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90 day reports by post to Bangkok are not accepted if you are from another area.

Well they accepted mine from Petchabun and the link on the official site does not state there are boundaries and I am only talking about the beginning of May


The information on the web site is from years ago (when postage was 5 baht). It has not been updated since the change in procedure.

Stay coolllllllllllll and smile outwardly, because anything else will be counter productive.

IMHE that is, anyway.

marshbags :D


Rant in aid of N.Khai,s nice side, that i have always been given in recent years.

marshbags, I really need the address of your optician.

For the rose tinted glasses,I mean.

They don't sell them here in Udon. :)

Stay coolllllllllllll and smile outwardly, because anything else will be counter productive.

IMHE that is, anyway.

marshbags :D


Rant in aid of N.Khai,s nice side, that i have always been given in recent years.

marshbags, I really need the address of your optician.

For the rose tinted glasses,I mean.

They don't sell them here in Udon. :)

No probs A.R.

Being a Yorky, i speak as i find and for me personally they are visitor friendly.

I used Pattaya for several years and most of the time it wasn,t so friendly, but not a big problem as they have a lot to put up with also and it,s understandable.

By all accounts going on the various posts from there, things have also improved, but not everyone likes tis office.

I also lived in Lampang and had to use Changmai and again this office was hot and cold, depending on who you saw and what had gone before you in the way of friendly visitors and the constant wind ups done on a daily basis.

My rose coluored glasses are the sort that allow me to look at both sides of the situation and give what I consider an honest assessment.

For me, i would not want to put up with the daily flack and some of the most obnoxious individuals they have to try to please and assit.

I wish to apologise for saying i am proud to be English as I always say I am proud to be British and mean it.

Mentioning the splendid English couple I had the pleasure to meet at N.Khai threw me a little.

Yorky, English and British, how lucky I am.

Serving in the forces makes you realise that we are indeed Great Britian and not 4 seperate communities in isolation, but that,s off topic and another story.

marshbags :D

I am on a retirement Visa and have a letter of Guarantee from my Embassy dated 2006 guaranteeing my pension this has been acceptable at Khap Chong and Thali immigration . But prior to this I was always asked to get a new letter every year. I ask why because when you are Retired your pension is for life . This is a Company pension not the state pension yet as I am not 65 .

My question is one letter of guarantee should be okay am I correct or not or do immigration offices make there own rules about this, I have sent an email to Nong Khai about this as my next renewal will be at this office but as yet no reply.

Also some offices require a Thai translation of your letter.

Macb, if you are confirming your address in Phetchabun. Then I am afraid you will now have to go to NAN and yes they also accept 90 days by post. Plus be prepared on your first visit to have to go twice as confirmation/approval retirement as to go thro Chang mia. ( up to one week ) For person with a wife twice in four weeks.

And they at present expect the passport holder to do both trips in person.

And from Phetchabun that is a round trip 900k by car 10 to 12 hrs driving, by bus double that!

I am on a retirement Visa and have a letter of Guarantee from my Embassy dated 2006 guaranteeing my pension this has been acceptable at Khap Chong and Thali immigration . But prior to this I was always asked to get a new letter every year. I ask why because when you are Retired your pension is for life . This is a Company pension not the state pension yet as I am not 65 .

My question is one letter of guarantee should be okay am I correct or not or do immigration offices make there own rules about this, I have sent an email to Nong Khai about this as my next renewal will be at this office but as yet no reply.

Also some offices require a Thai translation of your letter.

Macb, if you are confirming your address in Phetchabun. Then I am afraid you will now have to go to NAN and yes they also accept 90 days by post. Plus be prepared on your first visit to have to go twice as confirmation/approval retirement as to go thro Chang mia. ( up to one week ) For person with a wife twice in four weeks.

And they at present expect the passport holder to do both trips in person.

And from Phetchabun that is a round trip 900k by car 10 to 12 hrs driving, by bus double that!

I don't live in Petchabun now .


