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Everything posted by topt

  1. Around 48 minutes the Swiss guy relates how in Switzerland you can extend the deadline for filing and goes into some detail and requests the Thai guy to consider something similar........ Overall I did not learn anything new that has not been covered in the AN tax threads but thanks to the OP for posting. Unfortunately the Swiss ambassador did not really question/push whether if you think you have no tax to pay you still need to file.
  2. Not sure if this is a Swiss specific or a typo? Thai tax residency is 180 days not 90.
  3. Firstly it would have been good of the OP to mention that there is nothing to listen to until after the first 9 and a half minutes and even longer until they get into anything of any note - in fact 11 minutes and 45 seconds........... First question at 14 minutes 20......
  4. maybe your provider but I can get to it without any issue with True
  5. What about the boy who put his finger in the dyke..........oops I meant dike..........
  6. To be honest I can't remember but will do. Thanks for the tip. This is probably the way I will go eventually 555. Just a clarification on storage please. My memory says Linux can read from Windows but not vice versa. Presumably I can just dump current windows saved docs/pictures etc into the new Linux formatted disc or is it not that simple? Browser was no issue when I used before but didn't really get round to creating a file structure for my files.
  7. So what happens if someone filed already not electronically.........Todays date is the 27th February 2024.........do they mean 2024 or 2025 as later it states - I thought filings were supposed to be Jan to March of the year following the tax year?
  8. Thanks, yes I use Kodi already. Still not really what I am looking for. I looked through a whole load of Linux music player/library options about 4/5 years ago but couldn't settle on anything. I will probably start looking again.
  9. The only thing I think you can do is gain the support of other condo owners and propose a solution to be voted on at the next AGM. Getting it on the agenda my be the first hurdle but your condo rules should have some guidance on this .........possibly
  10. I know what you mean and there is a high probability that I won't make the move until the beginning of next year. Win 10 end of support is towards the end of next year. I think I will try a VB first to get an idea of how it works.
  11. Normal reasons and not relevant. I use on Android and windows but not for its library functions so I do not see it as a good substitute That is what I will probably do but I am looking at the best/easiest way to get there........ Any specific practicalities that are not obvious as I have not tried to use a VM before.
  12. Have dual booted old Win 7 plus Linux Mint before on a couple of older laptops. For reasons not important now have an Asus Win 10 AMD laptop with 16GB Ram and 500GB SSD but integral graphics. The laptop originally came with Win 10 Home and I added a Pro key. Sometime in the near future I will probably want to move to Linux but will want to use Excel and probably Word 2007 and still haven't found a suitable replacement for Windows media Player......the layout/library specifically. Before I used Wine for Excel which was ok. No I don't want to use Libre Office...... So my question is what is the easiest, or most sensible way to move - I have zero experience with VMs..... Should I go dual boot and then delete Windows and add the VM or is there a better way?
  13. Makes me think if you give a number to your home country tax office whether right or wrong what would be the outcome........ You can prove it was given originally - if now changed........ Worst that can happen is asked to update number otherwise maybe just fall though the cracks...............
  14. Purposes can be different depending on type of trust.......... I was hoping there was a way, at a reasonable cost, to continue to benefit from the "assets" in the trust yet avoid probate at my demise. My searches in the past have unfortunately failed to yield an answer that clearly clarifies that for me..........other than no. 555 (although I was mainly looking at IHT)
  15. Interesting. Can you give a basic example of how that would work say for example for a bank account containing cash in an offshore jurisdiction that you would need to access regularly?
  16. Not specifically from DWP but UK post for me recently with I think a post NL stamp or similar has been taking about 5 weeks.
  17. This may not affect you but for anyone else with offshore assets it is worth checking what is needed on death in that jurisdiction. As an example I discovered that for the IOM they require separate probate to the UK so ended up writing a third will to avoid potential lengthy delays.
  18. Thanks for the link and according to that - No definition I can find as to a "legal resident" but based on what you are saying they will take you as long as you have an address in your supported home country......... Personally I have no issue but it may save people a lot of wasted effort if they were to make that fact clearer or easier to find.
  19. There was a thread not that long ago where a certain OCD poster insisted that Revolut accounts could not be opened from Thailand with no UK address - or possibly card accounts? I have tried to check the Revolut site but without putting in some personal data cannot find any link to opening criteria/eligibility other than you should be over 18. If someone else can find it please post. It talks about asking for more information when you apply but does not say what........ https://www.revolut.com/legal/terms/ No. 4 So can you get confirmation for the above?
  20. Not true if including the UK in western Europe..........
  21. I am not going to argue with what you have just said. However what has your reply above got anything to do with the question I asked........... You said - I asked how they use the ATM to transfer your personal "data" and why..........(since wi fi and or mobile data would be available)
  22. You are joking right? As just one example issues around legibility in various women's' sports........
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