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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. From the K Plus App. These limits can be changed by the user and it changes instantaneously.
  2. So you suggest that I should take drugs to cloud my mind so that I don't see reality. Yeah, that's the kind of sophisticated advice I was waiting for.
  3. And they lived happily ever after. Sure, all is fine. But have you ever heard the stories that he paid for the property and it was in her name and then she told him to f@$ off? It seems in Thailand that happens often enough. If guys want to give millions in cash or property to their gf or wife then that is fine. But those guys should realize that then it's the money or property of their wife. They, the guys, don't own it.
  4. Like I mentioned above, the thread came to my mind when I read the other thread what advice people would give their 18yo self. I could look up all the posts but here is a summary: don't marry don't marry don't marry don't marry don't marry and the same many more times.
  5. In many civilized countries the guy has to pay for his own child. And it does not matter if he is married or not. And if the guy doesn't care then he can be an a$%@# even if he was/is married. My personal opinion is that if I am the father of a child then I am, together with the mother, responsible for that child. I don't need a contract to tell me I am responsible.
  6. Good news for me. My contractor agreed to 1 year warranty - after his initial quote was 6 months. And I have a clause in the contract that money will be deducted if he is late. So far it looks good... And yes, I know, things can go wrong. I will address them when they actually happen and don't ruin my day now with thinking about what can go wrong.
  7. I am sure gamma something, I forgot the name, is really upset right now. Gamma tries since month to get our attention by posting every day long stories. And basically nobody wants to entertain him. And then comes Bob, 7 pages in one day...
  8. I still follow what happened in the last hours. But I imagine for a minute Bob sitting with his pink G-string girl and sipping Champaign for breakfast. And at the same time he is watching this thread, which he pretends he wants to have closed, and he is replying to every comment. That pink G-string model must be really exiting if comments from bored farangs on the internet are even more exiting.
  9. Maybe we should start a poll: How many people have anti virus software on their phones? And how many people ever had a virus on their phone? I bet the answers are: few and few. Don't overcomplicate life.
  10. I just met too many guys who paid a fortune to their former love of their life. Obviously it is impossible to know the whole truth about other people relationships, but as far as I could see the guys were "good guys" and they cared for their wife. In one case from "home" the guy made lots of money. His wife spent all the money and then she found a richer guy. She divorced the guy who I knew and because she had a daughter he had to pay for mother and child for many years. And because she never married her new rich boyfriend she claimed she had no money and need that support. That is just one example. And I learned from that: Don't do it.
  11. Is that realistic when people get older and older? Who really knows if you and your partner will be happy together for the next 50 years? For me something like my gf has an accident and loses a leg (just an example) would be no reason to walk away. But if she would become one of those women who complain all day and night then I would tell her to change that behavior or I will walk away. Lots of things can go wrong in a way that both people understand that they would be happier without being together. There must not be a big problem. Just live goes on.
  12. Imagine there would be a legal reason you could not have married her (just theoretically). Why wouldn't you live with her exactly the way as if you are married? I understand that people have long term relationship. I am in one of those. But IMHO having signed a piece of paper doesn't make that relationship any better. It's the people who care for each other. If we need a contract to do that, or do it better, then maybe the relationship is not so good.
  13. What do you think: Is it only possible to care for a person if you are married? Or is is also possible to be a good guy if you are not married?
  14. Who decides what the right thing is? And if you get married and have a kid and the wife walks away with the kid and you have to support them for many years, do you then still think you did the right thing? Maybe you did the right thing, until the moment that the wife thought: who cares if this this right or wrong, let that sucker pay. This is obviously not a personal assault. It's a sample what happens to some guys.
  15. Did you own the land and the property? Or did your wife own it? If your wife was/is the only legal owner then I wouldn't call that an advantage.
  16. I also don't take advantage of my girlfriend and I am not married. In fact if someone is married he might get away with a lot worse behavior because she is his wife and he (thinks he) has certain rights.
  17. Where does that insider knowledge come from? Is that what women tell men to convince them to marry? If your gf would go with another guy only because you don't marry her then be happy that she showed her character and get rid of her. People can be committed without being married. I.e. I have a couple of good friends since decades. I don't need a contract to assure them that they are my friends and I am there for them when they need me. Marriage is a contract. It has nothing to do with love or commitment.
  18. Same same, even if I didn't work for some fancy Swiss bank. It's called common sense.
  19. Come on bro, there has to be an update this morning. Do you still love each other? When will you marry?
  20. Maybe I am a little slow this morning. Why is that a reason to get married?
  21. And I thought the idea is to stay on them - or at least sit on them. ????
  22. Lots of people get married, and lots of people get divorced. And many do it again, and maybe again. Why? Personally I never married. From teenager age until now I saw too many unhappy couples. And too many guys who married, divorced and paid a fortune. I am happy with my gf, since many years, and she mentioned marrying often enough (until she gave up mentioning it). I just don't see the point of signing a contract which has, from my point of view, only negative sides. But lots of guys marry, including lots of farangs in Thailand. Why did you do it? And would you do it again? I was inspired by this thread and all the people who would tell their 18yo self not to marry...
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