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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It's similar to the electricity which comes out of your wall, wherever you live. Same, same - but different.
  2. The funny part about all these articles and interviews and comments is that it seems everybody pretends that this was a unique case. Like: Now we investigate this guy and his companies and after we found them guilty everybody will live happily ever after. Yeah, sure. Or in other words: Is there any construction and/or truck company in Thailand which is not corrupt? Could any such company exist with all the people who want get part of the money? The only surprising thing about this case is that it was published and now everybody has to do something so that it looks like they do something. In Captain Renault words (Casablanca): I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.
  3. How do you know? I also don't know what happens in this case. But I see it as a possibility that the parents want to protect their daughter against "misuse". Because if she marries the guy and maybe has a baby and then he goes back to the USA, then there will be not many guys who want to marry a mother with child.
  4. Imagine they release him early from prison, because he is extreme sick. And after he is released, then a few days hours later Thaksin will be in the limelight in front of reporters talking a lot - no signs of any bad health.
  5. Maybe the Thai man was rejected too often by Thai women. And then he asked himself: What do they want. And, I am sure after not too long research, decided they want a rich farang man. So, he gave them what they want. The funny part is obvious that many women, who want rich men, want those men to get their hands on the guy's money. Now he showed them their own character. He taught her a lesson. They should be happy about that.
  6. That sums up a third annoying thing. It happens regularly on AN with certain users and useless new threads.
  7. As far as I remember you can use Software RAID in Windows on any disk. It should be no problem to add it later to an existing system disk. And it should be no problem to add additional "disks" with RAID. The last time I did that was years ago, I don't remember the details anymore.
  8. Maybe if you would have had to pay 1m for the bride you would have thought twice if you really want to stay with her long time. And maybe, if you paid that money already, you would put more effort into keeping that marriage. I was never married, so my observations are just theory.
  9. I have no kids and obviously there is no daughter who wants to marry. But if I would have a daughter then obviously I would want that when she marries that she marries a guy who makes her happy and who wants to stay with her longtime. Would I want that she marries somebody who does not even have 1m THB (28k USD)? I think a foreigner who wants to live in Thailand long term and who wants a family should have that money. Obviously there are still lots of things which can go wrong. But a first barrier, like, is that guy willing to pay 1m for our daughter, is maybe in the best interest of the daughter.
  10. I think there are also lots of decent Thai guys around. But obviously our entertainment darlings don't tell us about them...
  11. To me it seems the parents want to make sure that he doesn't just screw her and than walk away. If she is the love of his life and if he thinks the parents do it to protect their daughter, then I think 1m is not too much. Most cars cost more than that...
  12. I could afford a car. 99% of the time I use motorcycles. And one of my bikes is a small 150cc bike. It's perfect for heavy traffic. You could offer me any car and I wouldn't take it if the condition would be that I only use that car and no bike anymore.
  13. Why does the average matter? If at all, then I guess the minimum matters. But that is obviously also a question of location and living standard. An apartment in the middle of Bangkok with AC is more expensive than a non-AC room in nowhere. If your friend has limited money, like most of us, then the big question is what kind of living standard he expects and how much risks he is willing to take (i.e. health issues). There is no one fits all answer.
  14. Check JIB, you should find something. อุปกรณ์จัดเก็บข้อมูล (STORAGE & MEMORY CARD ) (jib.co.th) Personally, I have all my important documents on OneDrive. This means I have a local copy on my PC and automatically a copy in the cloud. And if I use also my notebook then I can have another synchronized copy on that machine. I think the cloud solution is easy and reliable as long as you have a decent internet connection. I would never buy a Noname RAID device or SSDs. The whole idea is to prevent data loss. A reliable brand name product is the only way to go.
  15. I tried it. IMHO nothing to write home about.
  16. Possibly it's similar like a police officer stopping a vehicle and then asking: You know what you did wrong, right? I am sure lots of people break down under pressure. If all is harmless and ok then there is no reason to break down. Answer the questions and all will be fine.
  17. Every YouTuber and Instagrammer and Influencer should be overcharged on principle.
  18. Don't forget to give the guy in the car next to you the URL. That will cheer him up...
  19. I avoid exercise and any diet. Ice cream every day is the much better choice!
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