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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Are you sure that the security in the building have no power to remove someone unwanted from the building? And if the unwanted person doesn't want to move then maybe they can use (a little) force to remove him. Or they can call the police. That's just my guess.
  2. I am not sure if it is the job of the police to get the guy out. If the security guards try, and the guy attacks the security guards, then I am pretty sure they can call the police. But if he just doesn't want to move, not sure.
  3. OneMoreFarang

    Isaan Woman

    I wonder what farang guys expect when they move to (an often small village) up country without knowing the local language and culture. What can possibly go wrong? ...
  4. OneMoreFarang

    Isaan Woman

    Maybe Isaan women need Isaan men to handle them. Or men who understand that those women know only one type of relationship: One person is the boss, and the other person follows. You are obviously not the boss. So she is the boss and tells you what to do. IMHO it is almost impossible to reverse that situation when it's established, maybe over years. Accept that she is the boss and do what she wants or move out. No other options.
  5. Then it should be no problem to tell the security guards to remove the unwanted "guest". If the security guards try that and the "guest" attacks them, then they have a reason to call the police, and they should do that. I would not recommend letting anybody else forcibly remove the person. That can easily go wrong in many ways.
  6. Really? Health insurance can't just throw out a customer when the bill is high. Of course they have conditions about how much they pay and under which conditions. And about the 1 million THB. That's about 30,000 USD. Yes, it's money, but far away from real expensive for international health insurance.
  7. It's the nearest hospital from where he lives. He was at least on the first day and night in the ICU. Until now I don't know too many details because he is stressed enough with that situation, so I don't want to ask him questions which are currently not important. I asked him about the hospital/insurance communication, and he told me the hospital asks the insurance before they do anything very expensive - so there is some verification going on in the background. This case is just an example. I ask now because that came up now. But the idea about this thread is more about the general situation. It seems most of you think hospitals like to charge as much as they can. It would be interesting to read @Sheryl ideas about the situation (in general).
  8. Would you do the same if you knew your insurance will pay it? Because maybe they do some expensive test and find something which was not apparent with not such expensive tests. In a way it's easy for us to say: They only want to charge more. But then, some of us think: Do everything possible to find out what is the problem and "fix it". Most of us just don't know what makes medially sense and what not.
  9. A few days ago, a friend woke up in the morning and he didn't feel well. He lives near Sukhumvit Soi 1, so he visited the big hospital in that Soi. They diagnosed a possible stroke. Now he is there for 3 nights, and the bill is already over 1 million THB. Luckily, he has a decent health insurance, and he feels alright. But he gets the impression that they make every possible test to check this and that. And when they test a lot it's not surprising that they find things which are "not normal". So now they told him another diagnosis and to be sure they want to make some more test... The bill is rising rapidly. In a way it is obviously good when professional doctors check what is going on. And professional equipment and tests will help to find out what is going on. But it is difficult not to get the impression that the hospital does lots of things which brings them a lot of money. Maybe necessary, and maybe not so necessary. What is your impression with situations like that? When you or a friend was in a Thai hospital, did you get the impression they do a lot to make a lot of money? Or did you get the impression that they do their best to work in detail to find out exactly what is going on and treat it as perfect as possible. Are some hospitals known to charge as much as they can? And others known to do only what is really necessary? To avoid trouble, I won't name the hospital and not too many details about this case. You get the general idea.
  10. No, Thaksin is smart enough that he doesn't use his own money. He uses Thai taxpayers' money after his party is elected. It seems now finally the election commission is asking them to explain where the money will come from. But, IMHO, the damage is done. He promised 10k per person to the people and that is what they will remember. He is the good guy, he gives us money.
  11. As far as I know even the moderators here are not paid. For that reason, I would be surprised if anybody here gets paid for posting whatever.
  12. I never had such a bucket list. How about you (all the other members)?
  13. You can go to a website like this: https://planetexpress.com/ And then enter the details from your parcel and it will give you the prices of several shipping companies. I guess there are local differences but at least it will give you some options.
  14. I enjoyed all my life including my work, and I am still working. Will life get better when I will be older? Somehow I don't think so. Even if the mind is still fine, the body is just not capable of doing the same like 10 or 20 years ago. That's reality. Or not?
  15. But what's the point of wearing that shirt? Is everybody else, who doesn't wear such a shirt, pro-war? Will Russian tourists, who see the shirt, feel the need to tell Putin to stop the war? Did they need someone with a football shirt to remind them about that war? And let's image a big Russian guy would stay in front of Bob and tell him to take off that shirt. Should we imagine that Bob will tell him to f$# off? Or will Bob take it off really quick and apologize?
  16. I think enjoying quiet life is just fine. One doesn't have to travel a lot or go to as many bars as possible to enjoy life. I am not yet that old and now I enjoy coffee with a friend. And afternoon teatime with another friend. And maybe on some days a few drinks with people who I like to see. I don't travel and discover the world. I am happy where I am. What's the point of being just another tourist looking at the pyramids and buying overpriced souvenirs made in China? It's up to each individual what they like.
  17. Are the "western food shops" the problem? Or maybe low paid workers who don't care? Probably you will see the same problem also in "Thai food shops". Personally I buy mostly from Foodland and the (99% Thai) fresh market. No problems.
  18. Then why don't you go to Ukraine and fight the Russians? That would show your commitment. Wearing that kind of shirt is just stupid virtue signaling.
  19. The problem with people like Alex Jones and others is that too many people follow them and maybe believe them. If I would see a video or text telling me the Manchester Arena bombing didn't happen, then I would stop viewing or reading it. And if everybody would do that, then those producers would be out of business. I think the questions is not why they exist; the question is why do so many people follow them? But to be fair, only because the mainstream reports things as if they are undoubtedly true doesn't mean they are true. I.e. I read often enough about the climate catastrophe, and according to some reports in well-known media, we all will die sometime soon. Really? But if I or others question those reports then others call that a conspiracy theory...
  20. Somehow I disagree with the concept that we should be able to find true love without money. Why? Because we need money to live, and with more money we live more comfortably. I.e. my gf is not really interested in money. But she likes to eat and drink well. And she wouldn't like it if when we go out, I would tell her have half the number of drinks because we don't have the money to spend. And then there is maybe a nice apartment, maybe holiday, etc. All cost money. And all will add up to the attractiveness of the person who can afford all this.
  21. You forgot the most important part: Is he willing to spend money? This doesn't have to be prostitution, but just spending money to go out and have fun.
  22. Does she own the codo or is the rent contract in her name? If yes, then she should tell him to leave or else she will tell the security guards to remove him. Maybe the guards will do it as part of their job, or maybe they like a little incentive. Problem solved.
  23. Too many Thais have (illegal) guns and are ready to use them without thinking about the consequences. If it's not your fight, then stay away.
  24. Maybe you should look at the news more often and see what happens with people who get involved in fights of other people. Don't get involved if you don't have a death wish.
  25. Remember, in modern times like this, if a guy looks like a guy that doesn't mean he identifies as a guy. Maybe he identifies as a girl. ????
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