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Everything posted by topt

  1. From the linked article - Anybody here can name all 27..............
  2. Thanks for that as never heard of it before so looked it up. I will be ignoring it from now on though.....
  3. From the link I wonder if this is why posters have been complaining about 3BB internet in that area........
  4. Just did a quick search and found this which may of course be out of date especially if Thailand only ratified in January and maybe it was missed - https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/about-automatic-exchange/CbC-MCAA-Signatories.pdf Thailand does not appear in this list which was last updated 31/1/2022
  5. My reading of that is that is it was written before the ratification date of 31/12/21 and I have not seen or heard anything to say it has been ratified - am I reading it correctly?
  6. I was confused as the first entry read this ???? Until I looked at the next definition in the search list - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/interpellation
  7. I wonder how many tickets he has.........
  8. In my case with SCB debit card I just put SCB Debit and hasn't so far been refused.......
  9. OP could have a read here which may help - https://dashboardcamerareviews.com/ If you scroll down that link it will answer many of your questions
  10. Can I ask how old that quote is and from where? Reason I ask is that my understanding is they still haven't passed the legislation needed to start the process and as it will affect Thais as much or more than foreigners I am hoping that it will be delayed for longer than that. (But yes it will happen at some point)
  11. Having just read my posts I cannot find any "contradictory" posts so please show me where I have made them so we can clear up any confusion for others who may come across this thread.
  12. Working and business in Thailand is not relevant to the points I was making or the question I asked. For others who may see this thread here is the govt. page on own house sales if you are registered with HMRC as non resident for tax purposes. https://www.gov.uk/tax-live-abroad-sell-uk-home
  13. Yes, stop overthinking it. Any taxes on property sales in the UK stay in the UK. If it's only savings then you currently will not have to pay any tax on transferring money into Thailand. Not sure why you cannot accept this.
  14. You said you had left the UK. If so did you tell HMRC and ask to become non resident for tax? If so then (as far as I am aware) property sales are liable to CGT although if fairly recent the reliefs should mean you may not have to pay much tax.
  15. Headline from a Register article about proposed Google changes to Chrome builds - https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/08/google_blocking_privacy_manifest/ It is a very long article but here is the final couple of paras -
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