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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Forecast: cloudy with a chance of suicides. Has it ever been discover how Epstein became so wealthy? Now that we are getting to see how the former pres plays his legal games, I'm expecting him to say "I never touched any of those girls" and then the Supreme Court will have to rule on the definition of 'touch.' What a blackguard this guy is, and the people he associates with. He should have steered clear of politics after Roy Cohen died, the mistake of his life.
  2. He has sired 4 offspring with immigrant wives. Could this be what he means when he talks about immigrants poisoning American blood? Maybe this is what is in his mind when he looks at his kids. I think he's had it with Mel anyway, time to start test driving interviewing new talent.
  3. More than a third of US adults say Biden’s 2020 victory was not legitimate I wonder who is telling them this . . .
  4. More like they suspect the voters will not vote their way. That's the GOP, that's why they are always pulling stunts like gerrymandering and making it difficult for people to cast ballots. Whoever does it has to live with it, blaming other political parties for their deeds is nothing short of cowardice. They know they are doing wrong, that's why they lie about it. I think some of those good ol' boys at the Capitol on 1/6 are insulted when the Maga crowd says those were antifa in disguise. When it's your own doing, own it.
  5. It was DT's niece, Mary, who revealed that he wears a corset. This was back when she first started her public comments on dear uncle. If you notice when he stands still he is bent forward at the waist in a peculiar way because of it, she pointed out. The purpose is to keep the lard in place. Also, because getting into and out of the corset is so complex he wears a diaper so he doesn't have to deal with it. The stink is one thing, the other is the chafing, which can cause a chronic case of bad mood. We know that he knows how to stand straight because he attended a reform school military academy in his youth. I recently noticed that when he does the fist salute he doesn't make a proper fist. It seems a good bet that Mr Tough Guy from Queens never had to defend himself in a fist fight.
  6. I don't give Maine much credit because they re-elect Susan Collins. She's a joke, a purse-stuffer (she has to be if she's GOP, it's like Serpico: if you don't $$$ you can't be trusted). Worthy of being an LOS politico. Maine's other senator is an independent.
  7. Consider that the longer things take, the more other things may come to light, and thus it all gets more damning. I haven't heard this mentioned since it happened: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/29/barack-obama-sanctions-russia-election-hack Ain't it funny the guy who is always reaching to depict others in conspiracies against himself has so little to say about this?
  8. Boys will be boys in the boy's room. Perhaps the two fellows were sharing a moment and these goons rush in, and this is really a gay-bashing incident? But then these people associated with influencers are always looking to add to the numbers.
  9. An Ethereum Wallet, Purportedly Belonging To Donald Trump, Moved $2.4M Worth Of ETH To Coinbase: Arkham Intelligence
  10. Perhaps the dawning of a new age of Thai-Indian tourism, and the Thais will show their feelings in a subtle Thai way, such as quality of service (of which there will be little of either). The fight started when an Indian said that Mussaman curry is not curry.
  11. ‘As Maine goes, so goes the nation’ Maybe it's only for a primary, but it does indicate where sentiment lies. Democracy loves a consensus.
  12. I hope I'm still alive when Don Jr runs, something to look forward to. On the campaign trail he's going to end up like Steve Buscemi in "Fargo." Hopefully he'll still have his present fiance. BTW, for those who don't know, Don Jr's fiance is the ex-wife of Gavin Newsom. Also, she used to have a show on Fox.
  13. If he doesn't become the occupant of the WH in 2025 (note that I did not use the word elected) then MAYBE this case will be resolved in time for the 2031 primary race. The delays in the current criminal trials can easily be stretched to affect the 2028 election (which begins primaries in 2027), another four years of the same vain shadow show. If DT dies before the guilty verdicts come in that means he wins, right? If he does draw convicting verdicts, they will be under appeal as long as he has a heartbeat. He will never get to wear the jumpsuit that matches his makeup. Yeah, I don't like it either, but that's what it's looking like.
  14. He was nearly assimilated, resistance was futile. What kind of insults did Muskie have for the victim after it happened?
  15. Surat Thani has an ages-long rep for criminal operations. It may be the BiB did him a favor -- once the hard boys got hold of him he'd be fish food. But even without that it would just be a matter of time before his Thai clients ratted him out. Or are all of his clients Indians with tailor shops?
  16. Personally, in an environment where covering one's mouth while coughing, sneezing, belching etc is not part of the etiquette I think wearing a breath-protecting mask is always A Good Idea.
  17. They do it in Brazil as well. In fact, some of the tomato sauces you may encounter are ketchup based in many places in the world. Yech! I've had slices down there that were more like open melted cheese sandwiches served on flatbread. And if your lucky it won't taste of ketchup.
  18. Used to be a fellow hung out around Bukhao, skinny Brit fellow, his entire upper body tattooed, usually had his shirt off. Scuttlebutt was he was on the lam back home. One day walked past him while he was spouting off about how people are stupid . . .
  19. One day, about 20 years ago before wifi became ubiquitous, I was in an internet place on Suk Soi 4 waiting my turn. One of the girls who worked there would write emails for the gals who couldn't write English, and there was one old gal dictating to her that she is so in love with the recipient that she "cannot eeeeeeeat, cannot sleeeep!"
  20. Be assured that one thing Nicaragua does not need to import is cheap labor. This trip is near literally half way around the world. Perhaps the plan was to re-route to a place more convenient to slipping into the US, like the Bahamas. The Frenchies must have given them a severe finger-wagging with a choice between attempting to continue on and get arrested, Interpol etc or just go back to India and we'll bid you adieu.
  21. Direct flights from UAE to Nicaragua? Where's the demand for that? On the other hand Malaysian airlines flies (but maybe no more) to Argentina, supposedly because a big shot owns a piece of that country. Perhaps this incident will make people aware of the debt slavery racket.
  22. Trafficking in kids, no decent justification for that. Stick with the livestock, they don't speak. They'll stink up the private jet, though.
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