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Smoking in enclosed Pattaya area restaurants


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1 minute ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

What brand of cancer sticks do you smoke, let me guess, elderly Briton, is it Benson and Hedges? Mayfair?

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That info would be of no interest to anyone, but never heard of "Elderly Briton"....could be worth a try though if you could send me a pack....:thumbsup:....

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I smoked for a few years in my 20's, only for something to do with my hands while cruising in bars.

But I never inhaled and they were top shelf ciggies!




Later I even went through a pipe smoking and Cuban cigar smoking phases. Delicious. 


Once just for fun, I even smoked a Cuban cigar in an Amsterdam bar (not "coffeeshop"). I figured it was OK because most people were smoking, but a cigar really stinks up even a smokers bar! 

By the way, that bar was ventilated. It was nothing like that smoke chamber at that restaurant. 


Edited by Jingthing
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4 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Obviously. The B&H gave my dad throat cancer (he claimed it was the cunning linguistics in him) Radiation cured him for two years then the strokes and metatatised tumours got him. My uncles who did not smoke are as strong as oxen. All the best of luck transam!

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Strange, my mum and reached 85&88 and smoked, my uncle who smoked is now 94, we talk a lot via email...BUT, none of them smelt as folk here are purporting.....

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1 minute ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

That's great for your grandpa grandma. My parents were born in Scunthorpe in the 1930's. I grew up in America. I hear it was bathing once a month. What do you think their goddamn jumpers and clothes smelled like of course they stunk, cigarettes are also not making favourable bouquet .

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Think we probably smelled of coal fires and paraffin heaters, plus there was no such thing as deodorant back then, but folk could smoke, have a beer and a laugh around a smokie camp fire too...:smile:

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30 minutes ago, transam said:

Strange, my mum and reached 85&88 and smoked, my uncle who smoked is now 94, we talk a lot via email...BUT, none of them smelt as folk here are purporting.....


I have to give support to Trans here, my uncle also lived until 92 and smoked 50 cigs daily since the age of 20 !  :shock1:

But he claimed he did not inhale the smoke deep enough into his lungs....not sure if there's any truth in that .  

His family were suffering daily , because he smoked inside the house , and in the bed too, he once put fire on the bed sheets !

My mom were furious about his smoking habits and chased him out if we were in the same room. 


So yes your family genes also helps if you're a smoker , but of course we'll never know how long he could have lived .  



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Personally I only smoke in bars or restaurants where it's obvious that it's a smoke friendly establishment, and others are already smoking. And only if it's well ventilated. If there were kids nearby I'd go outside.

I hate the smell of those shisha pipes.  If I'm in a place with loads of shisha smoke I'll tolerate it or go somewhere else. I won't begrudge those people their enjoyment of the shisha, because we're all different and they're simply enjoying the freedoms that LOS offers :stoner:

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This topic is generating a lot of heat and almost hate mail! Some smokers just don't realize how their smoking really effects non smokers who find the smell intolerable or those who suffer from asthma.


If I am in someone's home and they ask to light up even though I hate the smell it would be rude to say no. If my daughter is with me I explain that she could suffer from a bad asthma attack but I'd be pleased to join them on the porch. A friend of mine is a heavy smoker but never smokes in front of me unless we are sitting outside. For nonsmokers the smell of smoke is offensive never mind the possible effects of second hand smoke. 

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37 minutes ago, JusticeGB said:

This topic is generating a lot of heat and almost hate mail! Some smokers just don't realize how their smoking really effects non smokers who find the smell intolerable or those who suffer from asthma.


If I am in someone's home and they ask to light up even though I hate the smell it would be rude to say no. If my daughter is with me I explain that she could suffer from a bad asthma attack but I'd be pleased to join them on the porch. A friend of mine is a heavy smoker but never smokes in front of me unless we are sitting outside. For nonsmokers the smell of smoke is offensive never mind the possible effects of second hand smoke. 

Why do you have to make excuses why you do not want someone to smoke ?. The houses of any smoker are contaminated  with third hand smoke. 

"Smokers dont realize how their smoking affects other"

 Smokers are in the following categories :


1. Oblivious:   Most Asian males are in this category.  Especially these Korean males walking around 3,4 abreast all smoking. Then of course the Chinese males wherever they are.

2. In state of denial: They discount facts about cigarette smoke and its adverse effects. This  group always brings up the : What about  auto/bus exhaust"  ad nauseam 

3. This group is just plain obnoxious 

Edited by morrobay
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On 01/09/2017 at 7:09 PM, Jingthing said:

They are not on any social media.

I can't name and shame them here.

It's against forum policy. 

But to be fair, I know the place and already knew they allow smoking.

So I made the choice to go in there knowing that and probably will again.

But certainly not nearly as often after tonight's experience. 

The nationality that they mostly serve are very often restaurant smokers. Say no more. 

From their POV, it would hurt their business much more to ban smoking than to cater to people like me that really can't stand it. 


Anyway, does anyone know if what they are allowing there is even LEGAL? 

I need a smoke when I'm socialising with English women..its my nerves!  

If you ban smoking, logically you should ban diesel exhaust from cars and those huge coaches, ban alcohol, processed food, sugar, and women...[only joking].  An incorrect diet is the killer... what are you eating in your restaurant?..Get fat and follow the black cloud behind the bus, and worry about a ciggy.

