.


Not so much here, but a Go Pro glued on the Hat is the sign of a True Daft.. a very English expression.?[emoji965]

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

I agree I do not respect you. But I did NOT call you daft.  I asked if you were daft.  Not my fault you keep making assumptions. You clearly did not take the time to look at the posts that showed the crushed front of the van, indicating a high speed collision.  And you clearly did not take the time to see the other posts that showed the posted speed of 50 km.


And you clearly did not take the time to read the posted link that explains that 50 limit is advisory and nt mandatory. The Mandatory limit on that road would be 60 kph.

1 hour ago, LivinginKata said:


And you clearly did not take the time to read the posted link that explains that 50 limit is advisory and nt mandatory. The Mandatory limit on that road would be 60 kph.

yep, and the damage to the van which was basically stationary, shows a very high speed accident.  And I am sure if you query the locals that witnessed it or the cctv video, the two bikers were racing a bit.  No sympathy here.  Bikes are inherently dangerous.

On 8/24/2017 at 11:49 AM, Psimbo said:


Oh no, not the 'Dude' word. We in Phuket wholeheartedly thank you for your erudite comment. Just saying ..................:partytime2:

sho you be rihgt ,,,,,

1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

yep, and the damage to the van which was basically stationary, shows a very high speed accident.  And I am sure if you query the locals that witnessed it or the cctv video, the two bikers were racing a bit.  No sympathy here.  Bikes are inherently dangerous.


Why do you keep talking about a 'van'. Did you even read the original article. That's a 'car'.  And I think the car was turning into the bike sales forecourt and not making a u-turn. Wish we had the video to see how fast these 2 bikes were going.   




I don't consider the blame should be  allocated 100% to either party.

The tourist attempted some sort of slow motion, inept maneuver which put him into the wrong lane at the wrong time. 

However, the bikers, whether they had the "right of way" or not, whether they are helmetless freedom riders who capture the hearts of many a farang going through second childhood or not, were travelling at speeds unsafe for the environment!

They were greatly speeding on a very busy highway to the extent that they were unable to brake, nor steer around, an object appearing in their path. It could have been a child crossing the road in "their right of way" or almost anything else. They would have hit any object that suddenly appeared in front of them.  Something that happens every time you get on the roads here.

When you are going too fast to avoid stationary objects in your path you are also to blame for the consequences.

Some "right of way" riders:



There should be a CCTV footage available from the accident, Thais love to upload them to Youlike (facebook) . 


On 22/08/2017 at 0:49 PM, NamKangMan said:


Let the extortion "mediation" begin. 

He Killed someone !!! ...  Think about it !!!  .... Even though a so called Fellow Folang or not. …   He Killed someone, because of his own stupidity, … So he deserves to be extorted  !!!


And I wonder just getting a Bit "Off Subject" If any one considers in all the accidents involving Russians also, as well as this Canadian, .... That they usually are used to driving on the other side of the road ????  


  And driving rules should considered, re those that usually drive on the other side of the road, as the Roads here are fast, … and often crowded.


(In Australia I know of a case of a French woman driving out of a camping ground early one morning, and just Tearing off down the wrong side of the Road, .. .Until she hit a Local woman coming the other way, Head on and Killed her !!! … Just a Tragic Accident though Right ???)

17 hours ago, balo said:

There should be a CCTV footage available from the accident, Thais love to upload them to Youlike (facebook) . 


Yes there should be...... I am wondering why that only a 'still shot' was supplied and not all the cctv footage ????  I have enlarged and sharpened the still shot and it looks very much like both riders were trying to avoid the vehicle. #1 rider seems to be sliding sideways with his left knee out #2 was heavily breaking with bum off the seat. Both seem to be wearing helmets. Possibly the Canadian was looking in his mirror for upcoming traffic from the 'right', as you would in Canada.........


yeah.  would love to see the exact speed of the bikers.  Looking at the vehicle the bike further behind should have had plenty of time to see and react.  The car didn't just materialize in front of them.  If he was paying attention and going a safe speed, and if his bike's brakes worked, there would have been plenty of time to stop.  Look at the damage to the car.  The bike did not hit at a slow speed.  So either the biker never even tried to slow down, or the biker was going so fast he could not slow down.  Either way, he was negligent and paid the price.  Car driver a contributor to the accident, yes, but most of liability should be on the biker.  Check the frames of the cctv and get the speed.

22 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

yeah.  would love to see the exact speed of the bikers.  Looking at the vehicle the bike further behind should have had plenty of time to see and react.  The car didn't just materialize in front of them.  If he was paying attention and going a safe speed, and if his bike's brakes worked, there would have been plenty of time to stop.  Look at the damage to the car.  The bike did not hit at a slow speed.  So either the biker never even tried to slow down, or the biker was going so fast he could not slow down.  Either way, he was negligent and paid the price.  Car driver a contributor to the accident, yes, but most of liability should be on the biker.  Check the frames of the cctv and get the speed.

