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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. in my experience Cowboy has lots of old women, and a few nice girls. I used to go there a lot, now not so much anymore. In average I think Nana is better.
  2. I think about subwoofers, additional to my speakers which include 8" woofers. Until now this is an idea which maybe I will do, maybe not. The best would be if I can borrow/rent one or two subwoofers and try them at home. And then make up my mind if they make enough of a difference that I want some.
  3. I am sure there are also plenty of 20 to 25 year olds in Nana. But it seems to me that they are "different". I guess growing up with mobile phones in their faces doesn't help. I don't know if that is the main reason. It is for sure part of the reason why they behave differently. But obviously it is difficult to compare, because my point of view also changed over the years.
  4. No, I have nothing on my mind. I just wanted to talk about a situation where it doesn't sound like I want to get rid of the old woman to find a girl half her age. If my gf behaves similar to the way she did over the last years, then it is unlikely that we ever separate.
  5. I agree. But it seems some people here want serious conversation with their gf/wife. This is why I asked what they have in mind. Until now I didn't receive any answer...
  6. That reminds me of one waitress who I see from time to time in Nana. I remember her from "reflections" in G-Spot in 1995... We still say hello to each other.
  7. I think about building one or subwoofers for my home. I found these 12" JBL woofers online. JBL GTO SERIES ชุดเครื่องเสียงรถยนต์ ลำโพงซับวูฟเฟอร์ 12นิ้ว โครงหล่อ วอยซ์คู่ แม่เหล็กชั้นเดียว 1ดอก GTO-1214D | Shopee Thailand I still have to check some parameters, but likely I want something similar to above. I only want the speaker chassis, not any enclosures. Can anybody of you recommend a shop or area where they sell such speaker chassis?
  8. I met my gf in a bar, many years ago. At that time, it seemed almost everybody met their girlfriends in bars - at least the people I know personally. I am not looking for a new gf, but I have to admit from time to time I play that game: what if. What if my gf would have a deadly accident and I would be single again and looking for a new girl. Would I look in a bar? Any other specific places? Online? What kind of girl/women would I look for? Similar to what my gf was when I met her many years ago? Similar how she was recently? Something completely different? In a way I would like to have another one similar to what my gf used to be. Young, cute, innocent, happy enjoying life. Apart from the big issue if such a girl would want me, it seems to me there are not many young, cute, innocent girls around anymore. For the sake of this thread, let's say >= 20 years old. Maybe once a week I go with a friend through a couple of bars in Nana. And what do I see? Mostly fat girls who are nearer to 30 than 20, many over 30. Most of them are a little or a lot overweight. And very few give me the impression that they are just nice girls. I think years ago there were plenty of nice girls in the bars. Now, not anymore. Obviously, my vision and perception changed with age, experience, etc. I am also not as horny anymore, so the "wow, I want her" situations don't happen much anymore. But all in all, I think there are just not many attractive girls in the bars anymore. Sometimes I still see cute waitresses in restaurants, nice girls in 7/11, etc. But in the bars? Seldom, very seldom. What do you think about this? If you are not against the concept of having a gf from a bar, do you still see some or many girls which you would consider girlfriend material? Again, to make this clear, I am sure many of the girls would not be interested in me, even if I wanted them. I know that. But my point is still: There are almost no nice girls in the bars anymore, independent of the fact if they would want me. How about you?
  9. Well, if you really want to know, like the complete opposite the "girlfriend" above. From what he mentioned on another thread: Seeks attention on tiktok from other men, does not work so he pays for everything, basically ignores him unless he needs sex, got a syphilis from some Ukranian men and gave it to the OP. Chances of getting syphilis from educated women? Much lower. Chances of you paying for everything? Much lower. Chances of her ogling other men on social media because she refuses to work? Much lower. It is not about highly educated conversations. It is about how woman behaves herself. Welcome to the world of educated Bangkok women. I asked about serious conversations. It seems you also don't have serious conversations. Interesting. What you describe are IHMO character attributes. There are poor and rich women who f#$# around with many guys. There are women from all classes who are honest and others who tell lies all the time, are manipulative, etc. The generalization that educated women are so much better than not so educated women is wrong. Education has not much to do with character.
