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Yingluck escape ‘well planned, with Thaksin’s help’


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Yingluck escape ‘well planned, with Thaksin’s help’

By The Nation



Army chief General Chalermchai Sitthisat


The escape of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was well planned with advance preparations made with the help of her brother Thaksin, Army chief General Chalermchai Sitthisat said on Tuesday.

“Unlike ordinary people, Yingluck had the potential to escape by herself. Her brother could prepare facilities for her, such as a private jet,” he said.


Chalermchai said Yingluck had repeatedly said she was ready to prove herself in court and had convinced people that she would not flee. But, he said, her plans to escape were made well in advance and she had just waited for the right time.


“We were not complacent,” he said. “Who would think that she would abandon her Bt30 million bail guarantee?”


Chalermchai said he believed Yingluck had left the country, even though there was no clear evidence that she had done so.


Hee admitted her escape exposed a flaw in the operations of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) and the Royal Thai Army, which oversees the border. However, he denied claims that the junta made a deal with Yingluck to escape, saying it would not have any benefit for the junta.


From his analysis, as an ex-premier, Yingluck had networks and enough supporters to help her flee, and would not need any help from authorities.


“I do not see any benefit [for the NCPO]. We are now blamed. PM Prayut [Chan-o-cha] calls me every day to expedite efforts to locate her,” he said.


If Yingluck was outside the country, she might make a verbal attack against the NCPO and it could not enforce any law against her, he said.


An arrest warrant was issued for Yingluck by the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions on Friday after she failed to turn up for the verdict reading in the case against her concerning alleged negligence in overseeing her government’s rice-pledging scheme.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30325206

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-08-29
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"Her brother could prepare facilities for her, such as a private jet,” he said."


anyone can hire a private jet, you moron.


"her plans to escape were made well in advance and she had just waited for the right time."


wow. she is smart, you moron.


" Hee admitted her escape exposed a flaw in the operations of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) and the Royal Thai Army, which oversees the border.





However, he denied claims that the junta made a deal with Yingluck to escape, saying it would not have any benefit for the junta.




please. morons in the Thai government please shut your mouths. i can't take it anymore.

Edited by NCC1701A
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6 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

"Her brother could prepare facilities for her, such as a private jet,” he said."


anyone can hire a private jet, you moron.


"her plans to escape were made well in advance and she had just waited for the right time."


wow. she is smart, you moron.


" Hee admitted her escape exposed a flaw in the operations of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) and the Royal Thai Army, which oversees the border.





However, he denied claims that the junta made a deal with Yingluck to escape, saying it would not have any benefit for the junta.




please. morons in the Thai government please shut your mouths. i can't take it anymore.

I think your rant deserves a picture taken just a few minutes before the escape.




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27 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

"Her brother could prepare facilities for her, such as a private jet,” he said."


anyone can hire a private jet, you moron.


"her plans to escape were made well in advance and she had just waited for the right time."


wow. she is smart, you moron.


" Hee admitted her escape exposed a flaw in the operations of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) and the Royal Thai Army, which oversees the border.





However, he denied claims that the junta made a deal with Yingluck to escape, saying it would not have any benefit for the junta.




please. morons in the Thai government please shut your mouths. i can't take it anymore.

It is easy, just use it as entertainment and believe the opposite of whatever they say

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A copy of the elaborate escape plan has been leaked to select TV members whose handles begin with "T", end in "R" and contain at least two "K"s:


1. Distract minders by throwing empty coke can over their heads.

2. While they duck and look away, hail a cab to nearest deserted airfield.

3. Board private jet, consume warm nuts, champagne & 5 course meal.

4. Shower & change in the on-board fully-fitted washroom

5. Arrive freshened at destination to more champagne and warm nuts.


How dastardly brilliant.

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 “Who would think that she would abandon her Bt30 million bail guarantee?”



