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Its a reoccurring problem with an infection in my ankle which spreads up my leg. Looking red and feeling hot.

1st time BHP, intravenous drip kept in over night. Expensive.

Since then local Doctor, intramuscular shot and a course of antibiotics. Except my doctors is shut at the weekend. I stared to take Amoxicillin 500mg last night but I'm not sure if its working, but I don't wont to go to a hospital if I can help it.

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This is potentially very serious and not something you can self treat.


You could literally lose the leg.


You likely need a longer course of antibiotics IV.


There are much less expensive hospitals in Pattaya than BPH (which is arguably the most expensive hospital in Thailand.)


I suggest you go at once to the emergency room of Pattaya City Hospital. Costs will be quite modest. Or, if you do not want to go to a government hospital, then Pattaya Memorial Hospital is probably the least expensive private option.



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I found a Doctor near me. She prescribed Clindamycin, Dicloxacillin  and Serratiopeptidase with a proviso that if it doesn't show an improvement I should go to a hospital and have an intravenous injection. She gave me a form to take with me.

She also told me what it was- Cellulitis.

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Cellulutis just means tissue inflammation/infection. It does not tell anything abput the causative organism.

You have at this point had quite a cocktail of different antiobiotics and possibly none of them for a full therapeutic course. This puts you at risk for development of antibiotic resitance...which can make a tissue infection like this very hard to treat.

Make sure you have a full list of all the antibiotics ypu have receieved so far and for how long, and bring it with you to next doctor or hospital visit.

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Last fall, I developed Cellulitis in my left leg after coronary bypass surgery in a US veterans hospital.  My cardiac team miss-interpreted my symptoms and I was discharged to my home with oral anti-biotics.  After 4 days the inflammation had spread, the leg, from ankle to calf had become discolored and the pain was so severe, I could not walk.  

I went back to the hospital on day four through Emergency.   There I was immediately placed on an IV drip, twice a day of VANCOMYCIN, one of the most powerful anti-biotics for treating Cellulitis.  

They drew an outline of the infection on my leg and checked it periodically. The inflammation began to recede on day two.

I was told that if I had waited one more day to seek treatment, I would almost certainly have lost my leg.

One year later and I still have some numbness and discoloration in that leg, but no pain.


OP...Please do not delay in seeking treatment and please do not make cost your primary criterion for selecting treatment. The consequences for even a small delay in proper treatment can truly mean the loss of your leg.

Ask about VANCOMYCIN.  I don't know if it is actually available in Thailand but it worked for me and my cellulitis was very advanced.


Edited by dddave
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