A pension is not necessarily "for life" as stated in OP. For example, I have the option of receiving the funds in my retirement account as a 10-year annuity. When I ask the pension company to activate it, the amount of money in the account is divided by 10, and one-tenth is transferred to my savings account in New York on that day/month each year over a decade -- with nothing left in the account after the 10th pay-out.

To do the embassy letter for Immo, I would then take the amount in my NY savings account and divide by 12 (to comform to the monthly "income" format of the letter). Because the amount in my NY savings acccount will change from year to year, the amount of pension income will vary accordingly (along with changes in the dollar-baht exchange rate).

A pension is not necessarily "for life" as stated in OP. For example, I have the option of receiving the funds in my retirement account as a 10-year annuity. When I ask the pension company to activate it, the amount of money in the account is divided by 10, and one-tenth is transferred to my savings account in New York on that day/month each year over a decade -- with nothing left in the account after the 10th pay-out.

To do the embassy letter for Immo, I would then take the amount in my NY savings account and divide by 12 (to comform to the monthly "income" format of the letter). Because the amount in my NY savings acccount will change from year to year, the amount of pension income will vary accordingly (along with changes in the dollar-baht exchange rate).

Point taken, but the majority of Works pensions are for the duration of that persons life.

The OP is as I am a retired member of the British Civil Service and they provide a lifetime Index linked Pension plus the State pension will kick in at our 65th Birthday

A pension is not necessarily "for life" as stated in OP. For example, I have the option of receiving the funds in my retirement account as a 10-year annuity. When I ask the pension company to activate it, the amount of money in the account is divided by 10, and one-tenth is transferred to my savings account in New York on that day/month each year over a decade -- with nothing left in the account after the 10th pay-out.

To do the embassy letter for Immo, I would then take the amount in my NY savings account and divide by 12 (to comform to the monthly "income" format of the letter). Because the amount in my NY savings acccount will change from year to year, the amount of pension income will vary accordingly (along with changes in the dollar-baht exchange rate).

Point taken, but the majority of Works pensions are for the duration of that persons life.

The OP is as I am a retired member of the British Civil Service and they provide a lifetime Index linked Pension plus the State pension will kick in at our 65th Birthday


You beat me to it well done

I am on a retirement Visa and have a letter of Guarantee from my Embassy dated 2006 guaranteeing my pension this has been acceptable at Khap Chong and Thali immigration . But prior to this I was always asked to get a new letter every year. I ask why because when you are Retired your pension is for life . This is a Company pension not the state pension yet as I am not 65 .

My question is one letter of guarantee should be okay am I correct or not or do immigration offices make there own rules about this, I have sent an email to Nong Khai about this as my next renewal will be at this office but as yet no reply.

Also some offices require a Thai translation of your letter.

Never had any problem. I get my financial adviser to post me a new letter every year confirming my income. I got a letter from my embassy 8 years ago confirming my income and I use this letter every year jf requested. (Last year they did not even look at it).

You are allowed to renew your retirement visa up to two months before it expires. Do this and you will have plenty of time if immigration requires further documentation

they did not even look at it).

You are allowed to renew your retirement visa up to two months before it expires. Do this and you will have plenty of time if immigration requires further documentation

Extension of Stay. Not a Retirement Visa. :)

Some offices will only let you apply within the last 30 days. While Pattaya like it to be done 3 months in advance.

Consult your local Immigration Office.

they did not even look at it).

You are allowed to renew your retirement visa up to two months before it expires. Do this and you will have plenty of time if immigration requires further documentation

Extension of Stay. Not a Retirement Visa. :)

Some offices will only let you apply within the last 30 days. While Pattaya like it to be done 3 months in advance.

Consult your local Immigration Office.

N.Khai have just been considerate enough to send me a letter as i,ve mentioned and they advise 30 days only prior to renewal of extension of stay, just in case anyone missed it.

marshbags :D


Well yesterday I attended Nong Khai Immigration. We were 30 minutes early as it was lunch time. I got my queueing card No 9.

