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Girlfriend setting up online business selling cosmetics

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8 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

Simple test how to know if she will have success selling through Facebook:

look at the last 5 pictures she posted online and if she does not get well over 1,000 likes per picture on average the business will fail.



I base this simple rule on what I have seen around me with many friends of my wife. Selling through Facebook, especially a product like cosmetics, is extremely difficult as there are thousands of unknown shops selling unknown brands already. What will make your gf's stand out? If she does not know any famous hi-so people who can help her promote it or if she does not have a network of friends clicking over a 1,000 likes on her current pics already than nothing will make it stand out.


Frankly, nobody is interested in an unknown brand of cosmetics of unknown quality. She will only sell if famous people recommend it (which they wont if they dont know her) or if all her friends help her out (for which she needs to have a huge network of real friends already). 


I do know some people who can sell about everything online but they both build a huge following over the years selling other products. One guy has a tremendous network of rich and famous people so whatever he sells already has an aura of richness around it making it interesting for most Thais (he will take a pic of the product with in the background the logo of his lamborghini steering wheel, famous friends will show his product off in hi-so settings, he arranges a free ad in a big magazine his buddy owns, etc). Another girl has build a huge following by selling plus-size clothes for years and she now sometimes sells, just for fun, a special product like dried pork or shrimp and easily gets orders for a few hundred kg within a day. In neither case they started with a limited budget and no following on Facebook.



Based on everything you told us so far, and what I mentioned above, I give her a chance of success of around 1%.

Thank you!


Yes, she would start low of course. But my friend who is now making good money of it also started low. That's how most things start.


I just want her to be able to make at least 20,000 thb in the beginning so she could quit her current job, where she gets paid even less than that and works long hours.


My friend who is now successful makes more than 100,000 thb/month from this, sometimes even 500 K/month.

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Easy answer. No it´s no idea to do such a thing. Especially cosmetic business, that already are overloaded with people that want to make a buck.
Without a revolutionary product that doesn´t exist or is proven better than existing products, this is a sure looser.

Edited by Get Real
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Thank you!
Yes, she would start low of course. But my friend who is now making good money of it also started low. That's how most things start.
I just want her to be able to make at least 20,000 thb in the beginning so she could quit her current job, where she gets paid even less than that and works long hours.
My friend who is now successful makes more than 100,000 thb/month from this, sometimes even 500 K/month.

What does your friend sell?
Why doesnt your gf team up with her and work together on extending their joint business? Let her buy herself in for that 100k and learn from someone who already has success.
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11 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

What does your friend sell?
Why doesnt your gf team up with her and work together on extending their joint business? Let her buy herself in for that 100k and learn from someone who already has success.

Yes, that's an idea. If the product is good, I think teaming up is a good idea.

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Yes, that's an idea. If the product is good, I think teaming up is a good idea.

Or just work for her for some time to learn what she does and how she does it. Someone who sells up to 500k of goods per month can always use some extra hands for replying, packing, and sending out products.

Next convince her to let your gf buy in or start a sister-company related to the friend's current one. That way you start with a customer network already.
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1 minute ago, Bob12345 said:

Or just work for her for some time to learn what she does and how she does it. Someone who sells up to 500k of goods per month can always use some extra hands for replying, packing, and sending out products.

Next convince her to let your gf buy in or start a sister-company related to the friend's current one. That way you start with a customer network already.

Not sure how the buy in would work? I was thinking about letting the product sell on friend's market and split the sales. Or it's not how it works in such cases? I have no experience here :)

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16 hours ago, samsensam said:


need more information...


has she experience in running a business? knowledge/experience in the cosmetics industry? experience of running an online business?


market research carried out?


business plan?


realistic financial projections?


SWOT analysis?


online; own website, ebay, facebook? international/domestic market?


quality control?

Sounds to me like just one more a**hole will join the hundreds of others that will pose as an individuals on social media to get "free advertising"...

