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Everything posted by topt

  1. And how is this going to be enforced...............?
  2. The gf mentioned this yesterday from the Thai news and said that she only gets to keep the gold/cash so hopefully that is the case.
  3. The first video is I believe over a year old and is specifically about Australia but he brings Canada into the conversation.........So what in Australian tax regs has actually changed since then which could well be more relevant to some members on here? The second video is specifically about France and based on this article - https://www.imidaily.com/europe/french-finance-committee-adopts-bill-aiming-to-introduce-citizenship-based-taxation/ Also the guy doing the vids isn't exactly unbiased in his opinions but yes he may well be proven right in the long run. However "many countries" becomes a few which is what I was querying.
  4. Classic - but unfortunately not unusual
  5. Have they started again as I have not seen any recently?
  6. I always thought it started in 2020 - or the impact of it anyhow..........
  7. oops - didn't see that. Thanks.
  8. I'll raise you...... https://www.logitech.com/en-us/eol/mice-eol/m510-wireless-mouse.910-001822.html Good for a larger hand. Had it 3 years or so with the K545 keyboard. With the option to switch it off the batteries last for a long.........time.
  9. Not sure what you mean here. Most, if not all banks, in the UK say you have to be a UK resident to open a new account. There have been quite a few threads on this. In those threads there have been many reports of posters who have accounts and the banks know they live abroad and it has not been an issue. Separately certain banks, Barclays springs to mind, have made it clear that they want to close accounts held by non resident account holders.
  10. Perhaps you may want to have a read of the attached link - you could start at page 21 if you like. Whilst it may not quote the statement you seem to be obsessed about it will show the clear intent and what all Thai financial entities are supposed to do if they haven't done already. Timescales and action are always more fluid here but similar is likely to happen for all those Thai entities that fall under the scope outlined. https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/user_upload/FATCA_File/crs/Thailand_CRS_Guidance_180823_VF.pdf My UK offshore account has been asking me about TINS for Thailand for many years as they have me with a Thai address......
  11. Just tell them you don't need a Thai TIN. You think the bank is going to check?
  12. Why don't you just give them your Belgian tax no. since you pay tax there anyway? Any Thai bank is not going to know how long you spend in Thailand and or whether you need a Thai TIN
  13. The respectfully you have not been paying attention. Simplistically on one level how do you think the TRD could check anything if they decided to audit you.......
  14. All financial institutions in countries that have signed up to CRS are supposed to verify the details of their account holders - if you look up the CRS details it is very clear and has been posted on here in the various tax threads before. That is presuming the email is genuine.
  15. Please correct me if I am wrong but neither of these are the forms 90 or 91 which I thought most of here would need to use?
  16. You are supposed to include any and all UK generated income including bank interest, dividends etc (but not capital gains other than property) even if, at the end of the day you don''t end up having to pay any tax.
  17. I used to file a paper return but costs of postage have risen so much that for 2023/24 return I decided to bite the bullet and pay for commercial software to file online. There was a previous thread about this and someone else recommended Andica which I had already shortlisted from the masses listed on the HMRC site. That only cost me £19.20 - and there were a few others below £35 from memory. I particularly wanted a non-cloud based version and if you have completed paper returns it should be quite straightforward. Otherwise you may want to pay a bit more if you think you will need more help.
  18. The original thread was meant to be on Thai bank interest rates for those interested in where they may eke out a bit more interest. Otherwise you could throw in how you invested it in bitcoin/gold/Nvidia and how much better that was compared to sticking your dough in a Thai bank account. Where do you draw the line........... If you want to start a discussion on it why not open a new thread and you and your protagonist can have at it to your hearts content. Not like it hasn't been done to death before (Like most things however).
  19. Why would I need to do that. You are the one who claimed "many countries"' were moving towards a worldwide income taxation model so I asked which other countries.......Since you must have come across something which tells you that in order to make the statement you made? Or is just more hyperbole.........
  20. Which other ones are looking at it who don't currently have it on the books other than Thailand?
  21. Used to be very limited when I last went 4/5 years ago but some could certainly speak and understand enough to get things done. Was a more confident English speaker in the back office on the 4th Floor where I had to go once to confirm no income before they would process my tax withholding reclaim.
  22. Depending on the supposed offence it seems high - but maybe I am out of touch with the current level of "lunch contributions"......
  23. This was my first thought - along with do the members of these "local" committees get paid extra for this?
  24. Apologies I should have said that my experience was different to yours. The people who I am referring to I have had conversations with bout what they used to do before retiring.
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