I think every body would have thought Bt 30Million baht for her was not adequate it's like 20bt for other people

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Army chief says Thaksin was behind Yingluck’s escape




Army Commander-in-chief Gen Chalermchai Sitthisad said Tuesday (Aug 29) that fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra was behind the escape of his younger sister Yingluck Shinawatra.


The army chief said he believed that Ms Yingluck had planned her escape in advance with her brother’s personal jet standing by.


The escape plan was well prepared but just awaited for the right and appropriate time to go, he said.


Ex-premier Yingluck failed to show up to hear the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Offices’ verdict on rice pledging scheme on Aug 25.


Gen Chalermchai said Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has ordered security personnel, particularly border authorities to find out her escape route, time of escape and escape method, as well as those who helped her escape.


“For the time-being, there is still no clear evidence to confirm whether Khun Yingluck has fled the country and how.  However, all circumstances lead to the belief that she has fled the country.  To the question why she escaped, it is a matter for further analyses,” Gen Chalermchai said.


So far authorities still have no information about it but they are looking into all CCTV cameras and natural paths which she took to escape, he said.


Gen Chalermchai said as a former prime minister, Ms Yingluck has many supporters who are ready to offer help in the escape. She also has a close aide who is a police officer with skills and experience in making escape.


Full Story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/army-chief-says-thaksin-behind-yinglucks-escape/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-8-29
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So far authorities still have no information about it but they are looking into all CCTV cameras and natural paths which she took to escape, he said.

That could waste about as much of the taxpayers money as the rice scheme itself
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Maybe she was abducted . Big brother then told to keep quiet. I think we have seen the last of her. Rumours and conjecture will keep going but we will never see her again. She is gone and there is no one to blame. No body no death.If she reappears I will apologize to every one in this forum for this post until then  my post has credibility.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

If Yingluck was outside the country, she might make a verbal attack against the NCPO and it could not enforce any law against her, he said.

Poor little babies. Someone might say something not nice about you. Let me get you a tissue. :passifier:

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Like many of the top military- and police-officers in Thailand, the General seems to be incapable of keeping his speculations to his private-office, until he actually *knows* what actually happened.

The man is the Army Commander-in-Chief  -  does he run the Army on "speculation", or does he wait, and make "Army"-decisions based on facts and evidence ?

 [For example, he doesn't currently *know* whether Yingluck is still in Thailand, or not, but that doesn't stop him from giving a press-conference and talking about Thaksin's private-plane.]



"She also has a close aide who is a police officer with skills and experience in making escape."


And if I were that police officer I would be contacting a lawyer concerning a (possible) defamation case.

Edited by andersonat
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56 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Maybe she was abducted . Big brother then told to keep quiet. I think we have seen the last of her. Rumours and conjecture will keep going but we will never see her again. She is gone and there is no one to blame. No body no death.If she reappears I will apologize to every one in this forum for this post until then  my post has credibility.

That has certainly crossed my mind.


I know it is not the "way they usually do things", but the stakes are as high as they get, and the ultimate arbiter is no more...

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

Maybe she was abducted . Big brother then told to keep quiet. I think we have seen the last of her. Rumours and conjecture will keep going but we will never see her again. She is gone and there is no one to blame. No body no death.If she reappears I will apologize to every one in this forum for this post until then  my post has credibility.


link: 1.mp4 very grainy video supposedly of Yingluck meeting her brother at a private airfield, somewhere allegedly in the UK...  (refuelling issues must have been resolved if true)...


This may all be speculation, false information, old photos etc... but this is whats circulating on Thai message groups... 






Edited by richard_smith237
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3 hours ago, Bezdomny said:

She is smarter than all of the1700 generals together. How can you lead a country if you fail at so easy task?


I thought it was closer to 1800, or did they execute the 100 responsible to "shadow" her already?

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

However, he denied claims that the junta made a deal with Yingluck to escape, saying it would not have any benefit for the junta.

Said before, say it again. They couldn't have her being a martyr. They took her to the border. What they're saying is all smoke and mirrors.

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