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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. But, sir, you already ate your soup ????.
  2. Any special kinky routines we should know about? ????
  3. Est, taste like piss. Buy one - enjoy twice ????.
  4. Gay marriage, wait what? How will removing young productive male from the labor force and let them fornicate all day long increase national productivity? OK, Thailand ???????? may gain a few ranks in the global happiness ???? index, but still.
  5. You are right, but this is still a good opportunity for Thailand. Chinese real-estate is no longer profitable, but household savings are still sky high in China around $7.6 trillion. Some of that will find its way to Thailand, despite of Xi and all his rules. The Chinese are creative in finding ways around capital and travel restrictions.
  6. Thailand’s GDP grew by 2.6% Q1 and 1.8% Q2, 2023. The 3.5% increase in household debt is an annual increase, so +0.875% this quarter. It actually all make sense.
  7. Can't you just edit an old pdf file for a previous flight? We all know this is a nonsense rule and when you show the file on your phone at check-in they will hardly look at it.
  8. Which is polive code for: Steal as much as possible from the scammers, before they are sent back to China ????????. No need for an official extradition or check if they will get the death sentence in China. Mai pen rai.
  9. Russia ???????? should ask NATO to close the skies over Russia ????.
  10. https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinas-latest-problem-people-dont-want-to-go-there-7d17a83a
  11. I haven't tried it yet, but I would love to make yogurt out of coconut milk. Must taste great.
  12. Fifteen litre. I make a fairly big batch and eat it over 30 days.
  13. 1. Heat 15 l of milk to 82 C for 30 minutes in a waterbath. 2. Let it cool to 43 C, add culture and leave it at 42-44 C for 12 hours. 3. Strain for about 30-40 minutes 4. Transfer to sterilized glass containers. 5. The final step that makes the perfect yogurt it to gently whisk it. This will homogenize the yogurt and prevent whey from settling out on the surface when stored. 6. Refrigerate to 2-3 C. It store well for 30 days. Tips: Add honey for flavor. Freeze a small sample to use as starter for the next batch. I also make rice pudding, but that is a difference and very yummy story.
  14. I also make yogurt on a large scale, 15 l at the time. I just keep it at 110 F in an insulated basked over night ????. There are a few tricks to get the perfect yogurt, but no need for an air fryer.
  15. Meanwhile in a parallel universe a girl is writing ✍️ a thread with the titel: "How to avoid the short scam?" He take you for dinner, wine and dine you, tells you how unique and beautiful you are and that he will love you forever, but after you sleeps with him, he NEVER answer the 50 text messages you send him and never calls back.
  16. Strange the place is you neat, clean and tidy. Why did he paint the right door white?
  17. Wild days in Russia ????????. Prigozhin.....He is Satan's Hot Dog Chef now!
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