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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I think one of them got shot down over N. America yesterday.
  2. Let the insults from you-know-who commence! A living enactment of the expression "stand to be insulted."
  3. Took auto shop in high school. There was 15 pages of safety rules, and at the beginning of each semester each student had to write out the rules, in the classroom. Legalities, I guess. I remember the thing about rings when handling batteries. Be extra sure to keep the wound clean until it's fully healed. Best of luck.
  4. How about DNA tests where it must be proven the two people are not closely related? That would truly shake up the MAGA world. As comedian Jeff Foxworthy says "if you think a family reunion would be a good place to find a wife you just might be . . . " For those unfamiliar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RboPCdiP_AI
  5. I think what he really wanted from this was to have her mention his name at the SB (the SB gets the highest viewer rating of any TV show in the US). Haven't kept track of this, but I hope she doesn't take the bait. He's looking for a b_tch fight with her so he can get money from his rabble, and he particularly likes picking on women, people of color, and foreigners/immigrants. Three bases covered with this one! Does anyone know if he does his own hair and makeup? When he was in the WH it was reported that he wakes up early fusses with himself for hours, emerging from his rooms camera-ready in mid-morning.
  6. If Mickey Mouse is on the balloon it's probably came Japan. If it's Hello Kitty probably Taiwan. If it's a written diatribe (translated) probably North Korea.
  7. Biden should make a statement, and SMS it out to all the people in Russia that if Putin ends the war in Ukraine he will let McDonalds reopen in Russia and on it's first day everything will be free. It will ignite the Second People's Revolution. The billion dollars it would cost would be much more effective than spending it on weaponry, let Defense Dept cover it.
  8. Suddenly so much fervor regarding weather research! Why don't they just use weather web sites like everyone else?
  9. No US regime has reduced the deficit in recent history i.e. this century. https://www.factcheck.org/2008/02/the-budget-and-deficit-under-clinton/ And his GOP successor couldn't torpedo that fast enough, by sending (nearly) everyone a $500 check.
  10. Biden has yet to say just how he would strengthen Social Security and Medicare trust funds How about "do," which is much more effective than "say"? Bringing this issue to light in the glare of the SOTU, attacking what the GOP has been trying to for the past 20+ years, well, that seems like a pretty effective move, no? It's pretty disgusting the way these creeps make these proposals and then when asked to speak about them they deny saying it. Like this guy: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rick-scott-fox-news-taxes-medicare-social-security-1328178/ Spineless, deceitful, and cynical, the living embodiment of an old US sarcasm: flush twice, it's a long way to D.C.
  11. It is usually pivoting or pollying what they heard on Fox channel, no loss of informational content involved.
  12. It's a test of guts. Number of GOP politicians who have the guts to stand up to him: ZERO. IMO things like this are the real test of character voters should look for.
  13. It's about time someone in the judicial process called these grifters out. Judge Lewis A. Kaplan [ . . . ] has already complained multiple times about Trump's side dragging the case out with delay after delay. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-rape-case-former-president-finally-agrees-to-submit-dna-2023-2 So, if he dies before they convict him he's the winner, right?
  14. IMO anyone who plays it that piously has something to hide. In any religion.
  15. It has become a cliche in US politics that those who are most vehemently anti-gay are revealed in compromising positions. On the straight side there was a certain state governor who built up his cred with firm anti-prostitution prosecution for those who patronize ladies of the night, later to be revealed that he spends loads of $$$ on escorts. Waiting to hear George Santos claim he frolicked with Mitt.
  16. Absolutely. Look at some these paleo-conservative culture warriors seeking (or occupying) public office. A few years back they could care less about these things, now they are on the front-line in support. Two I could think of off-hand are Kari Lake and this Luna women who is suddenly in the spotlight: both were Obama boosters when they got into the politics game. It's easier to be a conservative, just do what you're told and vote (and support) the party line, raise funds, pocket your contributions and sit on your thumbs. Whatsat, you have ideas of your own? WRONG PARTY! When a Republican says "I care about children" it means they are anti-abortion; when the child is born it is then out of their field of vision, "people shouldn't have children unless they are prepared to take care of them." ummmm.... At the KBJ hearings Marsha Blackburn boldly stated "I care about children!" as if that uniquely makes her a hero. For those seeking fame and fortune in politics GOP/conservatism is the way to go. The toughest part of the job will be working the phones for fundraising -- GOP is really tough about this, they even send minions to grab Congress members when the session ends to "come across the street and work the phone". Even moneybags Mitt Romney has to do it, he expresses his hatred of this in the media occasionally. Unfortunately Christine Jorgensen is no longer with us to put these people in their place. Jorgensen toured university campuses and other venues to speak about her experiences. She was known for her directness and polished wit. She once demanded an apology from Vice President Spiro T. Agnew when he called Charles Goodell "the Christine Jorgensen of the Republican Party". Agnew refused her request.
  17. It's at the point where narcissism meets masochism and greed, he wants her to call him what Chrissy Teigen did. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/pssy-ass-btch-entered-into-the-congressional-record-thanks-to-donald-trump-and-chrissy-teigen/
  18. Is this a ploy to arrest a certain former PM, should he return, who is known to have a portfolio of assorted passports? ????
  19. Both of them are from Georgia (USA) so I would suspect some sort of regional issues. He's being called in by the party to handle her, or maybe he just stepped up on his own.
  20. Sounds like they're mimicking N Korea, guess you can call it a psy-op (no connection to S Korean performer Psy). I like it when N Korea shoots it's missiles into the sea, it means they have one less missile. So Kim and his missiles, China and its intimidation of Taiwan, Philippines, VN, (and wherever else), so Uncle Sam sends the message that yes, war is possible. I suspect China is having a tough time these days and is banging the war drums to distract its citizens. I think a war will (economically) be worse for China than for the US. I've been anticipating some sort of military action in the South China Sea for some time, there was even a SOTU where Obama hinted at it (and I did not spot the media covering it anywhere).
  21. Carville is great, IMO the best remainder of the Clinton legacy. The way you-know-who was dressed at the SOTU I figured that afterwards she was going to her second job, standing on street corners and shouting "you want a date?"
  22. That yellowy ghost pop-up? It's a pest?
  23. Do bear in mind that these two (among others) just might be competing for the GOP presidential nomination in a few months. Knives out! (figuratively speaking)
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