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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. In Mar. 2006 I got 39.19 per US$ via the old Bangkok bank NY method. I don't count that as being close to 36.37
  2. I only got to use the IBM 029 for 1 semester when I took my first computer class as an engineering student. It was a monster of a machine and so rugged. Our school switched to an online Xerox Sigma 9 system with about 30 TTY's on which we spent hours playing a text based game called Star Trek. Later in subsequent CS classes we used Unix, RSTS/E and RSX-11 on DEC PDP-11 in assembler language and C of course. Those were the days, my friend... We thought they'd never end.
  3. It seem as if forum management has determined that if you can manage to login, your IQ is high enough to allow posting.
  4. Everyone except Skip's favorite monetized YouTuber is lying!
  5. I just have my SS sent straight to Schwab. One less transfer to manage.
  6. Sadly all too many of those stories are true. We definitely hired one of the better construction firms, but still they did not think things through on many small issues. We're in Hang Dong. Are you around CM area?
  7. Only a Fox fan would consider bestowing the term news on such a show.
  8. I did list it in my last post, but in US$. 😉 On my debit card that is associated with my Schwab brokerage account, the limit is 15K US$ per day. When I planned to get a "cash advance" at the teller, I would first go to the VISA exchange rate page to get the rate in effect that day. https://www.visa.co.uk/support/consumer/travel-support/exchange-rate-calculator.html To use that page, I would enter 10,000 in the "Amount you paid" field. Remember this is denominated in ฿. Then choose Thai ฿, as the "From" currency and US$ for the "To" currency. Because you will receive ฿ from the bank and you need to know how many US$ will be deducted from your account. Then edit the "Bank fee" to be 0%... Schwab doesn't charge any foreign transaction fee. Then click on "Calculate Conversion" and a few lines down it will say 1 USD = 35.870035 and that is VISA's current exchange rate. To calculate how many ฿ to withdraw to reach 15K US$, calculate 35.870035 * 15,000 (538,050). I always round that number down about 500฿ to make sure I don't exceed Schwab's limit.
  9. You have conveniently ignored the fact that the inflated values led to Trump receiving loans at a more favorable rates. The banks/investors should have received more interest than they actually did. In fact the huge judgement awarded was based on the difference between the amount the orange charlatan actually paid and what he should have paid over many years. Have you always had trouble with simple financial logic?
  10. When you send US$ to a Thai bank, they will use their exchange rate in effect at date&time the funds arrive. Schwab has no say in what exchange rate you receive. The Thai banks post and update their exchange rates very often. For an inbound transfer the bank will use their TT Buying Rate. Currently Bangkok bank's rate is 36.26 ฿/US$ but that doesn't account for any fees. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/View-Rates/Foreign-Exchange-Rates
  11. I used #'s 2 & 3 for our house project. I always send in US$. I never checked the rate I would get for sending ฿, but my nephew sent ฿ from his Canadian bank to my Thai bank and the rate was poor. I forgot to tell him to send in US$. Instead of focusing on "the most favorable FX", you should compare methods to get the highest amount of ฿ that arrives in your Thai account after all fees have been deducted. SWIFT has a fee from the sender and also the Thai banks will charge a fee (.25%?) with a minimum of 300฿ to a maximum of 500฿ for receiving it. There are NO fees using your Schwab debit card. I wouldn't recommend using the ATM unless you don't mind either carrying the cash or also making a deposit via machine or teller. Also the ATM limit is too low and I assume your construction payments will be much larger in comparison. The exchange rate for Schwab debit card withdrawals at ATM, retail purchases and teller withdrawals are the same and determined each business day at about 7AM Thai time by the processor, Visa. The limit for teller withdrawals is 15K US$ per day and for the ATM it depends on which Schwab debit card you have. They offer debit cards for Schwab bank accounts and for brokerage accounts. I think the only advantage to having a Schwab bank account is that you can use Zelle for sending money domestically. I only have brokerage accounts. For #3 if you hold a high balance with Schwab they may offer to refund your SWIFT fee (25$) for such transfers. I don't know what they consider "high" but the Schwab representative sometimes offered to refund it without my request and sometimes only refunded after I requested it. I have been a Schwab customer since '87 so that may have some bearing as well. I have been sending money to Thailand for 20+ years and can initiate a SWIFT transfer by calling them via Google Voice.
