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Everything posted by bannork

  1. First they claimed they were going to rid Ukraine of Nazis, now it's Satanists and gay parades.
  2. Cabbage is not the first vegetable that springs to mind when thinking of a lady's sexual allure, still it reminded me of the story of the northern Thai farmer and his cunning trick to smuggle amphetamine pills to Bangkok. He placed a pill or two or more inside a plastic bag and placed it in the heart of a young cabbage. As the cabbage grew, adding new leaves and layers, the pills became completely hidden. Apparently amphetamine pills are cheap nowadays, wouldn't a few pills be cheaper than a fully grown cabbage? After all, he could hardly sell them on the open mark et!
  3. The end of the rainy season and Buddhist Lent. Lots of fireworks from dusk to 8.00 pm A wonderful full moon and stars. Upcountry, nights are an astronomer's delight during 'winter'. A complete canopy of stars, mosquitoes gone, light a fire of eucalyptus logs and enjoy the view.
  4. This afternoon I was happily prepared to be proved wrong about the end of the rainy season. A large black cloud emerged in the east, accompanied by a large clap of thunder. Great, I thought. Sadly, Mother Nature was simply extracting the urine, a few drops fell, and that was that .
  5. A beautiful mix of sweet volume swelling and blistering, lightning runs.
  6. I think we've seen the end of the rainy season, Owl. I can't get my head around the massacre at Nong Bua Lampu. Taking revenge on someone you think has wronged you, I get, but slaughtering young children? The photo today of a bereaved mother placing her child's favourite toys on his/ her coffin just tore me up.
  7. Neil Diamond wrote I'm A Believer as well as couple of other Monkees' hits.
  8. He killed the children with a machete. You can't legislate against common farm tools. Sadly, lunatics high on amphetamines, frequently mixed with lao khao, the high octane poor man's drink, hacking their relatives to death for refusing to finance their addiction, has become a common occurrence. But to enter a nursery and savagely kill young children with a machete, it's beyond belief.
  9. Russians selling their weapons to the Ukranians.
  10. Nick Drake - memorable songs, catchy sadness.
  11. I never realised that Neil Diamond wrote a few Monkee songs.
  12. Joe makes the point that the conscription of many farmers could have a significant effect on Russian production of wheat, barley and sunflowers.
  13. The lunatic is in the Kremlin but Roger doesn't agree.
  14. Tippers has done a runner, perhaps from his Thai better half. .
  15. Extracting the urine is a national trait for us Brits. Once extracted, a further source is sought. A true Essex man, it is clear Owl, will never move beyond stage one in this project Regarding football, hope and despair go hand in hand if you are a true supporter of your local team(s). Born in Southampton, I cheer on the Saints' attempts to remain in the Premier League, whilst spending my teenage years in Hull, I always look out for The Tigers in The Championship. Luckily, my loyalty and love for these overpaid performers only stretches as far as a cursory glance at the Saturday results. Entertaining, attacking football, yes! Otherwise - boring Last night I dreamt Queen Elizabeth and the Duke came to my old school. Being the resident farang, I was told to go out and greet them. My hair was disheveled, I looked rough, but Liz was kind and invited me to sit on the back seat of their Morris Minor. ' So where should we go then?' she asked. 'I gather you've been here for some time.' 'Ban Dung, ma'am,' I replied. 'Full speed ahead, Giles!' she answered laughing to the Duke behind the wheel
  16. A fellow teacher at my school in Bangkok was a football fanatic, a Liverpool fan. He suffered severe withdrawal symptoms from May to August and would watch anything remotely resembling sport, darts, for example. Anyway, he ran an online football gambling page. He would offer predictions on all Premier League games. If he was correct he kept 20% of your winnings, if wrong he returned a percentage of your money. He became head of the English Programme on 100,000 baht a month but said he made more from the gambling consultancy. COVID killed the teaching job though. The school closed down
  17. Didn't Putin forbid them to leave their posts?
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