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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. For everyone but the Trump aligned billionaires and useful lapdogs/idiots.
  2. Bzzzzzzzt.... next! The charges and convictions were in NY State court. Trump can only pardon convictions on US Federal charges.
  3. Trump will be able to vote in Florida (or NY). The Florida statute says that for out of state felony convictions, the citizen may vote if the state where the conviction occurred would allow the citizen to vote. The NY statue regarding felony voters states that as long as the felon is not incarcerated, they are allowed to vote. Ergo --> NY allows Trump to vote so Florida affords him the same privilege.
  4. I would put more faith in the documentation published by the NY State department of Justice than I would place in that speaker. I didn't save the link to that information. It will take me while to find it again. Here's the quote from one source: conviction: In a criminal case. A finding of guilt either by plea or by trial. found here: https://nycourts.gov/Courthelp/goingtocourt/glossary.shtml There's a better source than that glossary. I'll find it soon. https://www.nycourts.gov/courthelp/criminal/caseBasicsCriminal.shtml
  5. Being descended from several generations of teachers, I always said... there is no such thing as a dumb question! Never say never!
  6. Do you have a reputable source you used to inform your opinion? I would appreciate reading your source. Everything I have read from NY state practices and procedures runs counter to your statement. The other factor that lends weight to the accuracy of Trump being convicted is that he has not sued ANY of the many news outlets that repeatedly describe him as being convicted. Do you perhaps think he has abandoned his litigious demeanor?
  7. You are probably the first re-incarnation I've ever encountered. Do you remember much of your previous life in Isaan? Can you give us a couple of quick hoots, owl?
  8. It's far simpler to just take advantage of any event that happens and create boat loads of misinformation. After all many of the general public are easily buffaloed by professional propagandists. It's a much cheaper method than creating a fake pandemic, or a fake school mass shooting or actually stealing an election. But... you already know that because you're actually doing it.
  9. I began to carefully examine my experiences since getting "hot" jabs after reading many informative posts here. I just realized since my vaccinations 100% of the time when I grab a single use plastic glove in the Makro meat section, I get a glove for the wrong hand.
  10. I'm sure you just wouldn't believe that the whole universe can be explained away by some poster on the internet. You're probably explained away as well, if I can just find it with Google.
  11. I love that Python scene.... 555
  12. Someone, somewhere will have died within 24 hours of doing almost everything imaginable and of course you can find "proof" of this fact on the internet. The only Latin I know is... post hoc ergo propter hoc.... almost forgot E Pluribus Unum
  13. I don't believe that electrons have ever been isolated as well. I invite you to test if they really do exist by sticking your tongue across the poles of a new 9 volt battery. As a kid, I gleefully performed this test and henceforth have believed in many things I cannot see.
  14. Don't worry... he's no threat to your position at the top of the unserious list.
  15. Thankfully, AFAIK, you only exist on a computer. And even more thankfully, I know enough about computers to remove you from mine. But, no need to worry. If I ever notice a thread where a knowledgeable person tries to explain Bitcoin to you, I'll definitely tune in for the pure entertainment value.
  16. I had a Sinovac shot and 3 mRNA vaccine boosters spaced out over 2+ years. I feel absolutely fine except that I now have a strong reaction to the science illiterate posts that are appearing on this formerly useful forum about Thailand. However, the germ theory denialism and flat Earth posts were a real hoot. I did catch COVID one time between my 3rd and 4th shots but I barely noticed. I quarantined in our master bedroom for about a week. My wife has never tested positive even during my COVID case. We only used the COVID antibody tests, never a PCR test.
  17. and remember....only wear brand new underwear
  18. The specific place and time where I spent my youth had an economy that leaned heavily socialist but was still primarily capitalist. Most utilities were owned by the regional or local government. Electric, telephone, water, sewage, regional bus routes, trash collection, home and auto insurance, schools, colleges and technical schools were all owned and operated by the governments. The largest regional employer was an agricultural buyer/seller that was owned and operated by the growers (more socialist than capitalist). There was one mass murder during the decades that the above description held. A paranoid schizophrenic killed 9 of 10 members of a family after he claimed to have battled with the devil. The crime was obviously not related to the political or economic structure of the region.
  19. The determination of tax residency is settled by examining the strength of connections between the individual and the countries where the taxpayer spends their time.
  20. Several specific sources of funds would not be taxed when remitted to Thailand. On top of the exempt sources you will have exemptions and deductions that can eliminate or lower the tax you would otherwise have owed. If you want a more specific answer post the source or type of funds your sending to Thailand
  21. I don't use a VPN and Fidelity does not ask for 2FA on my account. I had Fidelity account set up with 2FA but turned it off and I don't have any problem logging in. I do have a US address on file with them.
  22. On my SCB statement the DESC: จากระบบเงินฝาก for the interest payment translates to From the deposit system.
  23. I just checked mine and everything is normal. On the phone app the interest entry is described in English as "Interest/Tax - OTHERS"
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