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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. Here we have 82 EV fires in 2020 and 146 (extrapolated) in 2021. That gives us 15.2 EV fires/billion miles. August looks like a bad month. EVs don't like hot weather, April 2024 should be interesting. https://cnevpost.com/2021/06/07/ev-fires-in-china-more-than-double-in-first-five-months-compared-to-same-period-last-year/
  2. Under Section 654 of Thailand's Civil code, the maximum annual interest rate on a loan is set at 15% per year. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2022/03/06/call-the-police-on-loan-sharks-says-big-joke/#:~:text=Under Section 654 of Thailand's,%2C this rises to 5%.
  3. That is a whopping 143,464,837,400% annual interest rate.
  4. It was a close call and this time the EV walks away, but relax, it is still early EV days in Thailand ????????. All EV fires ???? counts, just wait until Somchai uses his brothers welding kit as charger, fix a few cables DIY style, little Nut spill her soda pop down the dashboard, rats ???? get a taste for Chinese cable insulation, the uneven Thai roads kiss ???? the underside of the battery pack at 120 km/h, raw sewage water ???? fill the soi where you parked over night, not to mention the infinite different ways Thais generally manage to crash cars at a daily basis. Strap in, interesting times ahead.
  5. That is a pipe dream, we are talking about Chinese EVs after all. Deception and propaganda is written in the manual.
  6. All opinions are welcome here, there are no wrong opinions, just different opinions in a healthy debate.
  7. It will be news in gossip loving ❤️ Thailand for many more exciting and flaming years to come. Currently there are about 35,000 EVs registered in Thailand, make that 50,000 on average in 2024 and we should expect to see 1.4 EV fires/year. Beyong statistical notmal variation, higher numbers than that and we need to have a closer look at these gadgets again ????.
  8. A resounding YES to EVs are a factor 10 less likely to catch fire than ICE and it is refreshing that you are no longer parading the below EV propaganda. Welcome to free thinkers club.
  9. OK, lets assume the below average for each year. 2020: 3 million 2021: 5 million Covid will severely distort the milage number, so I only give them 3,000 km/vehicle/year. The 86 reported fires ???? then give us: 5.7 EV fires/billion miles. Spot on the same as the US numbers and 10 times lower then ICE.
  10. 86 might ne the only number we can use, although it could suffer from Chinese under reporting. Do you have the numbers for EV registration in China from 2020-22?
  11. Do you have a link to the Chinese car news site? It could be something as simple as a translation error.
  12. Covid could party explain the low 2020-22 numbers, but not the high 2023 numbers.
  13. For once I 100% agree with you. Data from China is at best murky, but this time the data are suspicious. But, why? Why would a battery site report fake numbers? If you come across a better and more reliable source, please share. China is interesting, being a testbed for EVs and having a very fragmented, they will almost certainly also experiencing the most failures.
  14. Somjot, thanks for taking the time to write all this and educate us. Much needed. Have you considered practicing at a small clinic in Thailand? I just had my first implant, Swiss made and very happy with the result.
  15. 56 fires/billion miles - ICE (US data, 100% correct) 5 fires/billion miles - EV (US, mostly Tesla and Western brands) 90 fires/billion miles - EV (Mainly Chinese made EVs, unverified data) If the below news are true, we are in for a hot ???? EV season in 2024. To summarize, 2,720 EV fires out of 6 million registred cars. https://batteriesnews.com/7-battery-electric-cars-day-catch-fire-china-most-involved-brands If anyone can find better and more reliable data for China, please share.
  16. What are 10 years old EVs selling for in Norway, as a percentage of new price? Average mileage (km)?
  17. The most complicated thing on these big trucks is the transmission and clutch. They are all diesel/electric by design, that is why the DIY conversion was fairly simply for this truck.
  18. It took them 8 1/2 years to arrest him. The SWAT team wasted no sweat on this case.
  19. EVs drive 50-70% of the yearly milage ICE does, so the 8,000 km/year is a fair number. The number of BYDs on the road will of course have to be averaged out and that is tricky when they are selling like hot bananas ????. A newly registered BYD will only add the 8,000 km after a year, so it is also a good approximation to use 6 month old sales numbers. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a35498794/ev-owners-low-mileage-study/
  20. Please refrain general EV discussion in this thread, but feel free to post news links and information in the format: Date, Vehicle type, location, fire cause/type. First BYD fire ???? in Thailand ????????. September 3, 2023, BYD Atto 3, Udonthani, small fire while charging. Note, the fire was not in the main battery pack. Car is most likely salvageable. https://blink-drive.com/index.php/2023/09/03/first-byd-atto-3-catches-fire-in-thailand-an-isolated-incident-or-a-wake-up-call/ Total fires as of September 2023: 1 BYD registered as of March 2023: 12,000
  21. The stats quote list 5 EV fires per 1.6 billion km or 1 fire per 320,000,000 EV vehicle driven km. 320,000,000 km/fire/(12,000 vehicles x 8,000 km/vehicle/year) = 3.3 year/fire
  22. Using these numbers and with 12,000 Atto 3 on the road in Thailand each driving 8,000 km yearly we should see a BYD fire ever 3.3 years. Anything more than that and the statistics is lying. Time will tell. BYD Atto 3 is currently the best-selling car in Thailand for the years 2022 and 2023. As of March 20, 2023, BYD has sold 12,000 Atto 3 vehicles in Thailand
  23. Finally a couple of brilliant minds that can see through all the EV propaganda. Good suggestions, thanks.
  24. Go for 43 C, yogurt culture is thermophile.
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