The doors were opened I took a seat, a lady in uniform shouted all 90 days here, one guy had filled the wrong form in and was for want of a better expression mildly abmolished. The lady went along the row and arrived at me Mr. Polite I was.

I showed my passport she looked. Response not due yet why are you here, frosty first visit I thought.

Please could I have some information about your requirements for renewal, she walked off and came back with with a form listing required documents.

I showed my letter of guarantee you need a new one. She looked at the monthly income (In GBP) what's this how much is this. I replied about 79000 baht per month sometimes 72000 baht per month. Her reply not enough you need 800.000 in the bank for three months or 80.000 baht per month.If you do not have enough then you need 50.000 baht in the bank for three months plus this monthly income. I was shocked, I politely queried 65.000 baht per month she replied no and walked off. I showed her my Thai translation of my letter of guarantee which happened so state 84.000 baht per month. She gave a hint of a smile and said you are okay you have enough.

Now the form she gave me with details of forms required was headed APPLICATION FOR RETIREMENT VISA EXTENSION AS OF 3RD DECEMBER 2008.

I was at the time de-moralised and did not read it till 2 hours later. It clearly states the two options 1. 800.000 baht in the bank or 65.000 baht per month supported by documentary evidence. I have tried to scan it to attach here from adobe but cnt get it to work.

So I will type briefly the requirements from the form.

1. TM 7

2. Photocopies of passport anything to do with the visa plus TM 6

3. Valid 'O' visa (Can only be obtained outside Thailand)

4. In case of monthly income letter from your Embassy to certify correct Consulate stamp then it states consulate stamp needs to be verified by Ministry of Foreign affairs Bkk. Income can be pension, interest, investment pay off. plus documents to support this in English or Thai.

5. If its 800.000 baht.

6 Must be in bank 3 months. bank letter conforming this, a balance statement taken on the day of application and copies of all pages in your pass book

7. If mixture of incomes refer to 4 and 6

8. 1 photo 4 by 6 cms full face taken within 6 months

9. Copy house registration book that you reside in and original book. ( I live in rented house ) mmmm

10 Fee 1900 baht.

11. Other documents as informed by immigration office.

Well there you go.



I know the woman you are talking about . Dreadful Woman. I only went for a Re Entry Permit and she was shouting at everyone. She was wrong. These are the official requirements.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) The applicant is 50 years of age or over;

(3) Proof of income of not less than Baht 65,000 per month; or

(4) Account deposit with a bank in Thailand of not less than

800,000 Baht as shown in the bank account for the past 3 months at the filing date of the application. For the first year, the applicant should have that amount in his bank account for not less than 60 days or

(5) Annual income plus bank account deposit totaling not less

than Baht 800,000 as of the filing date of application


I have no idea what they will really want when you go back with the new income letter. The paper she gave you probably means nothing to them it is really what ever they feel like that day.

From all reports they will also want to see a bank book.

I know the woman you are talking about . Dreadful Woman. She was wrong. These are the official requirements.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) The applicant is 50 years of age or over;

(3) Proof of income of not less than Baht 65,000 per month; or

(4) Account deposit with a bank in Thailand of not less than

800,000 Baht as shown in the bank account for the past 3 months at the filing date of the application. For the first year, the applicant should have that amount in his bank account for not less than 60 days or

(5) Annual income plus bank account deposit totaling not less

than Baht 800,000 as of the filing date of application

Well she would not listen to me, thanks for the confirmation. I felt awful till I read the letter of requirements in full

So what about the Ministry of Interior stamp Bkk is a long way from here. Today I have to ring British Consulate for info on another letter.

I could not sleep last night worrying about this, this morning I was up at 5 am on my favourite supportive forum. I found this info as well.


I have no idea what they will really want when you go back with the new income letter. The paper she gave you probably means nothing to them it is really what ever they feel like that day.

From all reports they will also want to see a bank book.

