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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. If hell is located at the center of the Earth ????, then it could also work for this vehicle.
  2. At the finals of the National Poetry Competition the two finalist were an unlikely pair. Finalist number one was a Harvard educated professor of literature and the winner of several previous competitions. Finalist number two was a young Marine Lcpl. from the hills of West Virginia who needed help filling out the entry form. The final round consisted of each competitor being given the same word and having thirty seconds to complete a verse, using the word. The Professor went first. The Judge said, " The final word this year is 'Timbuktu'" The Prof. started thinking. Ten seconds went by. Twenty seconds. The crowd became nervous. After twenty eight seconds the Prof. began, "Across the hot Sahara sand, Trekked the dusty caravan. Men on camels, two by two, Destination- Timbuktu." The crowd went wild, there was no way that the Hillbilly Marine would ever top that. The Lcpl. was brought on stage. The judge gave the word, "Timbuktu." The young Lcpl. looked to the sky, he thought for 10-15 seconds, stepped up to the microphone, cleared his throat, and began, "Tim 'en me, a-hunting went, Met three girls in a pop-up-tent, They was three and we was two, So, I bucked one and Tim Buck Two!"
  3. Fair enough, confirmation bias got the better part of me. It would be nice to get some raw statistical data, rather than a news article. The age of the vehicle could also play a role. Most EVs are less than 5 years old, where there are many 15 years old ICE vehicles on the road.
  4. I am not against Chinese EV, just want to see the statistical evidence. If they are better than Teslas, so be it, but show us the numbers.
  5. Absolutely ???? % correct. Actually, you can group 2 and 3 together, as all EV. 90% would be from China anyway.
  6. If you are afraid of information outside the EV box, just say so.
  7. Try to keep up, that is cherry ???? picking Tesla numbers only for EV fires Vs. all brand and vehicle types for ICE. Let's see some honest stats for Chinese made EVs ????. You have those numbers?
  8. Let me translate for you: The Chinese were covering up and removing evidence, so Beijing can start to scrub the Internet and remove any negative info about BYD.
  9. Is asking for numbers/miles driven being bias? Good lord! We agree that ICEs is more prone to fires than EVs, but the numbers are not as rosy as the EV industry is claiming. I just want full transparency and so far a lot have been left out. Are EV fires happening mostly with specific battery types? Are EVs with larger battery pack more fire prone?
  10. Ignorance is bliss, can help you then.
  11. EV vs. ICE fires 1:61 (Sales) 1:11 (per billion km using Tesla numbers) 1:?? (Using all EV) You see a trend??? Maybe EVs are not as fireproof as the evangelists are preaching ?????
  12. I saw those numbers, now play along and find the same numbers for Chinese EVs. The heat ???? is on.
  13. Fires per SALES are meaningless. Give us EV fires per billion miles....if you can.
  14. I give you 56 fires ????per billion miles traveled for ICE. Please provide the same number for EV.....if you can. osvehiclefires.pdf
  15. Lots of fake EV propaganda is getting pushed on naive souls, but so far no solid data on EV vs. ICE fires. In the above, you omit that it is per 100,000 SALES. Since EV sales are just taking off, that skew the balance about a factor of 20 in favor of EV cars.
  16. Your math is off by a factor 1,000. Saudi Arabic is injecting 7 million bbls a day, so that 1 million m3 wouldn't even last to midnight. I use to inject 10,000 bbls (1,500 m3) a day with 2 small pumps and a crew of 6 guys. 1 million m3 would be gone in 2 years.
  17. Japan should have injected the water deep in the ground, it would have safely stayed there for million of years. Water injection is cheap, the oil industry is commonly doing it for $2/bbl.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/groups/BatteriesRecyclingThailand/?ref=share&mibextid=K8Wfd2
  19. What temperature did you let it sit at? Did you strain it?
  20. Nowadays, there are 7 motorcycle manufacturers in Thailand with total capacity of production at 3 million units per year. They are Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, BMW, Triumph and Ducati. https://www.motorcyclesdata.com/2023/08/18/thailand-motorcycles/
  21. You need to get yourself a PTT blue card. Free coffee ☕️ ????.
  22. Take that EV evangelists!
  23. Wacko jihadists around the world are taking notes right now. Commercial airports around the world are totally undefended against this new threat. How hard is it for an Indonesian fanatic to sail close to Singapore international Airport and launch this kind of paper plane right at a fully fueled A380?
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