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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Who watches these videos or pictures? Is it not enough to know that a (young) person was killed in an accident? Do people really have to see a mangled body and lots of blood on the street to understand what it means to die in such an accident?
  2. I hear those stories from Thai relatives of my gf and from her Thai friends. And it seems to be normal. I have no kids and don't want any kids but I am sure the situation in (expensive, international) schools for foreign kids the situation is different from the cheap local schools up country.
  3. It seems too many people here think love can only happen between similar people. Like i.e. a 20 year old pretty girl and a handsome young guy. Or maybe between an old ugly guy and an old ugly woman. Really? If that would be true then i.e. disabled people would never be able to find a loving (not disabled) partner. And how about couples who met when they were 20 and they stay together until they are old. Do they find each other still attractive even if they are old and maybe overweight, etc.? I think love is not only similar people finding each other. There can be many reasons. Maybe good look, maybe intellect, maybe strength, maybe money, the list is endless. And if one person thinks she can never fall in love with an old guy that doesn't mean this is also true for other people. I think we should stop pretending that we understand all human interactions. We clearly understand only a part of it. And if we don't understand it that doesn't mean it does not exist or is not possible.
  4. Why that? Why play with an old bar-girl if her little sister or (legal age) daughter is available?
  5. You know, there are millions of people out there in Thailand who ride motorcycle and are still living - even without any injury. Many people here, including lots of farags, use bikes because they are much more practical then cars. I.e. this morning I will ride with my gf to a noodle shop about 2km from home. I can stop my bike there 3m away from the shop. I don't think there are any parking places and the next public transport is maybe 1km away. And then we will ride to the fresh market, or to be precise through the fresh market. With a bike, no problem, with a car impossible. If anybody would offer me a car as replacement for my bike I wouldn't take it. There is a reason why so many people here use bikes.
  6. There is this word again: why There is no "why" in Thailand. Don't try to find any logic where there is no logic. It makes life so much easier in Thailand.
  7. Maybe she needs a bigger red light... As far as I know those big red lights are common in rally cars.
  8. Then you missed the "Lingerie Lovely: Hot & Cute Edition" and other exiting topics. Psst, they are still there...
  9. Thanks! Following the link it seems the next show will open on the 25th April - or at least that seems to be the current plan. On that website are also lots of links. I am sure following those links will also bring up interesting information.
  10. Thanks, that showroom is 5 minutes away from me. I will definitely have a look what they have. The picture (opening the link above) looks promising with lots of items on display.
  11. Recently I spoke to someone who knows Stickboy personally. It seems Stickboy didn't make a prompt decision. He thought about leaving for some time and then he did it. But he didn't speak with lots of people about his plan and his decision. He just told everybody when it was done. No long goodbyes and all that. I know this from a relative reliable source but obviously I don't know if this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  12. Yes, I have a question about floor tiling, medium and big tiles, how it's done in Thailand and how to recognize if the person or company who does the job is good at it. It seems many tile floors in Thailand may look good at the beginning but soon some tile are lose, etc. I plan a renovation with about 100 sqm floor tiles and tiles on the bathroom and kitchen walls. I don't do that myself. But to be able to look for a guy who knows what he is doing I learn the theory by watching lots of videos on YouTube. I.e. this guy, who seems to know what he is talking about. Sal DiBlasi - YouTube In his an other videos on YouTube they use self leveler, membranes and clips, especially on large tiles. All these things seem to be not common in Thailand. Maybe I will find someone or a company who is familiar with those technologies or maybe all this is not really necessary. I don't know. Another option is to select "small" tiles like i.e. 30x30cm, because it seems to be a lot easier to install those. So my question to you is: What do you think about these technologies? Are they necessary, maybe necessary depending on xyz? And if I want to hire a company or a person then I guess it makes sense to ask them for other jobs which they did? Does it make sense to ask them for recent jobs or maybe something that they did years ago? And then what to look for? Lose tiles, uneven tiles? Uneven grout lines? Over to you. Thanks. And you can ask me computer questions in another section for this forum. ????
  13. Politically motivated? That's what Trump tells his supporters when he is prosecuted for lying to the insurance and tax authorities in his property business and all his other alleged crimes. They are still crimes, even if a politician was or is the criminal. Do you really want to pretend Thaksin was not highly corrupt? I can just about accept when some people admit he was corrupt but he also did good things. But denying that he was corrupt at all is just hilarious. And about the coups? They happened a long time ago. I hope one day the Thai people will vote for competent and honest politicians. But I don't have much hope they will do that in the foreseeable future. In the meantime I am happy that the red mob stays in their villages.
  14. I agree. And about teachers: It seems most Thai parents want that the teacher punishes the kids. That is what many Thai parents expect from a Thai teacher.
  15. A lot of this wouldn't happen if parents wouldn't let it happen. And it seems in many cases the mothers send the girls because the girls then have to send money to the mother. And even if the young girl doesn't like to go with guys she is more scared about her own mother. Let's not forget, TiT! And obviously lots of neighbors in the village also know what is going on. The young uneducated girl goes to Bangkok or Pattaya and soon lots of money arrives. How could that happen? And nobody gives a hoot.
  16. There is a big difference if someone is a convicted criminal or not. And I am pretty sure you know the difference.
  17. I think what Stickboy did was different from the YouTubers and they won't be able to replace that. Personally I like(ed) to be able to lookup the current situation. I.e. there opened a new bar or in that bar this and that happened yesterday or will happen tomorrow. Stickboy had that information in compact form and up to date. At least I don't want to watch a 20 minute video to get information which could be said in a few paragraphs.
  18. Many years ago I had an old bike which I didn't use for years and I didn't pay any taxes or insurance. It was standing in the garage. Later I asked how it would be possible to register it again and the shop (Red Baron) told me I have to pay all the tax for the last couple of years. It seems that even works if the bike tax wasn't paid for many years.
  19. I saw this video some time ago. It might be interesting for some people here. I have no personal experience with this and I don't know if they do it in Thailand in the same way.
  20. Does it really matter which bar owners paid for advertisement? And do you really expect that someone who makes his money with the nightlife business checks first where the money comes from?
  21. You don't mention if the AC works and keeps your apartment cold. And maybe does the AC always run on full power? And how much do you pay for electricity? If it works then if it doesn't use lots of power than maybe just ignore it.
  22. That's why I wrote above. Because what @JonnyF wrote are not "two opposite and mutually exclusive statements".
  23. Really? And you all see that in that stupid name? But it seems somehow you didn't see the part about being a fugitive criminal.
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