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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Apart from many other things I think it's most important that you know printer companies make their money with very expensive ink and toner, not so much with the actual printers. Whatever you (want to) buy, make sure you check first the prices of new ink or toner and for how many pages they are supposed to work. Or read a test where experts compared them already.
  2. Do you only wonder about Chinese groups or any group with more than 6 people? What makes the Chinese different?
  3. It's obviously a question of "how much" you have it. I have diabetes 2 and I take medication, tablets two times a day, and I don't see that as a big problem. But for people who have to inject insulin I think life is more complicated.
  4. I thought those Americans drink bleach for cleansing and to kill all bacteria.
  5. IMHO diabetes is not such a big deal. Take your medication regularly, avoid certain food and drinks, and all is fine.
  6. I am an IT professional but I don't do web and I am not interested in another job. In general I suggest get a professional company to do that. You need two different "things". a) You need someone with technical knowledge and experience. b) You need someone creative. a and b are almost sure not the same person because to do those jobs good people need different personalities. I know professional companies are out there, and often not cheap. And then there are lots of "I can do that" people out there. Maybe they are cheap(er) but often there is a reason why. I suggest talk with others who are in a situation similar to yours, it can be a completely different business. Hire only someone who can clearly show what they did already.
  7. How do you know that she would be "better than the current lot in every conceivable way"? That might be what you hope. And maybe she will be better. But maybe she will just follow the orders of her criminal father and continue with his corrupt politics. And maybe that will lead to more protests and another coup. The rest is history. It's time that Thailand gets out of the Shinawatra/coup circle. Thailand should have a government with honest and competent politicians who work for Thais and Thailand. That is obviously difficult and not that easy. Electing the same known corrupt people (or any of their family members) will bring the same outcome. Don't do it if you want that something changes to the better.
  8. That's what people said when George W Bush was in charge. The rest is history.
  9. Do you remember when Yingluck started as PM? It was relative quiet at that time. People were looking what she will do. Will she work for Thailand and all Thais? Or will she do what her brother tells her and try to get him back. Few people complained about Yingluck until the moment when she and her party tried to whitewash the criminal fugitive in the middle of the night. That was the start of her end. And it was foreseeable for everybody.
  10. And replace them with another clone who receives orders from a criminal outside of Thailand? Yeah, sure.
  11. That reminds me of Oak. What is he doing? Just spending all that money? I guess that would be the smart move.
  12. She was ready when she was able to understand what her father told her and repeat it. Or does anybody expect from her to think by herself?
  13. I saw some wallets from them in Robinson in Bangkok some time ago. Maybe they have such a big retailer in your area.
  14. It seems they are well known in Thailand for school supply - I think shoes for the kids.
  15. Maybe have a look if you can find them in Pattaya. Men Wallets | JACOB As far as I know this is an established Thai company. I bought from them in their main shop in Bangkok. Good quality and reasonable prices.
  16. We will never know but it would be interesting what large means in that case. I guess LARGE.
  17. You know, the girls get tired from all that shuffling on the dance floor. So if you are nice you pay their bar fine so that they can lay down and relax a little. And if you are a gentleman, you even organize a hotel for them. Some girls are not so tired anymore after an hour in bed and they come back to the bar and maybe repeat above one or more time in the same night. I don't see any connection with what they call prostitution.
  18. I wonder if he had to pay for that position and how much the expected tea money income is. But I guess that was not written in of the job advertisement.
  19. Lots of people have in their offices a party at the end of the year or maybe for a birthday or promotion. I don't think such a little "party" would be a problem - if the police would otherwise do their job.
  20. It's obvious, it's written in the article: The police are walking along the street. ????
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