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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Two weeks ago this ago this got a lot of attention in political circles: James Carville Names 'Only Way' Republicans Can Get Their 'Party Back' In November I like Carville and his whole style of political commentary but I don't always agree with him. I disagree here because the 1964 presidential race was tainted by the JFK assassination, and the following 1968 race was colored by the incumbent dropping out and the assassination of the front-runner, which left the Dems in a mess. 1976 was about the Nixon skullduggery. Maybe some GOP members are taking this to heart -- after all, this is the guy who got Bill Clinton elected in 1992. They know they've already lost this year, but looking ahead to 2027 (when the 2028 race begins) they are probably already planning how they can beat her then. So yeah, the thinking in that camp might be "let's elect somebody we know we can beat next time around."
  2. Impressive, as Morgan has kept a lip-lock on the orange hindquarters up until now. Both of them have done well as trash TV celebrities. After DT loses again, he should take up the deal a network offers him to get his old show back, story is NBC offered him $25 million in 2021. The two of them would be a great Krusty the Clown and Sideshow Bob team.
  3. I believe that the position, to quote Chris Rock, was that of House N****. As former RNC chair Michael Steele put it "See? We have one of those too." He knows what he's talking about, he used to be the "one of those."
  4. Hey, maybe she'll write a song about him! In metaphor, of course. Or maybe a lament, for a poor Eastern European girl whose dream is to marry a rich American, who, eventually, and unfortunately, does.
  5. DT's real problem is that not all of the US voters swallow his ridiculous banter. But think of it this way: if not for all the crazy stuff he says and the lies that cannot be backed up he would probably be a much more successful candidate. Somewhere in the future, like 2028 or 2032, a candidate that appeals to the same pro-fascist voters without all of DT's reality TV shtick and his fetish for "strong men" foreign leaders just might bring down the US gov't as we know it. Not a pretty picture. If you are not MAGA or GOP don't be too enthusiastic about Liz Cheney, I sense she's putting her hopes in a GOP renaissance. With herself as the standard bearer. Pretty obvious she has her eye on the Oval IMO. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/15/liz-cheney-ginni-thomas-january-6-investigation About a week before the debate there was some discussion in media circles (non-Fox nor OAN et al) about airing things that are known to be untrue, that would make them complicit in spreading lies. I would think it was these discussions that made the moderators do a fact check.
  6. The right-wing is busy doing things to eliminate voters from the rolls, and the Dems are out there encouraging people to register. This is the real race at the moment: the GOP knows it ain't gonna win unless they do the contentious stuff he blames the Dems of doing. And if he doesn't win it's on to Act II, Stop the Steal 2024. So yeah, Harris could get the vote. Let's see how DT's friends on the religious (Christian) right, like that guy who stuffs Thomas's pockets, come through for him. The election is just the half of it. Bold words, Bill. Now tell us a pot joke.
  7. This is kind of like visiting an insane asylum and one of the patients tells you "watch out for the guy in the next room, he's crazy!"
  8. So damned stupid they didn't know why the Russians were favoring them with such gifts. DEFINITELY dumb enough to be a loyal MAGA follower. I had a buddy, a real BS artist whose go-to excuse was "I didn't know!" (the rest of the time he was an arrogant know-it-all even though he was not very bright).
  9. Actually MTG has been relatively quiet since Jasmine Crockett slapped her down. Watch the responses on Raskin's face. Say what now? For those who don't get it, oversized fake eyelashes are all the rage with the young ladies in the U.S. these days. You might think MTG would get along with Boebert, but no, they fight like dogs. They were competing for whom gets to file impeachment against Biden, what happened there, girls?
  10. All the best people? Does this guy think the world is a Saturday Night Live skit? Gabbard couldn't handle Bill Maher when she was on his show a few months ago. He showed her up for the buffoon she is. S. Miller is a very much a Hitler admirer. He is to Jewish people what Clarence Thomas is to Black people. Gaetz is a joke. And a punch line.
  11. Kara Swisher said the same thing about him, that was maybe a year ago. I'm tired of seeing that smiling chimpanzee face every time I read a news page.
  12. The way DT keeps bringing up russiarussiarussia is because he's trying to overplay it into oblivion: "there they go again, russiarussiarussia when we all know it never happened, and whoever says otherwise their mother is a cat-eating immigrant..." and so on. "Guilty as sin" as the expression goes. He even brought it up in the debate yesterday. There is a lot there, before he got into politics him and the sons were doing money laundering for the Russian oligarchs, and I am still waiting for some action to be taken there, or perhaps the clock has run out.
  13. But wouldn't making up fake news be an expression of free speech? This fellow is quite adept at labeling true things as lies, so yes, he is using his free speech to tell lies, and he wants that to be a protected right. But maybe he's lying when he says that. His speech is cheap.
  14. He crossed the bounds of sanity in his first few minutes, but when he got to the part about immigrants eating cats he became certifiable. Barking mad.
  15. There was no chemistry between Obama and Biden. While O was president the bright lads surrounding him made a concerted effort to keep Joe away from him. Someone paying attention would have noticed that none of these wizards worked in Biden's WH. IMO it was not Joe's loss. Personally, I was disappointed enough in O to abstain from voting in 2012, and put part of that on these bozos.
  16. Don't mean to be glum, If he dies in office he'll get that whole, big funeral like JFK got. And another layer for immortality.
  17. Same-same Brazil, and people take it seriously -- they'll catch up with you and hit you with a fine. I like the idea. I also like the Thai thing where if the voter turnout is too low the election is voided.
  18. I would say he is on his own side only, everything is just the means to move things forward. He wants to be Lex Luther. The guy may have shown brilliance in technology and enterprise, but his people skills (using that term loosely) are a catastrophe. Say what you will about DT the guy is a pitchman that knows how to deliver to "his people" and knows how to make television work for him. Look at the piles of cash he gets from the rubes. World politics seems to be in the hands of brain-addled billionaires. Oh, and he openly did an appeasement to Russia in cutting off satellite coms in Ukraine, about 2 years ago if you care to look it up.
  19. Yeah, give them a gala sendoff, then put them on a boat. Then sink it. Let the Russians do the dirty work, they don't want these incels either.
  20. That's how it's done here. Uh-oh, she's in big big trouble, just wait until her father gets home. Oh, ummm . . .
  21. The GOP has been beating this dead horse since the 1990s, I suspect it was cooked up by Gingrich or Rove. Now they're spending billions to solve a non-existent problem, and this is the party that is hell-bent on cutting everything else. And anyway if DT gets back into the WH they won't have to worry about ANYBODY'S votes. Trump Declines to Back Away From ‘You Don’t Have to Vote Again’ Line What the Dems should try for right now is to attempt to pass that immigration bill again before the election. If the GOP votes it down again they will have to do a lot of tap dancing to explain why, enough to affect polling.
  22. He did an impressive slash at Twitter: paid $44 billion for it, and trimmed the value down to below $20 billion in record time. Teaming up with a guy who went bankrupt running an Atlantic City casino, well, look out world! https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/01/since-elon-musks-twitter-purchase-firm-reportedly-lost-72-of-its-value/ I used to tell gambling-prone acquaintances that the only way make money from gambling was to own the casino. DT proved me wrong.
  23. Cnn just exposed harris Misleading title, I thought it would be about boobie pics.
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