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My missus tried it with a name brand, it was not that successful, I guess the companies pushing it promise them an easy income but unless they can expand their market outside a few friends it won't be profitable. Includes lots of costly training and seminars. A month learning how to setup Facebook marketing. Kept her occupied for a few months but ultimately lost money 

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In my experience, may Thai girls try this in one way or another. My GF tried it by purchasing a bunch of product and then selling it out of her apartment. She also advertised on Facebook. The final result after about 6mos was a lot of leftover product in the room and a loss of a few thousand baht. I personally think the market in this is saturated because there is no "nich". 



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16 hours ago, mstevens said:

(deleting reply to make fresh comment)

It is very common for a Thai to see or hear of someone starting a business and they are told, true or not, that it is a success and so they want to jump on the bandwagon. Then, with everyone doing the same thing, the market is unsustainable. Sales, if any, are spread too thin. Thais do not think beyond stage one and have no idea at all on how to make their product stand out from the rest.

I have a sister-in-law who wanted to sell clothes at Rangsit. Okay I said, and why should they buy from you instead of the other 100 stalls there? No idea, and of course it failed within weeks. Another sister-in-law heard there was money to be made with rubber trees. So did everyone else and, well, you know. Look at all the roadside stalls, one after another after another, all selling exactly the same water melons or whatever.

Ask her to think of something original for a business venture, something no-one else is doing, and be the first that everyone else follows. And when they do, think of a way to stand out from the rest. Keep ahead of the field. It might make her brain hurt trying to think of something original, but being able to do so makes the difference between success and failure.


From what the OP says, she has nothing other than an idea and so has zero prospect of success. I'm amazed the bank would even lend her the money for what is nothing more than a dream.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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samsensam - Seems to have made a good and relevant point.


Best advice - Do a trial launch at low cost to get proof of concept.

How - To do this:

  1. Go to AliExpress.com and search for whatever she is wanting to buy from a manufacture in bulk i.e search 'cheap cosmetics lipstick' (currently most items in this category cost about 40 - 50 THB)
  2. Go to Shopify.com and launch an ecommerce store (on a worpress site) - 14 days free and then $29 / month.
  3. Add the shipping costs to the cost of product cost and mark up your product(s) 100/200% 
  4. Identify the targeting i.e audience profile of the buyer.
  5. Buy traffic (Facebook, Twiiter, Youtube etc) for this targeted audience.
  6. When the orders are received - you will place the same order on AliExpress store where the product is being sourced - But using the shipping address as the address you got from your order.
  7. After enough orders are taken then calculate - The cost of conversion - Are you making a profit after all the cost of making these conversions.
  8. If you are not making profits - Change the product or the landing page or the targeting.
  9. When you do start making a profit - Scale up the advertising and buy more traffic.
  10. Gradually add more products based upon the testing described above.
  11. Once the the volume become high enough and the business is proven - THEN approach manufacturers and buy in bulk.

However when you move to sourcing from manufacturers this comes with complexity and storage requirements and your volumes need to justify the 10 - 15% cost of product reductions that are being achieved. 


Follow the link to see how many pages are selling cosmetics using Shopify here - 1.13 million.

- The majority of these pages on Shopify are drop shipping stores and not original manufacturers.


The above method is simply a drop shipping process - There are many people making a living doing the method as described - And they do this with initial investments that start at 5,000 THB.


You do not need to invest 100,000 THB to test your girlfriends idea.




Edited by spambot
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In Thailand, the most important thing is to tell customers is that it will whiten the skin and make them look younger. After you advertise it correctly, she could be selling used motor oil in a fancy bottle and still get some sales.  

But once she runs out of Facebook friends and relatives to sell to, the business will be in trouble.

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2 hours ago, dansbkk said:

In Thailand, the most important thing is to tell customers is that it will whiten the skin and make them look younger. After you advertise it correctly, she could be selling used motor oil in a fancy bottle and still get some sales.  

But once she runs out of Facebook friends and relatives to sell to, the business will be in trouble.


It seems that you really only know girls from the farms who know nothing about beauty and cosmetics...



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10 hours ago, Requiem said:

Thank you!


Yes, she would start low of course. But my friend who is now making good money of it also started low. That's how most things start.


