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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If you say so. I know that the boy is here, at least from time to time, but he doesn't want that people know that he is here.
  2. Many bars have difficulties finding attractive girls. And if the bar fine is "normal", then those girls are gone early in the evening. That leaves the bar with few or no pretty girls. And that is obviously very bad for business. Increasing the bar fine is one way to (try to) adjust this situation.
  3. I haven't read any Stickman since ages. He left Thailand maybe 10 years ago and continued writing pretending he was here. There was no point reading that. And then there was Stickboy, who also owned the Stickman domain. I liked what he wrote. But it seems he got into trouble with people who one should not have as enemies, and he left Thailand in a hurry. Is Stickman now back in Thailand and better informed? Or is it another author with the same pseudonym?
  4. And there was no "internet" and no mobile phones when that book was written and when we read it. In general, I think most journalists in Thailand don't deserve that title. But then, I understand that they are careful what they write, they want to keep their job and health. I am not a fan of social media. But it seems that helped to expose some corrupt officials and other crimes.
  5. They didn't learn to ride like that. It's instinct. But the good news is that their instinct is very similar to the instinct of many other Thai drivers or riders. And they ride a lot, mostly in their neighborhood. That makes them expert riders in that neighborhood. My conclusion: I never had any problem riding as a pillion on a motorcycle taxi. They are pretty good at what they are doing.
  6. I use that I because it shows footnotes with details where the information comes from. Obviously, it can still be incorrect, but at least with named sources it is easier to check where the information comes from and maybe (and important enough) cross reference it with other information. The AI https://www.perplexity.ai/
  7. I remember reading about that. Guys get almost no money for such performance in Japan. They are interchangeable, nobody watches the movies because of any specific guy. Star girls can make a lot of money. But there are many who don't make much. There is lots of competition.
  8. He will try. Will he succeed? I personally don't think so.
  9. And also plenty of time to make more enemies and think you are invincible. I don't say he will lose that case, but I also think he shouldn't think that is an impossible outcome.
  10. There is nothing wrong with short time, long time, or whatever time you want. Just be fair and clarify what you want (at that time) so that there are no disappointments. Let's say a guy is horny and he just wants to f or he wants a BJ or whatever. Should he go out to meet girls and buy them drinks and maybe dinner? Or should he use some app which purpose is to find a partner? He can just go to a sexy girl bar, pick one, tell her what he wants, pay the bar, go out, do it, and have it done within an hour. Thanks, by, maybe see you next time. And maybe not. Even if the guy is young and handsome and whatever, sometimes it's just nice to do it withing an hour of your desire without any foreplay. In Thailand that is easy. Just do it!
  11. Short times make a lot of sense. My gf would complain if I would return too late or bring another girl with me.
  12. This is probably the best book I read about Thailand many years ago. Some things changed, but I think most of it is still relevant. What surprised me is that this is available in Thai bookshops.
  13. Sounds good. And let's not forget other politicians and parties were punished like that with fewer reasons and evidence.
  14. The following is what you wrote: "Simple, you are trying to justify to us how it's OK for you to break the pet rule. You want to be an exception. Everyone should understand your position and point of view." I haven't made up my mind. But it seems you think you know my mind better than I know it. You don't!
  15. I think it is interesting that Japan officially promotes these girls. So, I just asked AI: Is Japan, in general, proud of their AV stars? https://www.perplexity.ai/search/is-japan-in-general-proud-of-t-MBs5bkllQ_2yGWyrF63PDw#0 Interesting
  16. Sometimes it is almost funny when some people pretend they never ever ignored any rule, not even a little, not even a long time ago. Did you ever drive 1 or 2 km/h too fast? Why did you do that? And all that. IMHO the idea about rules is to make life better for most people most of the time. Lots of rules can be broken from time to time and no harm is done. If I would love rules, then I would live in Singapore and not in Thailand.
  17. I am not sure if I will ever get a cat. But I am 100% sure I will never have a baby. 😉
  18. Which tells us a lot about the American people who preferred Trump. Amazing.
  19. Just watch or read what all the other primary candidates in the GOP said about Trump in 2016. At that time, they told the truth. They were embarrassed to have a moron like Trump in the lineup. And then? Then their greedy politician mind and survival instinct took over. Suddenly they liked Trump and though he is a great guy and all that. What a bunch of spineless greedy bootlickers.
  20. How about a life interview with out new PM. Asked her detailed questions about that 10k policy. Where does the money come from? Who will get it? How will that help the economy? And what will be the administrative cost and all that. Interview her for an hour and let's see how much she, the woman in charge, knows about this. "I will ask my dad" is not a valid answer.
  21. Aren't those kind of videos illegal in Thailand? So obviously nobody knows these stars...
  22. If she would be smart, then she would just take the ill-gotten family money and stay away from politics and best stay away from the public. But no, that is obviously not what she is doing.
  23. How can you expect any coherent answer to such a question? If he can (easily) afford to give her the money then he should think about if he will likely get the money back and if he does not get it back, is that a problem for him? Personally, there are people who I would give that money. And others who I wouldn't give it to. It depends. And there is no easy formula.
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