  10. Ok, so what kind of serious conversations do you expect to have with the wife? Maybe give us some samples.
  11. It's almost funny when some people compare their experiences in Thailand with "back home". Do you speak fluent Thai? Because at home you and the waiter are likely native in whatever language you talk to each other. And obviously there are huge differences if you go to a street "restaurant", maybe an international burger chain, a good local restaurant, a restaurant in an international hotel, etc. I like it when I am in an expensive restaurant, and they serve me just the way I want. And obviously I have to pay for that kind of service. I am also used to local restaurants sometimes with communication problems and things like that. Often things are not perfect. I also don't expect that they are perfect. And often things are just different. IMHO it happens very seldom that someone deliberately provides bad service. Often it is just different and not so professional. Which is not really surprising in a foreign country with a foreign language and people who receive minimum salaries.
  12. Really? This reminds me of the female Thai manager who I asked about Biden a day or two after he told the world that he won't be the DEMs candidate anymore. Her "answer"? Biden? Who is that? And I am sure she is not the only educated Thai person who does not recognize that name. In a way I like to be well informed what is happening all over the world. I read articles and news and watch videos from educated and well-informed people all the time. So, I am able to talk about these things if I want to. But to be fair, what happens if I talk with someone about Israel or the UK or USA or Ukraine or other issues? Nothing! We talk about it, and mostly we agree that things don't happen the way we like it, but we can't do anything about it. Nothing. Zero. So, if many Thais are not informed about world wide events, what does that tell us? Are they all ignorant and don't care? Or do they know that there is no point of knowing lots of things which have almost nothing to do with our daily lives? My gf has a good idea about many people in our building, the food vendors outside, the motorcycle taxis and their families. I don't know anything about most of them. Now is it so much better that I know about Biden, or she knows about our neighbors?
  13. I met my gf in a bar, when she was young. She does not have much formal education. So, for us, it's not surprising that we don't have conversations about serious things. But, it seems to me that "educated" Thai women are (mostly) not much better. A friend married a Thai woman almost the same age. She is well educated and has a well-paid job in accounting. And, does he talk to her about serious things, world politics, something like that? No! And she also watches tiktok videos. I also met enough educated women through work. There are very few who would want to have a serious conversation. Fun (like tiktok) is just so much more important... I have from time to time serious conversations with farang women (who I know through business). I like to talk to them. But on the other hand, not one of those serious women was ever on my "it would be nice to be with her" list.
  14. We are mostly happy together. We enjoy being together. And we also accept that we both have our own friends. I.e. sometime I see my friends. She knows most of them, but she also knows if we have i.e. lunch together than I would speak 90% of the time with my friend and little with her. As a consequence I see my friends mostly without her. And she sees her family and some friends mostly without me. I "know" her family. But visiting them up country without AC and lots of dogs and cats and children is just not my thing. My gf likes it. I have very few serious conversations with her. And I don't miss that. If I want to talk about serious issues, then I can have such conversations with other people. With her I don't see the need for serious conversations. If there is anything important to decide, I do it by myself. And she doesn't want to be a dominant partner. When she says "up to you" she mostly means it. About movies and things like that, sometimes we watch movies together and enjoy them together. But there are definitely enough movies and video clips on which we have opposing taste. I.e. likes to watch Thai people preparing food and eating food. I understand watching how they prepare food, but I don't know why anybody would watch "for hours" when other people just eat. I watch i.e. videos from guys working on cars and bikes and maybe electronics. She is not interested in any of that. Summary: It's nice to be together with a nice girl. But it is also important that we both have our own friends. It doesn't make sense to try to do everything all the time only together.
