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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. For the purchase of a condominium the money has to arrive in Thailand in USD, EUR, something like that. And the information should be something like "to purchase a condominium". You don't need any specifics about the address of the condominium or something like that.
  2. Win/win. The bible thumpers love it. And the rest of us will be happy that there will be fewer bible thumpers in the future.
  3. You just got invited to my Ignore List. 😉
  4. Is that the budget for a day or a month or what? What do you expect for that money?
  5. Additionally: Nobody wants to admit the scale of the Christian extremist threat to our democracy - there are many millions of them in the USA.
  6. It seems to me that most of the time people only want to see a signature, and they don't compare it to anything. Years ago, I did something in the bank, I think I applied for a credit card, and I had to sign maybe 10 documents. They were not happy with my signatures because they were not the same all the time. I tried, and tried again, and again. At the end I signed about 20 blank pages, and they looked for the best matches of maybe 10 pages. And then they copied the documents to the pages which I signed already. That "worked". And yes, I destroyed the rest of the signed pages.
  7. I never used Grab. Taxis are all over the place. If three of them don't want to switch on the meter then I use the next one. Normally it doesn't take more than 5min.
  8. Bangkok did change a lot. The BTS, MRTA, home delivery, fewer dirty exhaust vehicles, and much more. But somehow, it's the same, I guess that is the Thai mentality or whatever you call it. Maybe it's more of the same, or something like that.
  9. I try to ignore those woke idiots. And it seems more people are annoyed with those woke idiots. I don't know if it has to get worse before it will get better or if we are already at that point. Luckily Thailand is far away from the woke idiots from America and the rest of the west. We can see what they do over there and laugh about it and ignore it.
  10. Interesting question. After living here for almost 30 years I should have some kind of prediction. But I don't really have one - and I didn't think too long and hard about it. Lots of things will change, but at the end of the day nothing really changes. Lots of traffic, people argue about lottery numbers and are scared of ghosts. Many laws are ignored, but then suddenly in some cases enforced. Corruption is continuing, and sometimes some corrupt person is exposed, and the media behaves as if it's a surprise. Life changes somehow and people adapt. I think an interesting example are online deliveries. 8 years ago (I just checked the date) I ordered parts to build a racing drone from China. When I came to the counter of my condominium likely someone would tell me something like "your parcel arrived". They knew already that I ordered many little things from China, and then maybe 5 boxes arrived for the whole building, and two of them were for me. Easy. Now a huge part of the same counter in the same building is full of boxes from online deliveries. I guess it must be hundreds every day. Small and big and many of them. It seems now everybody is buying almost anything online all the time. And everybody adapted to this. Not same, different, but then somehow not really so different. Life goes on.
  11. I can't imagine that such a stamp would be legally the same as your signature. For that reason, I am pretty sure it won't be accepted if you use the stamp in front of the eyes of i.e. bankers, authorities, etc. And if you use the stamp i.e. at home and don't tell people that this is not your handwritten signature, then you also might be in legal trouble. Personally, I think just scribble whatever you are able to scribble. That's your signature at that time. Or use a thumb like suggested above.
  12. It seems many foreigners try to live in a perfect world. Until one day they discover that the real world is far away from perfect. Most Thai people wouldn't cross a street only because the light for pedestrians is green. They would pay attention even if there is a zebra crossing. Basically, no Thais use bicycles - the exception is the Lycra crowd. Many foreigners do all that. And then accidents happen. And then questions come up like: How could that happen? My personal advice: Don't play the hero and have the sentence "he was right" on your gravestone.
  13. Thanks everybody. Above is the one which I like most from the selection. I just ordered it. Let's see. Thanks
  14. I am no smoker but mf gf smokes a cigarette from time to time. Now she often uses the "Thai" solution, an old bottle with a little water inside. This will prevent fires and prevent smell. It works, but it looks horrible. I remember ashtrays like this from the past. Do they exist in Thailand? What are they called? And where are they available online or offline? Any other idea about "closed "ashtrays?
  15. The problem is not that they start to burn. The problem is that it is nearly impossible to stop a lithium battery fire. It's easy to find many articles and videos about this problem.
  16. I own a condominium and I am happy that there are no EV charging stations in our building. That will help to prevent fires in the building. I also suggested to the committee that nobody should be allowed to take any small EVs like scooters up to the residential area. The risk of fire is just too high.
  17. As far as I know there is also a Thai version of an audio magazine - printed. I saw them some time ago in Bookazine. I suggest buy one, even if you can't read Thai. They will likely have ads from shops and possibly also a private for sale section. Good luck!
  18. It seems you have a very simplistic view. I guess you will feel comfortable with the rest of the simplistic MAGA crowd. And no, I am not a fan of Biden. He is bad. And the DEMS are bad. But still better than the alternative.
  19. Many media, including BBC and others, have often bad or misleading information about Thailand. It seems they have their narratives, and they want to give their readers and viewers a certain perspective. It seems often they don't care if it is accurate or true information. So, a little bit more misinformation from TikTok doesn't really matter. Anybody who wants accurate information would anyhow never watch TikTok for anything else than maybe cat videos.
  20. I am sure you know that capacitors come in all sizes and types and voltages. If people know what they are doing, then there is no problem. But I know from my own experience when I started with electronics and harmless 5V or 12V that things can go boom and the magic smoke appears. With high voltage that can be deadly. It seems too many people watch some YouTube video or something in a forum and then they think no problem, I can do that, and then things go wrong. Below is a deadly example.
  21. Is that your only criteria if someone is a maniac? Listening to any of this speeches for a couple of minutes should be enough.
  22. Trump is obviously a maniac. But it seems many US politicians from both parties like lots of wars and giving big money to the industrial military complex.
  23. Following above link it reveals: By Isaac Herzog Mr. Herzog is president of Israel. Nobody expects from the president of Israel a balanced or truthful article. It's propaganda for Israel. Not more, not less.
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