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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. One tells the lies, the other swears to it. As I've been saying, the russiarussiarussia/Mueller Report is the sleeping Godzilla in the bottom of the ocean that will awaken and destroy [Trump]. Espionage, treason, foreign collusion, and all the trimmings that come along with it. Hillary channeled Cassandra when she said "Putin's puppet." You can be sure there is a load of crimes that haven't been publicly revealed yet; it started in June 2015 and he's still at it. By conservative (ha-ha!) guess-timate I'd say one scofflaw act per month in that period, but probably more like several per week. Even if he doesn't get the jumpsuit that matches his face paint he'll have to deal with at least ten years of legal entanglements for his transgressions. Say goodbye to the inheritance, kids. If he dies before they get to put him in prison is that considered a win? Ask Bill Cosby how that works.
  2. Have you tried a re-scan of channels? Sometimes they add things, move them around, etc.
  3. There was a song on the radio I hadn't heard in over 50 years. Later that day I saw taxis on the street. I'm not making this up.
  4. IMO when he brought in that goon squad (Sidney Powell, Pillowman et al) I think he dangled a tempting carrot in front of them, maybe something like "whoever turns this around and keeps me in office gets a billion bucks" and thus ensued something on the level of the movie "It's a Mad Mad Mad World" combined with "The Thick of It." Powell is going to do some orange jumpsuit time for that crank call to the Pentagon about the CIA chief being kidnapped. Oh, and rotsa ruck collecting that billion if they did succeed.
  5. WSJ <--> Fox News <--> NY Post same same Perhaps the two (virtually) printed ones aim for the same crowd but at different levels of intellect.
  6. Pelosi is cool as a cucumber, check out the 1/6 vids of her trying get something done. The orange guy throws his plate against the wall, a spoiled little boy in a fats man's body. Can't handle embarrassment? That is a pretty embarrassing thing to have the world know about you. Ever Schumer can get a flame under his _ss sometimes, takes a verbal jab at the acting AG.
  7. The GOP plan is to make the US economy as bad as possible to make the Dems look as bad as possible in 2024. They can do magic the way they can oppose something and when it passes Congress and the people like it they make it look like passing it was their doing, when not one GOP rep or senator voted for it. A lot of them are campaigning on the infrastructure improvements which they actually voted against. If they succeed in cutting Social Security they'll tell the retirees it was those commie Dems that did it. Unfortunately I don't think there are enough GOP voters intelligent enough to see through that, and it seems the RNC is well aware of that, and they would like to keep it that way. I'll always remember Rick Santorum calling Obama a snob because he said every kid should get a college education. Voter ignorance makes the Republican party strong!
  8. Oh yeah, the two lads they interviewed, and who did the demonstration. were sorry specimens.
  9. Over the past weekend he said the documents are his. There goes the hoax (man, he loves that one!), the planted documents, and the rest of the nonsense. How securely the docs were stored means nothing. Who actually lifted and loaded the boxes is moot. Case closed. Lock him up. The only case that can be made is challenging the National Archives, which will be an expensive disaster for him. It would be high drama if someone called into question who has had access to this info, and I'd not be at all surprised if US intelligence detects info from them in dispatches by foreign adversaries. "A bowling alley and a Chinese restaurant."
  10. You can be sure there are some slimy characters out there watching all this, doing cost/benefit analysis. With the cost reaching over $1 billion this sort of influencing does not come off as lucrative. Give him Time Magazine's Most Odious Man of the Year award. He should have everything of value he owns taken away and made a ward of the state, made to live in a public housing project* on a stipend, with strict policing on his spending, as in some areas of the US where people on public welfare have to deal with drop-in inspectors going through their closets etc. "Oh ho, what's this, a new jacket? How did you pay for it?" and so on. I don't think he has what it takes to go into exile, but I would suspect he has a honey pot somewhere. *preferably one with a high crime rate
  11. Saw a report once (on Al Jazeera, I think) of young guys living out in the sticks in one of those provinces east of Hat Yai, they would smoke weed combined with the powder that is inside fluorescent light tubes. Jeez!
  12. Still remember her as the mother from hell in Manchurian Candidate.
  13. They did, then a few years ago this guy with orange paint on his face came along and . . .. But in a culture of hypocrisy it's just a matter of degree. Not long ago a porn actress who is a Maga fan showed up at CPAC, and a few minutes after letting her in they approached her and said she had to leave because of her profession. I'm impressed!
  14. I find this whole thing to be an embarrassment. I can't look at pics/vids of him in the news. Who was it that inspired him to go into politics, and what do they have in mind? The guy is obviously a little slow and slightly out of it, and I truly feel sorry for him. I feel he just doesn't really get it. Another poor sob caught in the gears of the Georgia GOP.
  15. I am still of the opinion that all this stuff associated with the Mueller Report is buried away, like Godzilla at the bottom of the sea, and at some point will re-emerge, much to the chagrin of Bill Barr and the rest of the orange cadre. Of all the legal charges piling up against the former president, this could emerge as the gasoline on the embers. Do bear in mind that the two impeachments offered no vindication, merely that his party did not punish him. The DOJ could still bring cases for those things.
  16. It could be that there was another baksheesh fine paid, quite larger and not to be spoken of. "No need to put on a performance, we (literally) paid our dues." To a CNN reporter 5k baht is probably per diem.
  17. My own 2 cents, sure to rankle some sat-upons: I think (adult) people should see pictures of things like this. It should be driven home just what the carnage is. The damage of not showing these things is that it becomes normalized, as is happening in the US just now. "Oh, another school shooting today? Change the channel and let's see what else is on." In an age where news, politics and other current events have become entertainment people need to be reminded of what it really is. Pictures of dead bodies etc are not there to amuse, but to be sickening. It's like taking a bitter medicine. I think when people call for war they they should not think of the heroes doing victorious poses with their flag, but rather of the piles of rotting corpses, and realizing that could be themselves and their own children. Teddy Roosevelt had a noble perspective on war, "the measure of a man" etc but after losing all his sons in WWI his perspective on this was very much humbled. I am not a pacifist nor against gun ownership (though I would prefer that my raving alcoholic wife-beating neighbor did not own one), but I think when people call for violent solutions they should be cognizant of what exactly they are supporting. With so many people cramming the media with "don't believe what you see, believe my words" these graphic images are necessary.
  18. Looks like things are not going swimmingly for Vlad with the CSTO, Russia's post-Soviet answer to NATO. Kyrgyzstan cancels Russian-led military drill on its land My guess is the leaders of these countries look at what is happening in Ukraine and are thinking "there but for the grace of god . . . ." Even within its own ranks Russia is having a morale problem, whereas a few days ago I came across a vid of two young Ukrani women soldiers singing a song of resistance while they sat in a trench loading their ammo clips. Meanwhile, the Russian troops are hoping for a border to escape over.
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