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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Good luck on your quest.....
  2. All well and good comments..... There is a series of videos out of EV's running out of battery charge 40-80% before the initially indicated available range displayed on start up....
  3. Yes, I just got one at the immigration office..... They also asked for copies of items not cited in the actual instructions..... I also made the mistake of going to the airport first where, a few years back, they had an open counter = it's now moved behind the the check in screening area for boarding carded travellers..... I further compounded my mistake by going to the in airport Burger King for a bacon WHOPPER.....The 3 ft WHOPPER on the overhead menu turned into a miniscule disappointment, but the fries were ok.... I tottled on down to immigration to get my re entry . Much better then my entree adventure.....
  4. Chiang Mai Removals stores cars.... Including pick up & delivery... There's monthly rates for long turn & they start and check the vehicles regularly.....
  5. A huge pockmark on the Earth's surface.... If you've ever seen a strip mine it's an ugly ugly thing..... Money/greed is going to win this thing... At least it's Nevada, which is already the dumping ground target state for hazardous/toxic waste...Cheap dumping fees & miles & miles of nothingness..... Nevada is a right to work state which doesn't favor worker's rights.....
  6. Bob, You're basing your premise on the behavior of the "at risk" crowd....You won't find many decent people in that crowd/lifestyle.... There's expats everywhere living every normal lifestyle.... Personally, I don't know one bar goer.... However, I know many expats living a normal life, contributing to the wellbeing of their families + representing a goodwill smile, style, and footprints among their neighbors....Just quietly going about their lives.....In a place of their choosing (for the most part).....
  7. I was raised in California with moderate temps.....A half hour drive away was the beach & a 3.5 hour drive away was Lake Tahoe for winter snow & summer water sports....Humidity was never noticable & you could participate in sports & outdoor activities year around.... I enjoy a low humidity climate regardless of temperature & find some days here with high humidity really not fun to be around.... Days like today in The CM area are comfortable - but I find living here in more or less season-less weather monotonous..... We'll be in the US Oct-Jan.... Hopefully we'll get some "winter" in.... Unfortunately, the last month will be in the Houston area & we will be relocating home basing the RV/car there....Meaning, no more easy ducking into snowy/cold weather climates.... While writing this my wife just turned the a/c on....I guess that's her vote....
  8. Not really, seems to be a fairly common thing.....
  9. The skeg keeps getting snagged up in the rice fields in CM....
  10. Agreed, it took major contesting on my part to invoke an 8PM phone curfew on school nights....Which I think is still too lenient....
  11. Yes, I've booked & asked about activities, set up family times/games..... Supplied musical instruments she wanted to pursue that lasted for a short time.... She's the most accomplished freehand artist I've seen and I supplied everything she could possibly need.... We have Dad/Daughter days + slurpy days every Thursday.... I've managed to get us all out camping a few times.... I've taken them out for archery, mini golf trips....Have had her out bumping/digging/setting a volleyball, badminton, Frisbee toss & catch, also had her out hitting softballs off a tee & playing catch..... Any ambition she's embraced she's had support....
  12. Toddlers standing up on motorcys between parents legs, gripping the handlebars to hang on.....Makes cringe every time....
  13. It's the only forum I'm involved in & it's taken 14 years.... Yeah, some time wasted as initially I got involved with some of the word games that account for half the total and certainly = wasted time.... I dropped participating in that when I noticed how the "posts" count accumulated.... I tend to ebb & flow posting.... But = point taken....
  14. Unfortunately free range kids are very common here..... Our 16 y/o is basically glued to her phone.....I wanted to set reasonable limits & my wife basically takes the "up to her" stance.... To my daughters credit, she is holding a 3.6 at school....She is very talented/gifted in many ways, however, I have watched the creativity spiral downward close to zero with all her extra time going to playing on the phone.... Electronically free range.... I don't look forward to the wake up call....
  15. Here's one just for you Sip..... Mileage can vary....
  16. No - but it's a big money crop in the Philippines....Anything occult is....
  17. I carry when there.... I no longer hunt or have horses but we do RV / dry camp boondocking style at times in primitive areas....
  18. Going for the elusive hole in one.... Fore....
  19. Them lemmings don't take kindly to being twisted....
  20. I had a Rum & Coke Zero at 5PM.... Tomorrow night we'll karaoke & knock a few back....
  21. The latest notice I saw on the subject was one person an hour was dying from Covid in TH.... It doesn't sound like many when spread through 80,000,000 people= unless you closely happen to cross paths with an unmasked stranger that happens to be infected ...... I went to our close by Hang Dong 2 big C a few days ago, paused and looked around - not a mask in sight......15 minutes later I again stopped & looked around - everyone within sight DID have a mask on..... Two time windows with completely different results..... If I'm going to be in close proximity to strangers, I mask up.... We're flying out to the US via Taipei next month & we will mask up.... Frankly, I feel safer around those that are careful enough to exercise caution....
  22. Amen brother..... I'm going to find out next month as we're going back to the US for 4 months....We haven't been there since pre Covid..... I keep looking at my dog & thinking how much I'm going to miss him ......
  23. What type are you considering that they don't have available here.....
  24. Hip here with the latest titanium US appliance = $8000...... Before I became aware of TH I needed my gall bladder removed....The anesthesiologist in SF area quoted $34,000.....I flew to India, had the surgery + a full body physical & one week in a 4 star hotel with a car & driver that acted as a tour guide/guard/driver/go-fer..... Cost about $12,000 including airfare for 2.....The US pricing is off the charts theft..... These fkn pop ups blocking the screen are 100% annoying.... About 20 times just trying to make this comment.....
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