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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Did anyone ask the people in the EU if they want that the UK joins?
  2. Ok, I admit this is not exactly likely. But it's a wonderful thought. And let's not forget that he has powerful friends. But he also has powerful enemies. Thinks can go wrong.
  3. And I thought he told us about 100 times that he doesn't have anything to do with politics anymore. He only wants to take care of his grandchildren. But then somehow there is a press conference at Pheu Thai headquarters about him. Strange.
  4. Daddy, I don't know what to do. You switch off your phone. I don't know what to do. That is not fair.
  5. Imagine he thought he had a deal and then he had to stay in jail for years. ????
  6. Hopefully the Thai voters remember this until the next election.
  7. Some Thai hospitals give you discount when you pay with certain credit cards. I have to admit I only use Thai credit cards, so I don't know if that is also the case with international cards.
  8. There is that other so called first world nation where about 70 million people want to vote for a (by then maybe convicted) criminal. Personally, I think that shows how stupid people are all over the world. Why would anybody vote for criminals? If you like certain politics, then look for an honest politician who wants to implement those policies - anywhere in the world.
  9. Thanks for your reply. Obviously I heard what you wrote not the first time. And I am sure this is part of what happened. But was it the most important part? Personally, I don't think so. The peaceful coups could have only happened the way they happened because many people were against Thaksin and his little sister. At least in Bangkok lot of people were happy about the coups. People gave flowers and soft drink to the soldiers, no shot was fired. And those were "normal people" in the streets. I was in the middle of it. All was peaceful. If the majority of people (in Bangkok) would have opposed the coups, then people wouldn't have celebrated in the streets.
  10. I don't think we can blame Prayut for the fact that Thaksin returned, and that people voted for PT. At least Thaksin was arrested - for now. But the way PT lied to the people I have hope many won't vote for them anymore next time.
  11. For anybody who posts here I would love to know how long they live in Thailand. Did you experience Thaksin, his honest mistakes, his constant attitude to be above the law. etc.? Did you experience the time before Thaksin? I don't pretend Prayut was a good PM because he wasn't. But in Thailand, like many other countries, the question is often not who is good but is A better than B. And if B is very bad then maybe A is still better - even if he is not good. And I think the important part is that people actually experienced this time in Thailand. There is a big difference between reading history books or listen to others and experiencing situations yourself. I gave the soldiers on the streets from both recent coups soft drinks. They helped to get rid of Thaksin and his little sister. The courts should have removed him, but they didn't (see his "honest mistake"). The military did remove him. Good job. Thanks.
  12. And then there is Thaksin. His biggest "achievement" is how he divided the Thai people like nobody before him.
  13. IKEA has products with different quality levels. Some are cheap and some, like above kitchen system, are more expensive and have 20 (or25?) years warranty. And looking at reviews of these kitchens in different countries, it seems many people think the IKEA kitchens are pretty good. Obviously you can get something better, but it seems you have to pay a lot more money to get something better. And as mentioned above, I recommend this first to get a good overview - independent of what anybody will buy at the end of the day.
  14. I suggest have a look at IKEA METOD kitchens online or in their shops. Buy Kitchen Accessories Online - METOD System - IKEA This is a very flexible modular system with (as far as I see) any possible option which you may want. Even if you don't intend to buy IKEA, I think it is still a good idea to get an overview. You can also use their kitchen planner to plan your own kitchen. Last but not least, it seems kitchen design is a well-researched topic. You will find many articles and videos about working concepts, recommended sizes, etc. on the internet.
  15. I have a Desktop PC, Windows notebook, tablet and phone. I use them all, just on different occasions and mostly (but not exclusively) for different tasks. They are cheap enough to have one of each of what we want/need.
  16. I always love when people, and especially farangs, pretend to know why things happened. Where do you get your insider wisdom from? Or is it just in your imagination? I know that Prayut wasn't exactly a great PM. But I still like the idea that he removed Thaksin. Even now we can see how Thaksin divides the people. He wants to be the center of attention. He doesn't care about Thailand or anybody outside of his family. I hope he rots in jail.
  17. Deak Khun Prayut, thank you for staging the coup for removing Thaksin's and his little sister's greedy hands from Thailand. Someone had to do it and you were brave enough to do it. Thank you. Enjoy your retirement.
  18. I just had a look how I normally look at my phone versus the distance of my eyes to my 24" PC screen. The distance to my PC screen is about double. When I hold the phone in between the PC monitor and my eyes the phone covers visually maybe 20% of the "big" screen. So it seems it still makes a big difference.
  19. Don't you hear this thing screaming: NO! I don't want that. I didn't consent. Let me go.
  20. Imagine if everybody in Spain would just have celebrated their win. Party for a week, everyone is happy. But no, some feminists have to f#@$ it up. And then those feminists are surprised that not everybody supports them.
  21. It's almost funny how important this seems to be to so many people. He kissed her. At the moment when he did, she didn't struggle or move away or complained or slapped him in the face. She moved on. And now all this fuss about it. What happened to sorting things out personally? If she didn't like it, she could have spoken to him afterwards and told him something like: I didn't like that you kissed me like that. Don't do that again! And probably he would have apologized, and he would not have done it again. Problem solved. Let's move on with live. But now it's this huge drama with people getting fired and resigning and threats here and there. Jesus! Get a grip. He didn't f@$@ her on stage. He didn't grab her by the p@#@#. It was a spur of the moment reaction. Accept it and get over it.
  22. Really? I guess my computer screen is 10 to 20 times bigger than my phone screen. Why look on a tiny screen when not necessary?
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