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I thought it might be a good idea, if we all stated how long we have been here and what kind of business we are in. Just to get to know each other a little better!

I will start with me.

6 years in Phuket, Property development.

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Came here first in 1962 & have been in & out since then. Used to live in a house on a klong in Bangkok, when there were klongs you could live on!

Moved house to the north in 1976.

Had Thai, (& other) restaurants in UK from 1976 to 1997.

Since 1998 I have not set foot outside the country.

Over here I have restaurants & general trade business. (+MLM)

Guest IT Manager

8 years in January. Have a small computer based business. Dislike socialising with tourists. Prefer speaking Thai and discussing politics in the village where I live, have been to my country of birth once. Looking forward to a "world passport".


first came as a visa hopping border walking backpacking cheapskate in 1984.

stayed for about 4 years. found on and off self-employment "teaching english" to the japanese expats here. good fun and paid quite well,but i am not a teacher!!

loved the country from day 1.

married a thai in 1989 and returned with her to the uk, stayed a while,working in my original profession,we came back to thailand for a year,living in bangkok and travelling around s.e.asia together,returned to the uk for a year,back to thailand again,etc.etc. spent half the nineties in thailand.

we are about to re-locate permanently to thailand (next month we hope) just as soon as we have tied up all the loose ends here.we hope to build a house on a piece of land we bought a couple of years ago on k.samui. and make a life there.


came here first time in 89, coming and going, stayed 3 years 91-93, coming and going again .. and now here for 4 years, came here coz I love to live here, and my wife couldn't come anymore in my country ...

married twice, and now with a lovely little daughter :D

times compiled together .. more than 9 years B)

doing a few computer's stuff around ...

either looking for a real good working way, or back to farang world :o



Well actually I've been here 8.5 years, since you ask. I was a Dean of a UK University Business School, probably still am, judging by the paychecks, but I am of course a US citizen. Been thinking about starting afresh in Kanchanaburi, business, that sort of thing. Health spa, you know. Just a thought!


Me, B)

13 years in this Good Country, Thailand.

First came here after the tigers did there thing in Sri Lanka, as I really loved that country. But, anyway, came to LOS in 1984, married my Palaya in 1985 and we are still together, love her lots, and then came to live here in 1990. Have a P.R. plus, plus, I Love Thailand.


Work – Food glorious food, there’s nothing quite like it – As the song goes, me think. Since I was 8 years old, I told myself “I love Food”.

And now working in Bangkok and living in Kan from Thursday till Monday noon when I get back to BKK and then on to this Forum . Hence no posts from me during my “Quality of Life” time. :o

Nice fred, thank you “The Gentleman” for starting this one. B)

You are all most welcome to enjoy and be happy in the Land of Smiles and U Kan Win :D Opps I did it again


He ,it seems I am the newbie here.First tourist visit in 1980 and 2 or 3 other ones till 2000.About 9 months in Thailand ,since begin 2001.Now living in Pattaya;try to have retirement visa .

I plan to stay here 10 month a year.Previously Benelux Manager for a software company


15 years

bungalow/resort business for the past 2 years, before that a restaurant.

Came as a tourist, I was teaching english and studying chinese in taiwan. met my husband, fell in love and got married. must have done something right 'cause 15 years later I am still here and still happily married. :o


Hello, my name is Tukyleith and I am an Asiaholic.

It all started in 1996 when I got a job in Singapore as a Telecom Commissioning tech in the oil and gas industry.

I developed an insatiatable thirst for asia and even woke up one morning to find I was working a new job in Korea.

I tried as hard as I could to stay away but couldn't.

I kept swinging from one place to the next but I didn't think there was anything wrong, I thought my behaviour was normal.

I finally realised I had a problem when I met my wife, she showed me the errors in my ways about 18 months ago when she took me to her home town in the LOS, I never wanted to leave.

I still have my ups and down, but I am getting better. I am working now in Azerbaijan, it was hard at first to leave, to give it all up. But as my wife said I only have to stay away until I have saved enough money.

She says she will then be more than happy for me to fall off the wagon and get right back into it. I don't know, I don't really think Asiaholism was all that bad compared to this.

The withdrawals are excruciating.

Thanks for listening to my story. :o:DB)

I thought it might be a good idea, if we all stated how long we have been here and what kind of business we are in. Just to get to know each other a little better!

I will start with me.

6 years in Phuket, Property development.

First I thought 'what the ...."

Then I realized, a good idea, it gives you a better understanding.

Very good question :o


3.5 years. bored of the UK left it over four years ago, lived in Melbourne for a while then came here when the visa ran out. Liked it ever since. Teaching English and married. No intention of returning to the UK. Though with all the political (visa) changes that go on, one never has a sense of long term security.


Moog: - here - and staying until blacklisted.

Corrupt running-dog capitalist, moviemaker, Presidential campaign policywriter, Corporate Scapegoat, Renaissance Goblin, and lifelong underachiever.


Vietnam almost 3 years, then Koh Samui for about a year total, now after going thru the k-1 visa am back in the States.

Coin Dealer since 1979, and have a side business consisting of websites ( 9 ) specific to Vietnam.

Neither my wife ( Vietnamese) or I are interested in the potentially humiliating experience of what immigration calls "advance parole" ( that's what these pricks call it) or we would be back there now. So we wait.

Mr Vietnam :o


I haven't made it to Thailand yet :o I'll be arriving in February to begin a missions trip in Mae Sot. I'd love to hear from anyone that's been there


3 years, very happily married to a Thai with 3 boys. We live in the North East in a 'village' & our farm is a couple of kms away.

I am an Oz Investment Adviser (Self Managed Super Funds), thus I spend a total of 4 months in my office in Oz split over 5 visits per year.

Thank 'which ever God' for the Net.

Will be 'retiring' in LOS in the not too distant future.

regards to all, pete


Came first in 1993 as tourist, living on Samui since 1995.

Staying happy with my wife since 7years, having a 2 year old son.

Into advertising and promotional stuff.

A free time organic farmer, looking forward doing it fulltime.

Cheers :o


I am from Sri Lanka. Probably the only Asian in this forum.

3 Yrs in Thailand. Living in Bangkok and married to a Thai.

Chartered Accountant by profession. Unfortunately it's Ban for Expats in Thailand. So, change to IT.

Waiting until my wife finishes her studies. Very disapointed with the attitude of thai's against the Asian's. Planning to migrate to a western country. This is not the place for both of us. :o

I am from Sri Lanka. Probably the only Asian in this forum.

3 Yrs in Thailand. Living in Bangkok and married to a Thai.

Chartered Accountant by profession. Unfortunately it's Ban for Expats in Thailand. So, change to IT.

Waiting until my wife finishes her studies. Very disapointed with the attitude of thai's against the Asian's. Planning to migrate to a western country. This is not the place for both of us. :o

You seem to be independant in a certain way. The dislike of people from your area

is mainly due to the goodness of a country to let you earn a decent way of life you ( people from your area) show up with 50 more relatives and they with 50 more that take advantage of the very system that cost most of us dearly and years of hard labor.

We have to show up with what we need to survive and not feed off the backs of the locals and

we never bring 50 others ( english teachers in thailand excluded) that feed off the hospitality of the host nation. We are proud of sacrifice and independant self supporting honest living. Do not take this negatively if it does not apply to you.

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