  15. Why did you marry her after all those years? Do you expect that your relationship including marriage will be the same? Do you think that makes it better? Do you fear it might make it worse (for you)?
  16. In theory that works. But does it work in the real world? I.e. lots of girls work in minimum wage jobs, about 10,000B per months. I am sure many of them would be delighted if you would suggest to them that you give them 15k or 20k per month and they have to pay all their living cost, support for their family, etc. And then, most likely more sooner than later, they find out that 20k is not as much as they thought it is. (I am not talking about 20k pocket money, I talk about all kind of expenses which in my case, I pay all by myself). It reminds me of my first job back home. Like: Wow, so much money, I will never be able to spend so much. I was able to spend a lot more. And so are the girls. Higher living standard, higher expenses, and likely it will get higher and more expensive. With my gf we often go to the fresh market, and she buys a kg of shrimps, and a kg crabs, and things like that. Most of the time seafood which she always liked but couldn't afford when she was alone. Luckily, she is a good cook and likes the fresh market. If we would buy the same in the supermarket it would be more expensive. And she/we would eat seafood in restaurants all the time, it would obviously be a lot more expensive. Does she realize that she has all the good food which she always wanted? Not really, it's just there. Sometimes, when she sends picture of the food to her friends, they all tell her they want the same. But for her, it's "normal".
  17. Long term stability. She is my girlfriend and not my wife. We are happy together. She is not as cute anymore as she once was, but she is still a nice "girl" - just older. I make the rules, and I leave her enough freedom to do what she wants, i.e. seeing her family and friends. If she would do crazy things like other women, then she knows I would throw her out. And because we are not married that would mean she would have to look for work or a new sponsor. I don't think she wants that. All in all, we are happy together. I think all in all guys have to make the rules and limits clear to their girl. If guys don't do that, then she takes over. You don't want that.
  18. At least the last two coups would not have happened is the police, prosecutors and judges would have done their jobs. Many people supported the coups not because they like coups, but because they didn't see any alternative. That phenomenon is not restricted to Thailand.
  19. I lived in Bangkok when the last two coups "happened". They didn't just happen. People were expecting them months before the actually happened. The coups were no surprise because the corrupt Thaksin and his lackeys openly ignored the laws and enriched himself, his family and his cronies. And the state authorities, like police, prosecutors and judges, didn't do anything against him. Many people at those times agreed that something has to happen to stop him. The legal authorities didn't stop him, and this is why the coups were initiated and successful. People on the streets gave flowers and soft drinks to the soldiers. They welcomed the coups. I don't know these facts from history books, I was here. "Everybody", at least in Bangkok, was happy that Thaksin was stopped. Now Thaksin is free again and meddling even more in politics again. Lots of people don't like that. And it has to stop. Now the question is, will the police, prosecutors and judges stop him and his lackeys this time? I think they will, because he does not have as much power as before. There is a lot of opposition against him, and he does have some support, but way less than years ago. I think there are basically three options: a) Thaksin realizes his mistakes and meddles less in politics, or at least not as open. b) He and his daughter and other enablers will be prosecuted and removed from power. c) Another coup. A is unlikely, Thaksin is ignorant and does not want to back down. B is, IMHO, likely. It's just a question of time. Maybe when the pressure gets too high, then A will also happen. C is still far away. It can only happen if A and B do not happen. At least for now, I don't think that will happen. No, I am no political expert. But after living here for almost 30 years I have an idea what is going on. It's an idea, and my personal opinion, which obviously can be wrong.
  20. That depends on the jurisdiction. The USA, Singapore, China, and many others are not all the same.
  21. No. The best way from Nana to there is to ask your favorite bar girls if one of them wants to visit "home". Very likely you will find one who will know exactly how to go there. Enjoy!
  22. You could contact (or go to) well known massage schools like Wat Poo. I know at least some time ago they had a board with job offers like yours. https://www.watpomassage.com/EN/home I don't know if this is the well-known school. I found several with that name on Google Maps.
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