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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. .....and 4 years from now Move Forward will win a landslide victory and Pita will rule.
  2. The subject is about burning while parking. By far the majority of ICE vehicles catch fire ???? due to collision. EV's Achilles heel os that they spontaneously combust while parked, more so while charging. I also fear we have some dangerous and possible fatal EV parking lessons ahead of us. Time will tell.
  3. Russia are using water bottles as fuel tank on their Orlan-30 drones, so it must me good, no, yes?
  4. Japan seems to wake up from its military ???? slumbering. Korea can also fairly easy flex some muscle. The rest are weak, but have huge populations to draw on.
  5. For the past few years condo owners get a small letter with the yearly real-estate tax. Inside are payment details, but what is you don't get or misplace the letter? Is there an easy alternative way to pay this tax? MEA/PEA have brilliant apps for electricity payments. Is there a similar app for real-estate tax?
  6. If you specifically are interested in short term rain forecast, you can look at a weather radar near ur location. https://weather.tmd.go.th/cmp.php#
  7. You mean Koh Chang? But yeah, they are all islands.
  8. I was referring to the earlier conflicts. USA helping Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion and then later that same Afghanistan turned around and did September 11. Same with Iraq, which was supported by the US during the Iraq-Iran conflict and then later Iraq invaded Kuwait and as a result we had 2 gulf wars.
  9. That is understandable, we all want to see the good guys win. I still think there are some valuable lessons learned from earlier conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Old allies don't always stay loyal.
  10. I think the West, NATO and Stoltenberg is right on target and is spot on doing the right thing. They give Ukraine enough to win on their own terms, but also not enough that Ukraine will emerge as a military superpower post-war. Who knows what kind of leadership Ukraine will have in 10-20 years? Maybe not a happy comedian again. Russia will not be allowed to use nukes, by ......surprise China. You want to know why?
  11. Beautiful workmanship, well done. Nice little side glass for level and I like you have many unions for future maintenance. How many m3 of rainwater have you so far run through ur filtration train? I use about 200 m3 of rainwater a year and found that 10 micron plug up too fast. I pre-strain at 300 micron to avoid larger organic material foul the tank. For level, I went electronic with a 0-0.3 bar 4-20 mA pressure transducer. It is accurate down to 10 l.
  12. Speculation, yeah right. That risk has been put under the spotlight by the burning car carrier drifting off the Dutch coast. The Dutchcoastguard said the fire’s cause was unknown, but Dutch broadcaster RTL released a recording in which an emergency responder is heard saying “the fire started in the battery of an electric car.” https://gcaptain.com/ocean-shippers-playing-catch-up-to-electric-vehicle-fire-risk/
  13. That is a very nice and neat setup. Do you pre-strain ur rainwater? What type and how many microns are your filters? What is the purpose of the greenish tank in the corner?
  14. Can we see a link to said 350,000 baht villa?
  15. Better stick with petrol. All these alternative fuels pose a risk.
  16. It is revealing that EV owners flock to forums about EV fires ????, they must worried about something. I have had ICE cars for 40+ years and visited many car sites, but always about technical issues. It never ever crossed my mind to investigate the fire risk.
  17. Then they do what they have always done, pour a lot of water/foam on the fire and put it out. Is that really news to you?
  18. Still it could be a wakeup call for marine industry. What if a EV burst into flames ???? on a packed ferry full of passengers?
  19. Parking and EV next to your house is the equivalent to Oppenheimer in September 1945 asking if he can store a box with the label #3 in your garage ???? ????.
  20. Ohhh, boy!!!! ???? ???? ????‍???? ???? ???? ???? https://splash247.com/one-dead-and-several-injured-in-major-fire-onboard-car-carrier Reports have come out that the fire started in one of the EVs which is a major issue. The EVs on board are a serious fire accelerant since its lithium-ion batteries when on fire can reach temperatures of more than 2,700 degrees Celsius.
  21. Typical Chinese total lack of attention to details. That alone would be enough for me to buy a can of gasoline ⛽️ and set fire to my EV ????.
  22. Did the Chinese really screw up the units in the display?
  23. So km/kwh means kwh/100 km in a Chinese EV. Nice quality touch ????.
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