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1 hour ago, talahtnut said:

I need a smoke when I'm socialising with English women..its my nerves!  

If you ban smoking, logically you should ban diesel exhaust from cars and those huge coaches, ban alcohol, processed food, sugar, and women...[only joking].  An incorrect diet is the killer... what are you eating in your restaurant?..Get fat and follow the black cloud behind the bus, and worry about a ciggy.

I wasn't talking about banning all smoking in all places. But in small totally enclosed areas with no ventilation even one smoker smokes up the place. A large table of them ... what happened to me the other night. I don't see how any reasonable person can say that's a reasonable thing to allow in such spaces. But like I said, the restaurant and group were from a different culture where what I think of as reasonable limits are just not on their radar. 

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If you went back 10-20 years before countries began banning smoking in public places, smokers were everywhere. Even queuing in the bank you could continue puffing away. You could sit at the back of a plane and smoke to your hearts content, and there were smoking carriages on most trains. Every pub, bar, nightclub was dotted with ashtrays, and the odour was a mixture of alcohol and tobacco.


Now fast forward to 2017, and the non-smokers can claim a huge victory.  Smokers in most developed countries are banished to the pavements, rain or shine. The shopping malls, bars, planes, trains , restaurants etc., are now all smoke free. Even as a smoker I think these changes are mostly good.


I think it's time the anti-smoking brigade let it drop now, and focus on other more harmful areas in society. Let smokers enjoy the few remaining freedoms they have.



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If you went back 10-20 years before countries began banning smoking in public places, smokers were everywhere. Even queuing in the bank you could continue puffing away. You could sit at the back of a plane and smoke to your hearts content, and there were smoking carriages on most trains. Every pub, bar, nightclub was dotted with ashtrays, and the odour was a mixture of alcohol and tobacco.
Now fast forward to 2017, and the non-smokers can claim a huge victory.  Smokers in most developed countries are banished to the pavements, rain or shine. The shopping malls, bars, planes, trains , restaurants etc., are now all smoke free. Even as a smoker I think these changes are mostly good.
I think it's time the anti-smoking brigade let it drop now, and focus on other more harmful areas in society. Let smokers enjoy the few remaining freedoms they have.

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19 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

If you went back 10-20 years before countries began banning smoking in public places, smokers were everywhere. Even queuing in the bank you could continue puffing away. You could sit at the back of a plane and smoke to your hearts content, and there were smoking carriages on most trains. Every pub, bar, nightclub was dotted with ashtrays, and the odour was a mixture of alcohol and tobacco.


Now fast forward to 2017, and the non-smokers can claim a huge victory.  Smokers in most developed countries are banished to the pavements, rain or shine. The shopping malls, bars, planes, trains , restaurants etc., are now all smoke free. Even as a smoker I think these changes are mostly good.


I think it's time the anti-smoking brigade let it drop now, and focus on other more harmful areas in society. Let smokers enjoy the few remaining freedoms they have.






You you are a pariah. Smoke in your allotted areas and understand that those who have the sense/strength not to smoke have a greater right to enjoy their freedoms.

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I wasn't talking about banning all smoking in all places. But in small totally enclosed areas with no ventilation even one smoker smokes up the place. A large table of them ... what happened to me the other night. I don't see how any reasonable person can say that's a reasonable thing to allow in such spaces. But like I said, the restaurant and group were from a different culture where what I think of as reasonable limits are just not on their radar. 

Yes thats fair, one used not to smoke at the table, but retired to drawing room afterwards with a cigar or pipe..old fashioned manners, but sensible. Personally,  always chose an open air restaurant, seated by the roadside where I smoke  a combination of tobacco and mo'cy exhaust without causing offence.

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4 hours ago, Jip99 said:




You you are a pariah. Smoke in your allotted areas and understand that those who have the sense/strength not to smoke have a greater right to enjoy their freedoms.

Thats a good attitude, lets not ban everything as they do in the UK..where even free speech is banned, I'm sure one is also not allowed to think !  Giving a passing compliment to a woman might land one in front of a judge.

Health warning:  England may contain nuts.

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11 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:


I think it's time the anti-smoking brigade let it drop now, and focus on other more harmful areas in society. Let smokers enjoy the few remaining freedoms they have.



Never going to happen! People need to tell others how to live, people need to be able to feel superior to fellow man, often this is all they have left. 


The 'Your breath tastes like ashtray' are  a put downs, meant to signal 'I am better than you'.  

I used to smoke, and I kissed men, no one said I taste like ashtray, maybe they were being polite, but they kept coming back.   I kiss men now who are smokers, they do not taste like ashtrays, there is slight taste of tar, but I have kissed non smokers with bad breath. I think people complaining about smokers breath haven't kissed anyone in 30 years. 


I've seen people telling other to stop smoking  at soi 13 Starbucks terrace, people ordering others to not smoke are always alone, I bet they don't have many friends. The only convo at SB they can have is to bitch at fellow man..  they are sad, miserable  people. 

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Smokers are no better than people who take a dump in front of you or sh*t on a table or restaurant floor. They should pay more for drinks and pay for the laundry bills of non smokers and pay for the health insurance of the Thai Staff. Smokers are a tiny minority of people who ruin places for 90% of non smokers. Ignorant, anti social bullies.

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