Well she never asked for a bank book, but never mind its all very stressful I never had this problem in 5 years


Where do we find these regulations in black and white about retirement visa requirements etc. I need to be armed with official evidence that cannot be argued

Where do we find these regulations in black and white about retirement visa requirements etc. I need to be armed with official evidence that cannot be argued



Where do we find these regulations in black and white about retirement visa requirements etc. I need to be armed with official evidence that cannot be argued



Wonderful mate: I want to thank you very much and everyone else for there input. My lass has read the Thai version and found the section on retirement, this will be printed.

Another question about the ministry interior stamp has any one had to achieve this or had flack from Nong khai about letter of verification not being stamped by the ministry.

Again many thanks

Another question about the ministry interior stamp has any one had to achieve this or had flack from Nong khai about letter of verification not being stamped by the ministry.

Again many thanks

As far as I know the verification from MFA is no longer needed. But as you are dealing with Nong Khai who knows.

Hopefully some one will chip in with first hand experience.


Thanks hopefully are looking up.

Well later I will ring British consulate about getting another letter of Guarantee and fee. Time to rest my head now

Thanks again


Hi Mac

What a bloody performance glad you are feeling better about it though..........just a few quickies.

Who determines the rate when working out the pension?

Do they use Gross or Net?

I dont suppose (with the hard time they gave you) you asked about 90 day reports by post hahaha.

I had to go there to get the paperwork for my driving licence.

Didnt have my house papers with me so they said no problem you can use raks address, thank you says I

then they proceeded to fine us 800Baht because Rak had failed to tell them I was staying with her within 24hrs....then he said he gave us discount because rak was a teacher......its all uphill mate!!

Hi Mac

What a bloody performance glad you are feeling better about it though..........just a few quickies.

Who determines the rate when working out the pension?

Do they use Gross or Net?

I dont suppose (with the hard time they gave you) you asked about 90 day reports by post hahaha.

I had to go there to get the paperwork for my driving licence.

Didnt have my house papers with me so they said no problem you can use raks address, thank you says I

then they proceeded to fine us 800Baht because Rak had failed to tell them I was staying with her within 24hrs....then he said he gave us discount because rak was a teacher......its all uphill mate!!

I was that bemused mate and down hearted I forgot mate.

As for who determines the rate I don't know the answer mate. But I know I have more than enough each month to reach the required amount


A Longish Post

Hiya macb,

Was the lady the mature one with the black glasses who was sat at the first desk as you look forward from the seating area ?

I have not seen her before but sadly i have to go along with your version of her welcoming call " any 90 days "

After no response it was followed by Number One ( me I indicated with number held aloft.) give passport to assistant !!!

Lucky me i thought, I should be done in no time.....................................Oh Dear !!!!

I,m sitting down and she demands in the very unwelcomed voice, bank book and i smille politely back at her with an, I,ll just open my folder and get it along with all my documents at the same time for you.

Need passport, letter ect. ect. while ignoring my polite response.

Get the required docs out of my folder for the ext of stay as per regs.

She opens my bank book and just chucks it down with a " This no good, not up to date."

I explain it was updated yesterday last thing and the entry in it was the last one of reference ( dated May 5th 2009 )

Not updated....no entry for your yesterday ?

After 3 attempts to explain again that it was the last transaction and no further dates available, Not enough, go back to bank and get todays latest entry.

I politely said if I do, it will still be as it is now.

I then refer her to my letter dated 01-06-09 and confirmation that May 5th was confirmed by the bank, along with my 800k plus that stays in most of the yaer and had been well above this since January.

Where are ATM slips to show this and i politely reply, " I do not use an ATM card for this account and cannot provide / get a slip.

You must have, go down the road and get a slip from the ATM machine there.

I again politely reply i do not have a card and cannot, sorry.

I also say the letter from the bank gives you the information you want about this being my last entry so surely this should be acceptable and provide confirmation.

After going through the motions of looking /appearing like she is re studying the letter.

O.K. this time i let it O.K.

Next year, get ATM card and bring slip with you also ????

