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Everything posted by topt

  1. Yes this change seems to have happened today.......probably just have to get used to it......
  2. You may be right but I read this from the BOT differently https://www.bot.or.th/en/our-roles/financial-markets/foreign-exchange-regulations/exchange-control-regulation.html#accordion-89d74b5d26-item-394b0956bc
  3. Did you bother to read the second reply? Limited to 50k baht unless one of a few neighbouring countries.......
  4. I am intrigued why you may want to? Just curious if you can share..... I believe the 50k mentioned above is correct unless going to certain neighbouring countries.
  5. I think, all be it I could be wrong, that this is a "new" or at least different exploit. Thanks OP for posting.
  6. Pray tell me what you think I am searching for..........?
  7. This topic has been going on now for over a year with conservatively, across many threads, probably well over 5000 posts and you "expect" to have answers to your specific questions after reading for a whole 15 minutes...... If you are lucky @JimGant may pop along and give a view as he is somewhat experienced in US tax matters.
  8. if you are referring to a normal fixed account then you can reclaim like any other withheld interest - ie you need to register for a TIN and apply for a refund. In the current environment that may raise other questions regarding remitted income depending on your residency status....... Depends on your risk status and what's available to you depending on many factors - IE $USD and £GBP rates offshore are generally higher (not following Euro so won't comment).
  9. Just look at the charges for the fund and then consider what the likely returns will be...... If they are telling you "estimated" 2% and you can get pretty close to that with a fixed deposit from a Thai bank why take the extra risk? I don't know about Japanese or Thai bond funds specifically but that return seems very low in the current environment.
  10. If you have been trying to do what the poster above suggested and it is not working I would suggest trying an uninstaller program. One example which looks complicated but isn't if you just want to remove Avira is https://www.bcuninstaller.com/ Another well known one you could try is CCleaner. if you managed to delete it without those I would probably use Wise Registry Cleaner or similar to clean up any remaining remnants of Avira.
  11. This, from memory, is the second "recent" survey article from Visa in the last 6 months. Not that they don't have a stake in pushing this message as far and fast as they can.........
  12. Then you have been truly(sic) very fortunate. True went down on Tuesday with zero warning - sms came through about 10 minutes later saying there was an issue they were fixing. This was not an isolated incident although to be fair it rarely lasts very long apart from when they have planned maintenance - again I can recall several instances of that this year alone. I doubt any of the other providers are much different however. English speakers available via the the call centre if you select the right options......... And for the OP you can suspend the service as a friend of mine has been doing for the last couple of years.
  13. upcoming.........I thought we were supposed to be in the middle/end of it........
  14. So what exactly are the other 2 bills proposing that's different. Anybody know?
  15. No - but I would have called 1242........ Even though it seems to have disappeared completely from all their literature I still managed to get through last week.
  16. Depends on your definition of a "while"- There was also something more recent about sequestering some of his supposed spoils but I can't be bothered to search for it......
  17. World Wide taxation was "suggested" as an objective by the current TRD head who said they were working on the specifics...... Since this should have to go through Parliament and be subject to much discussion even if it goes ahead it is almost impossible that the start point would be before 2025 (so returns in 2026) and realistically later.
  18. Unless some kind soul offers to store for you I think you may struggle. Just to give you an idea our golf lockers, which are in a self contained room but have open wire mesh fronts, start at 500 baht a month/1,350 for 3 months. None would be tall enough however.
  19. As @degrub says above speak to them and ask to change the package to BYOD - https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/fibre/package/byod Although it says that is only 1 up and obviously confirm that you will be able to get 2Gbps down According to the blurb you just get Then attach what you want to it as it should just act a s a "bridge"
  20. One can only hope so..........
  21. I have read a number of more mainstream articles about what Labour may do but nothing as extreme as what Mr Bolton is suggesting. Call me out dated but since when has Tik Tok become a "credible" platform for this kind of information.......
  22. Ask for a credit advice (either in branch or sent by email) and it will tell you.........
  23. Your lucky then but unfortunately bit further than I can be bothered to drive for them. Thanks anyway.
  24. Not surprisingly the shortage/price increases have also affected the jars of Crespo Olives. My local north Pattaya Makro has been out of the big jars for over a month and now has no smaller jars. Big C Extra I just noticed the small jars instock where the price has gone from around 89 baht to 119 baht.....(Makro were always 15 -20 baht cheaper on the small jars).
  25. From memory I think I saw prices rising dramatically about 3 months ago or maybe more - I remember reading some news about shortages or poor crops. This is a fairly recent article - https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/business/europe/despite-falling-prices-at-origin-olive-oil-retail-prices-remain-elevated/132963 Possibly also with the reduced value of the Thai baht until relatively recently.
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