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Everything posted by topt

  1. last time I looked it was covered in concrete.......
  2. I doubt he will even see the inside of a police station. Note where he surrendered - And that his lawyers, not he, would explain........ Sounds like the fix is in.............
  3. On the couple of occasions recently trying to use Bolt I have had this same issue.
  4. So the laptop had internet but not the phone...........why not?
  5. Definitely works on Iphone and Ipad - gf has had it on both for some years. Do not see why it should be different on Android but could be I guess.
  6. Very extensive recent review of Proton VPN if anybody is interested by who I believe to be a respected tech writer - https://restoreprivacy.com/vpn/reviews/protonvpn/ Lot of links in the article to other related articles
  7. They DO with Swiss law - however my memory was of an incident to do with their email and not directly the VPN service - https://www.wired.com/story/protonmail-amends-policy-after-giving-up-activists-data/
  8. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/pensions/article-10927867/How-state-pension-Steve-Webb-launches-site-help.html
  9. As per the link from @partington above the key phrase for others who are considering it is My understanding, and happy to be corrected, is that it is whether at your contribution level in 2016 (no of years) whether you would have received more under the old basis or under the new rules and that is (so I was told in some depth when I queried it 4/5 years ago) defines whether it is worth paying contributions for non full years before 2016. The only way to really find out is to have that conversation with the Pension Advisory Service, or whatever it is now called. I remember making an appointment at the time and they called me here in Thailand. Money Mail Online had numerous articles about this where individuals had paid in ,000s of pounds extra to cover missed years only to find out it was going to make no difference to their final state pension. Some of those payments were eventually recovered.......
  10. Not sure what you mean by losing a tax year? I have been paying for a few years and they contacted me in April 2022 re 2021-22 tax year which I did not bother to pay until June. To be clear they won't allow you (as far as I understand it) to pay for future years presumably because the rates can change.
  11. And be prepared for a long wait and the reply is usually by letter so again a delay. They are currently quoting up to 16 weeks for a payment to show as credited to your list of payments - I paid in June for the last financial year and it wasn't shown online until October.
  12. Proton gets generally good write ups that I have seen but also had a hiccup in recent times - I think because Swiss based they have to comply to requests. I almost missed it but the guy did mention Mullvad just before the end. Based on my readings over the last couple of years on VPNs that is probably one of the few VPNs which actually do what they say.
  13. Seconded. Make sure you book with Dr Warin Leekpai and not his wife. My last appointment I had to wait 2-3 weeks and as Pattaya is now busier it may be longer so book well ahead. Tel 038 720079
  14. No suggestion in the article about where the cubs originated from....... I have no idea how old the cubs are but wonder what happened to the mother?
  15. As mentioned by the other poster I replied to - Hopefully that makes it clear?
  16. Just come across this hence late reply and you may have this already sorted. I use AA Insurance Brokers (offices in Pattaya and Hua Hin) and have had a property insured through them with the same company for 10 years or so. First claim last year which was the equivalent of a years premium so quite small, no increase at renewal time. The claim was referenced on my renewal notice. The company is now called Tokio Marine Safety Insurance co but original policy and compoany was a New Zealand company which has gone through several different ownerships since. AA should be able to offer several alternatives.
  17. I have to say I wasn't aware of that reason so thanks. However it is actually preferable to me to pay the company direct as usually I can use the foreign accounts I have. AA Insure brokers offer all sorts of International policies - UK/French/German/Israeli based that I am aware of as a minimum. I found that their spread sheet of companies/benefits/age costs are a great starting point for research.
  18. The list is even headed - "in Thailand". Many long running threads on health Insurance on here where it has been suggested that going with an International provider will provide longer term benefits/protection potentially than with a Thai based provider. Depends if you want for only a few years or to keep into your dotage............ Cigna is a very recognised name in International Health Insurance. Another popularish choice has been April International - who also have April Thailand policies. The OP has fairly specific requirements however. I have heard of all but 1 of the companies mentioned in that list - does not mean I would consider them for health insurance ........ Axa is actuall French.........
  19. Russians - I am told by people who live down that way that Jomtien has quite a lot of Russians now and of course there was a news report about large numbers going to Phuket...... China - I am seeing more and more individual or small groups of males especially. Perhaps they have moved in from Cambo...... Also Hasn't China just announced some lightening of their restrictions? I agree it won't mean a sudden influx of the hordes like pre Covid but will be interesting to see what happens with Chinese New Year in Jan/Feb next year.
  20. Simplistically Formuler are a brand of Android TV boxes. You would need to either use Kodi or similar and/or pay a subscription to an IPTV service. Have you read this thread - https://aseannow.com/topic/1233032-iptv-that-really-works/
  21. Can you not use your Thai bank account - I presume you have at least 1?
  22. Only 33 years old. Hasn't he done well in his chosen career............
  23. Shame, rarely use You Tube.
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