  12. If the crooks were smart, they would just cruise up and down the streets in high end moobaans and scan the power bills the meter reader just deposited in the mail box and produce a replica with just the QR code changed to that of their own account. Hopefully PEA/MEA have in place a defense against such a scheme.
  13. I had two Thai brothers-in-law that were very good friends, not just because they were relatives. One was my wife's eldest brother and a senior naval Officer. The other was the husband of my wife's youngest sister and a senior army Officer. They both started on the bottom rung. During the 20+ annual visits of 1-4 months to Thailand we became very close. I was so looking forward to spending a lot of time with them, but they both passed before my wife and I moved to Thailand. I think it will be hard to make such good Thai friends now as I'm older and not very socially active.
  14. If you do a Cardless Withdrawal, there is no fee for out of province ATM withdrawal (I've only tried Bangkok bank).
  15. I like this YT channel because it is very even handed about one of the topics where misinformation and sensationalism is rampant.
  16. Prior to moving to CM, I lived in USA and I have never had dealings with Clarity. For a few weeks I monitored the exchange rates vs US$ at Thai banks, Wise, Visa & MasterCard. The only time I saw large differences between Visa/MasterCard and Wise/Thai banks was when the US$ would suffer a sizable decline during Thai business hours. The only pattern I noticed in movement of US$ vs TH฿ was that periods of decline were faster but shorter compared to periods of appreciation.
  17. @johng I'm fairly certain you know that pre-trial release is dependent on factors such as risk that the defendant will flee or continue the behavior that led to the charges. But if you don't know that, then your opinions about J6 incarcerations are based on ignorance that is totally undiluted by facts.
  18. MasterCard sets the rate about 7AM Thai time and it doesn't change that rate until the next business day. Wise on the other hand is continually adjusting their exchange rate throughout each business day. Maybe that is the reason for the discrepancy at the time you checked them. A 1% move in exchange rate does happen in a single day a few times a year.
  19. I am looking for another bank besides Bangkok bank which will do teller "cash advances" on my US debit card. Does Krungsri charge for this service?
  20. My Thai wife and I moved from USA to CM during COVID in Sep. 2020 but her Thai passport expired 4 months before we left. She was required to submit her expired passport and Thai national ID to the LA Thai Consulate to get a document permitting her to travel one way to Thailand. I think the document was called Certificate of Identification.
  21. Since investment opportunities in Thailand suffer in comparison to most of the world, you could keep those funds outside Thailand. It would seem likely that those funds would remain as non-assessable even after remittance to Thailand because they were earned/received when you were not a Thai tax resident.
  22. Way of topic, but.... Originally in blackjack the player's initial two cards were dealt face down and subsequent cards were face up. If a player wished to "double down" he would turn up his initial cards, add an extra bet and then receive one card face down. When I was learning to be a BJ dealer, the casino switched from old style face down dealing to all cards up format, so I learned both styles. The picture included in the OP could be blackjack dealt in the old format. But, since the there is a pile of disordered chips (the "pot") in front of the player's hand (KK) I believe a hand of Texas Holdem is what's being shown in the photo. The three Aces are part of the five community cards used by all players to make a five card poker hand. To address the actual topic.... I have spent a LOT of time in casinos and it became obvious to me that many people do become addicted to gambling. I think easy access to a casino will make that problem worse than it currently is. I also think the ability of the Thai government to effectively oversee any casino licensing and regulation is very suspect. I saw many casinos violate the stringent government regulations in Nevada and when customers complained the outcome of the investigation was rarely in the customer's favor.
  23. Instead of doing your withdrawal from ATM, go to Bangkok bank branch and do a “cash advance” at the teller. I have done this many times and I got the same exchange rate as the ATM and no additional fees. VISA or MasterCard set the exchange rate, not the bank. Check if your credit union adds a foreign transaction fee which would apply at the ATM as well.
  24. A USA.GOV page disagrees with you about SS payments being ended upon renunciation of US citizenship. https://www.usa.gov/renounce-lose-citizenship
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