Checks my other paperwork and then shouts where passport ?

I remind her that her assistant has it as she instructed.

She then picked my paper work up ( in no particular order ? disorder ) Gives it to me, no, thrusts it towards me and tells me go see officer and indicates to the 2 officers on her left.

By this time they have other applicants seated and i point this out, but she ignores me and repeats her intructions to me.

I,m stood like a told off school kid for 15 mins and then a senior lady officer comes in the office from upstairs.

Really nice and smiling she was, asks me why i,m standing there which i explain and say the lady at desk one and point to her, told me i have to wait for one of these 2 officers in front of me to then finish my application off.

She turned to her, spoke quietly in Thai and the bespectacled lady then told me to go back to her and she would finish it off .

She took a Robinsons shopping bag out of her desk took out some rubber stamps, proceeded to put them in order on the desk and processed my application in all of approx 5 mins.

I then gave her an application form for a single re entry which i do every year at this time.

Where photocopies of passport and all pages and i again reply nicely, i don,t usually get asked for these for my re entry, but as l always do 2 of everything provided the spare set and offered them to her.

Incredibly she asks again Passport and i say you still have it.

Have not and i again have to say you haven,t given it me back yet.

She asks the assistant who tells her she had it and points to her desk, she then looks under her stuff which is in a bit of a mess and eventually finds it at the bottom of it all.

Not sign, sign all photo copies! which i do and get my re entry stamp done.

Nearly there lads, now for a new 90 day report from today which i always asked for and got previously.

She asks why, you have already.

I politely explain that they usually let me have a new one from today and would you kindly let me have a new one please as i am here today and won,t have to come back in 3 weeks to renew it again.

O.K.then and believe it or not, due to the form flying accross the desk at me says an actual sorry this time.

Checks the calendar for the new date for the stamp and obliges.

End of an eventful visit.

Time on exit 09.20 so allowing for the late start ect. not bad at all by my reconning

I,m well please, i got my visa, renewal and new 90 day extension visit for notification.

Most of all I honestly kept my cool, stayed polite and even give her a tongue in cheek Wai and a thank you before getting the <deleted> out of it.

This was my first experience of unfriendly service and it came from a new officer who could put our previous male officer of hard time, to shame.

My observations of all the other staff was one of quiet helpful service towards their charges, this includes the male officer of hard time I refer to and this I wish to add in his favour, is the second visit he has shown due consideration while vetting his applicants in my presence.

This lady cannot have been there long as I and some locals when I asked about who she is, haven,t seen her before either.

I hope she softens up a bit before my next visit.

End of my detailed rant which is dedicated for information purposes and a heads up for those blessed with her presence and officious attention when visiting apart from ...

Apologies to Tafia, I asked about the reporting vis post, but she just ignored my question and mumbled something of another unknown language.. niether Thai nor English, God only knows what she said. :D

Should she ask for my number next time, i reckon i will hold back and let the next one go before me.

I would strongly recommend anyone with any sense do like wise.

marshbags :):D


A serious enquiry please.

Is there a collective response via our membership or members we could submit to Nong Khai, diplomatically asking if it is possible to get a little more understanding and friendlier approach / service from this particular officer.

Emails in general do not usually get any sort of response in matters of this nature. so maybe someone could suggest a more reliable way of maybe doing it.


So ATM slip for the very latest account wise just before entering the Immigration offices and a full set of photo copies for a re entry visa may be a requirement ???

It,s the first time i,ve been asked for them and would be interested in what others have had to present in these 2 areas, but in any case prepared is best IHMO


As every one knows. Nong Kai. Not a friendly office. Never was never will be. In spite of what Marshbags kept telling us in the past. Yes I came across that woman a few weeks ago. Awful. She was shouting at an American couple who only wanted information about Immigration requirements to cross the bridge for a few days and come back again. They left none the wiser and me and my friend told them what they needed to know.


As macb says below thanks Marshbags for being honest enough to give your report.

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