I just want her to be able to make at least 20,000 thb in the beginning so she could quit her current job, where she gets paid even less than that and works long hours.


My friend who is now successful makes more than 100,000 thb/month from this, sometimes even 500 K/month.


sounds good, could you post a link to the site?

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10 hours ago, Requiem said:

Thank you! Yes, we would set up Facebook business page of course and sell there, not using our own website. I also know a friend who is successful with such venture selling product for women online and making good money. If she makes a good product, I will probably convince my friend to promote it with her customers.

Promotion is not a problem, I think the problem is with manufacturing it, finding good materials, etc. I have no idea yet how much it would cost and what's the profit of one item sold.


 You have SO MANY successful friends ! No doubt that they will help you to also be successful 5555+

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is there a good website / forum   "How to sell on Facebook" or other social media ?


There was a good TV show on  how the Chinese sell on the net for "Singles day" 11,11  and what it takes to win......


First thing you see is that Chinese are hard workers , more than most other people , and they go to great lengths to find a product ,  promote it and have it ready for Singles Day ,


The first smart TV "player"  who can promote a Thai "singles day"  sales day could make serious money.....


In the USA , Black Friday  is also a big selling day , but mostly larger companies,


Does Thailand also have a day like this which I never knew about  ??????

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2 hours ago, oldcarguy said:

is there a good website / forum   "How to sell on Facebook" or other social media ?

There are a lot of books on this very subject written in the Thai language.  B2S books is a good starting point.

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12 hours ago, mike324 said:

This girl makes a living just promoting cosmetics, she is famous for doing so. Your gf can learn from her just by looking at her website, learn to take good pictures will go a long way too.



But how does someone starting off  get the traffic on their Facebook page  ?


it seems impossible to get 100s of real followers unless you do something stupid or dangerous and end up in the papers or on TV

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14 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

What does your friend sell?
Why doesnt your gf team up with her and work together on extending their joint business? Let her buy herself in for that 100k and learn from someone who already has success.

what does your friend sell? LIES

only problem is that nearly all thai girls sell them.

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39 minutes ago, meatboy said:

last week I saw the ALL KITTED OUT fast food vans,fish and chips,pizza and burgers,big layout but as there are moobans springing up everywhere,farang-thai NOW THERE'S A THOUGHT.



those seem to be a new trend, and possibly a good niche venture. 

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The gf has a nice little business bringing in Royal Jelly from Australia, breaking it down and selling it in smaller more affordable packages on Facebook.

Cost nothing to start, keeps her busy and makes a little money.

You can find Thai royal jelly but like most Asians, Thais prefer western brands and are very suspicious of domestic food / health products. I would think this applies to cosmetics as well.

As a previous post said, " differentiate your product".

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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According to many sources, more than 90% (Ninety percent) of all Internet business start-ups end in failure within the first 120 (one hundred twenty) days. And that number is all too accurate: NINETY PERCENT!


This alarming failure rate goes unheeded for a number of reasons:

1. Many don’t know the statistical probabilities they face.
2. Many don’t see themselves as being part of the failures or they wouldn’t leap.
3. Many are talked into things they are unprepared for.
4. Many don’t know the basic tenant of – “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.”


Of course, success is still a possibility. There IS that other 10% (ten percent) that do succeed. For them, success doesn’t happen by accident. And success isn’t just a crap shoot. Success happens because of some very important factors.


Success happens because people learn about internet marketing and how it works. They do not expect to get rich quick or be able to make a killing overnight and retire to a tropical isle.


It is strange but somehow the same people, who wouldn’t dream of starting a real world business, think they can make a go of an internet business even though they have no business background.


People think that an internet business just means that they no longer have to get up and go to work. They think they can simply work when the feel like it and still make a good living. They do not understand that any business requires them to work hard and sometimes work long hours.


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On 8/31/2017 at 0:50 AM, oldcarguy said:

PS.......I wish there were classes in Thai on how to prepare to start a business......it might save some of these people with "great" ideas from losing $$$$$$

there are ... but as that isn't "sanook maakmaak", many decide to go for " I know already, me smart lady" 555

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