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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Yes, in form of development aid and food and water houses and all that - not for more bombs and fighter jets.
  2. Pattaya must collect billions in tax. It shouldn't be so difficult to remove the holes in the streets and clean up the place. But I guess the people in charge prefer to buy a couple of more houses and cars for themselves instead.
  3. Maybe they should close the roads every night let's say between midnight and 4am and rent it out to street racers.
  4. These are my favorite mushrooms in Thailand - if possible fresh from the market.
  5. I remember I learned the following about Americans - I don't know if it is true. According to what I heard many Americans believe in the American Dream. If they are poor, they can climb up and become rich. They believe it. And it seems many think already about the time when they will be rich. And then they obviously don't want to pay so much tax to finance all those poor lazy bastards. So, they vote as if they are rich already. Is it true? I don't know. But I wouldn't be surprised if that is the reason why many vote the way they do.
  6. Just push him alone in any girly bar - Soi 6 is probably a good start. He will learn fast. He has to.
  7. But unfortunately, few good politicians. Instead, they have the politicians money can buy.
  8. Patpong, Bangkok. And yes, after I wrote the comment, I realized that this is in the Pattaya forum.
  9. Who makes the decisions? Not the people who wait in traffic jams.
  10. I am different. They call me sexy man. 😉
  11. Why is a bank involved in this? Will they get all the data to misuse it?
  12. Guilty as charged. Put him in jail. Case closed.
  13. No! Obviously, some people use that as an excuse to take more of the same. But there are enough people out there who realize that taking drugs again and again is a bad idea and they stop.
  14. I didn't say it's impossible. But looking at the existing traffic every day, how will it look like if they close many streets? And then how will it look like if many people (try to) visit that event? Chaos and more chaos. Do we really need that?
  15. I just wanted to recommend Kangaroo in Patpong. But according to Google Maps it is permanently closed.
  16. Which part about my post don't you understand? It's not really that difficult. Taking illegal drugs, especially from unknown sources, anywhere in the world, is a bad idea. Isn't that obvious? If people still do that, then it seems they want to participate in the competition to win the Darwin award.
  17. Are drugs only dangerous in Thailand? Or should people avoid them all over the world?
  18. The question was and is: Is there anything new you are looking forward to? Sure, it's nice to see another sunrise, maybe have a nice meal and see friend. But is there anything in life which is better when you are 70 and not 50?
  19. I should have written that this is of course just an estimate. The point is, there are many many people with many many different ideas for their lives.
  20. According to AI, there are 195,640 male Australians who are currently 30 years old. Is there something like an ideal life for all of them? IMHO we should all try to do what we like to do. We are all different.
  21. I left this question unanswered for a reason. Obviously depending on our age, we define "old" differently.
  22. I am not so sure if that is true with old guys in Thailand. I met this wonderful woman, she loves me, I built a house. It's all in her name but we love each other so much. Yeah, sure...

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