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Everything posted by couchpotato

  1. Who gives a crap. She's American, that's all that matters.
  2. Let us know how it goes. Colonel Sanders should definitely be imprisoned.. In the meantime have a steak or pork chop.
  3. So everyone that eats chicken should visit a chicken farm first...what will you come up with next.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 81 seconds  
  5. What Android software is your phone updated too. If under Android 11, then banking apps probably won't work.
  6. Think you are confused. Where was Isaan mentioned.
  7. You can't be that dense!
  8. Amazing that you are the only one so far to recognize the truth (honest truth).🤫
  9. I have 12 pumps over my properties and it's about 50/50 between Mitsu and Hitachi. Both excellent for my needs.
  10. That's a fairly crappy old pump and you may never find the problem... New one is 6-7000 baht. That would be my suggestion. Also if you still have the pipe leak in the wall, then until you fix it, the pump will just keep turning on/off.
  11. Of course you can, they don't care where it comes from, only that it covers the purchase. Just make sure the 2 mill is actually going into a Company account, and not an employees. But to be on the safe side why not just buy a Cashiers Check, which is traceable.
  12. BPH has a proper set up for hearing tests. ENT Dept.
  13. Strange post. For Marriage extension you receive a 30 day 'under consideration' and told which day to go back to the IO. There is no way to check of progress online. PS...what is an application number?
  14. I believe there are no 99 year leases in Thailand. Actually 30 years is maximum although everyone always says 30+30+30 is possible.
  15. Other than the creases in her cheeks, the big front teeth, the thin eyebrows and a rather big nose end.. then I'd agree with you.😐
  16. Two questions come to mind. 1) Where was this procedure carried out.. You don't specify country or hospital. 2) You obviously should have known better if you are a qualified/certified x-ray technician/EMT etc, so why did you let them do the tests without querying it.
  17. And I'm sure they listened to you, and now things will change in the future.😏
  18. Only way she will get money quickly is if you have a "either/or" Joint account, which she can legally use upon your demise.
  19. Managers change frequently, branches close frequently, plus Banks do not have the capacity to hold a Will for somebody.
  20. No use giving it to the Bank. They cannot act on it directly. Must go thru the Court first for probate on the Will.
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