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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Probably the radio station is an ordinary terrestrial station. You know, one of those which ordinary radios receive. It is possible that the signal is picked up (and amplified) by something in your PC or connected to your PC. Is your computer case closed? Is there anything with a long cable connected? If this applies, close the case and disconnect everything (as much as possible), and likely you won't hear that radio station anymore.
  2. Maybe the part which you don't understand is that she doesn't do the makeup for you. She does it for all the other women because women have this nasty habit of judging each other all the time. Look at her, she can't even afford decent makeup. And look at her hair...
  3. What's the point of that poll? Does any side "win"? And if more people like A instead of B does this mean they are right and everybody should be like A? Who cares? It's like asking if you like tea or coffee? Some prefer this, some prefer that, some have both, whatever, there is no right and wrong. And I don't think I ever had the argument with a friend about short time or long time. Do whatever you want!
  4. The females on stage are getting fatter and older. And some years later more of the same. There was a time, not too long ago, when fat females realized they are fat. The didn't dance on any stage and they tried to hide their ugly bodies in the flowing wide garment. Now, with the so-called body positive narrative, the fat once also show off their bodies - even if nobody wants to see them. Now, more than half the girls are too big. And many of them are real fat. And they are still on stage. On no! P.S.: Just in case that someone thinks about that lots of guys are also fat. Yes, they are, this is why they know they have to pay. The fat guys don't pretend they are hot.
  5. The premenstrual days. Most of the time I am happy with her. But on those days, she really annoys me.
  6. I imagine that would upset lots of other gods. They need the sinners. 😉
  7. It makes sense that all is in Thai, after all, this is Thailand. But I am sure in some countries there are laws that if the police ask a person to sign something, and the police knows the person can't even read it, this would be illegal. Maybe it is illegal in Thailand - but of course that doesn't mean this would be enforced.
  8. What happened after the 8 years? Did you lose your girlfriend/wife and a friend or two? I live here almost 30 years, and I never had a moment like that. But recently, I know about more and more people who are not so much older than me who recently died. I am sure there will be more - it's just a question of age. I have a couple of good friends, but one if clearly by best friend. I am sure if he would die, that would make a difference to my life. Would it make a big difference? I don't know. I never had a plan like: I want to make 3 friends this year or something like that. But recently I think it would be a good idea if I would also have friends who are considerable younger than I am so that I don't only have old age friends.
  9. Obviously, one should know what you sign. On the other hand, I wonder if it is lawful for the police to ask anybody to sign a document when the police must know the person can't read and understand it.
  10. You sit in a Michelin recommended restaurant and buy a snack from a store across the street. Really? Just for that he should be thrown out.
  11. Try different devices on your PC, also on different ports. And try the "problematic device" on one of more other PCs. That should give you a better idea where the problem is.
  12. Tourists exist to get as much money as possible from them. That is what you can expect it Thailand.
  13. I find it almost funny when again something bad happens and then many people mention "thoughts and prayers". So, you believe in a god who controls everything, and then god did something horrible and then you pray that things get better again. It's just plain stupid.
  14. To be fair, 2000 years ago nobody knew about the earth rotating around the sun, thunderstorms, gravity, evolution, and all those things. They couldn't explain it, so their explanation was: There must be a god or several gods who did all that. But now, with modern science, there are explanations for most things. And they don't include any supernatural thing. Now people can learn about science and understand the world. But some ignorant people still prefer believing instead of learning. It's sad that they are so ignorant.
  15. Almost 20,000 posts just in this thread. Did anybody bring up any evidence for such a thing called god? No. I am not surprised. It's amazing how many people can for years discuss something which obviously doesn't exist. Have you considered opening a fresh thread maybe about the tooth fairy or unicorns or something like that?
  16. So, the convicted criminal, who told us he will take care of his grandchildren, complaints about others not following the rules. Yeah, sure. And I am sure Thaksin doesn't notice the irony in that.
  17. Will the budget for this scam also be reduced if the handout is reduced? Or did they conveniently forget this little discrepancy?
  18. Maybe someone mixed up N and ground. I don't know if an ordinary tester would show that. And what kind of light is behind that light switch. If it is an old-fashioned transformer and halogen lamps, that could be a scenario which the UPS doesn't like. For the record: I am not too bad with electric, but I am not a specialist.
  19. The fact that Move Forward had the most votes at the last election is a sign that there are not just a few people who remember.
  20. Didn't he tell us all that he wants to take care of his grandchildren? And wasn't he a sick man who needed VVIP treatment while he was supposedly in prison? Sure, we believe anything he tells us...
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