Speed doesn't really matter.

Legally the car is at fault.

8 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

yeah.  would love to see the exact speed of the bikers.  Looking at the vehicle the bike further behind should have had plenty of time to see and react.  The car didn't just materialize in front of them.  If he was paying attention and going a safe speed, and if his bike's brakes worked, there would have been plenty of time to stop.  Look at the damage to the car.  The bike did not hit at a slow speed.  So either the biker never even tried to slow down, or the biker was going so fast he could not slow down.  Either way, he was negligent and paid the price.  Car driver a contributor to the accident, yes, but most of liability should be on the biker.  Check the frames of the cctv and get the speed.

They were Going to fast !!! ... "The Silly, ...  Naughty Thais" !!! … Get a grip of your selves, Good Expat Fellows (Put the Glasses down for a Moment) .... The Canadian, termed as a tourist here, so not Long term resident, ? ... So who was very used to driving on the other side of the Road, … And then yes, as the Intelligent man who posted above, after looking at the Photo properly equated, after stating that it looked like the Poor Thai Bike riders, did NOT LOOK like they were going to fast !!!  “Which way”, WAS the Canadian “Tourist” ? Looking ???


… He turns in front of two otherwise Innocent Locals on Bikes !!! .. And one is Killed !!! ... Rooster has Put me straight and in to focus, re the "If you do not like it here Go Home" Line ... but well !!! …  Having read the Crap spouted out above here for the last 5 Pages !!! By Foreigners that Just seem to want to have a Freewheeling Fun adventure Holiday here and win in every situation !!!   … …  after some poor bastard that can only afford Bikes !!! Probably just going to work !!! Is Killed !!!  ….


By some idiot, who usually drives on the other side of the road, and totally incorrectly, and foolishly, … does a U-turn in front of them !!! And Kills one of them, and puts the other in Hospital !!!…. I rest my Case.

14 hours ago, stevenl said:

Speed doesn't really matter.

Legally the car is at fault.

Not necessarily true.  If, if it is determined the bikers were speeding excessively, then the majority of the legal fault can be placed on them.  As for what will happen in Thailand, kangaroo courts, and with a foreigner involved, well, time will tell.  As for whatever legal means in Thailand, well, that is a different subject after coup after coup, suspended constitutions, etc.

20 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

Not necessarily true.  If, if it is determined the bikers were speeding excessively, then the majority of the legal fault can be placed on them.  As for what will happen in Thailand, kangaroo courts, and with a foreigner involved, well, time will tell.  As for whatever legal means in Thailand, well, that is a different subject after coup after coup, suspended constitutions, etc.

Not correct. In a case like this speeding could lead to a fine, not legal fault.

And your later comments, not applicable at all.

On 8/25/2017 at 11:45 AM, gk10002000 said:

Yep.  The bikers were going to fast and not watching the road.  The speed limit was 50 km, which is like 30 miles per hour.  They clearly were going faster than that.  And if they didn't see a van starting to make a u turn than they were not paying attention.  And somewhat similarly, had they been driving behind the van in a different lane and the van simply made an un signaled lane change they probably would have it then too.  The bikers were not in control of their vehicles.  Any money bets that the two of them were racing a little bit?

you need help !!!!!!!!!!!!! with the statement you have just made as you have no idea whether they were speeding or not you dont know the facts, but WHAT I DO KNOW IS THE CAR DRIVER WAS IN THE WRONG DRIVING HIS CAR INTO THEIR RIGHT OF WAY AND KILLING THEM.

On 8/25/2017 at 9:45 AM, Old Croc said:

What's your judgement about this similar accident three months ago not all that far from this one?




Do you think the high speed, helmetless stunt riders are always innocent when they wipe themselves out on vehicles making slow maneuvers across their path?

I think the emphasis of blame should be  more heavily weighted against idiots who think massive speed on crowded roads is acceptable.


i did not make a judgement about this similar accident and i did not know the facts. however just read the link you sent and reading it sounds nothing like the accident that we are on topic about as the pick up driver never drove into the bikes right of way.

18 minutes ago, catman20 said:

i did not make a judgement about this similar accident and i did not know the facts. however just read the link you sent and reading it sounds nothing like the accident that we are on topic about as the pick up driver never drove into the bikes right of way.

The pickup in that accident did cross the oncoming speeding bikes "right of way".


I don't see any point in further discussing this with you as you obviously only see such things as black or white.

Any reasonable thinking person would asertain that both parties carry fault in these two accidents. In both cases the collisions wouldn't have occurred if the bike riders were obeying the rules of the road regarding speed limits.

The car drivers were effecting legal turning maneuvers that many thousands do every day on the roads. Their negligence lies in their incompetence in judgement and inability to complete the task efficiently.


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