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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I hope the police confiscated her driving licenses right away - if she had one. One of those utterly stupid excuses.
  2. It's pretty obvious that some people here think they are superior because they claim they are only interested in sex with old women - or only one woman, their beloved wife. That reminds me of all those priests and preachers who like to tell us mortals what we should do. And then they do whatever they want to do. Why don't you continue to live in your little bubble and talk about all those bad people outside your bubble who do all those bad things. Important: Only the people in your bubble will understand that and agree with you. The rest of us just enjoy life and don't pretend to be holier than the pope. And if we do anything illegal then sooner or later the police will catch us, and we go to jail, and immigration will deport us and whatever you dream about.
  3. Are the regular Thais those guys who have Mia Nois and their wives, who know and accept that? Or are the regular Thais the parents from up country who send their uneducated daughters to Bangkok and Pattaya to make money? Or are regular Thais all those who live on minimum wages and dream about a better life?
  4. Maybe a bit blunt way of putting it but some of the children which their mothers claim are mixed race are actually Thai/Thai...
  5. "Jackie Szoboszlai", that sounds like a farang female name. To make it short: Go back to farang country. You will never be able to compete with the locals. Enjoy what you can get in farang land.
  6. Please have that pride party in Ching Mai far away from Bangkok. Thank you.
  7. "Why?" I mentioned it earlier. There is no why. You won't find any logic where there is no logic. For that reason, don't expect logic and don't ask why. That makes life so much easier in Thailand.
  8. Hello Mr. Parent, nice to meet you. I like to have your written approval that I can f your daughter. Please sign at the dotted line. Yeah, sure. If the parents don't complain, then it's legal. Even if you don't like it.
  9. IMHO everybody should live according to the laws in the country where they are living. If it's legal then it's legal. If you want to live according to some rules from back home or the bible class or whatever, that is up to you. But please don't meddle with the life of other law-abiding citizens.
  10. Do you really need 100GB per month? I need maybe 10% of that (on my mobile).
  11. Do you think all those teenagers asked their parents before they had sex? Do you think they all lived together with their parents so that they could ask them? It seems many Thai parents somehow "think" sending kids to school and giving them rice in the morning and evening is all they have to do as parents. And then they are surprised when the kids do things which the parents don't want. And to be fair, many parents are at work to make money to live. Even if they want to talk care of their children they only have limited time to do that. Do I think this is good like that. Obviously, it's bad. But this is reality in Thailand. And nobody of us will be able to change it.
  12. Some people have a very narrow perception of reality. It's like staying in the Oriental Hotel and shopping in Icon Siam and then pretending you know Thailand. Yes, it's Thailand. Maybe 0.000001% of it. The rest of Thailand is different.
  13. How often did you spend an hour or two with Thai girls of the night? How often did it happen that they show you they don't want to be with you? I think the worst case I remember was when I took a girl to a hotel and after she was in the bathroom for half an hour and came out of that door, she said something like: You are still awake? I thought (hoped) that you sleep already. Otherwise, I don't remember any comment about how bad it is, and she only does it for money or whatever. That doesn't mean that I think all the girls just loved my company, but they are all good actors. And about "women who find me attractive": We all get older and somehow I find it difficult to imagine that any women of any age is attracted to the body of an old guy. She might be attracted to the mind and character of you, or me - and that is again something independent of the age of both of them.
  14. I know, it is difficult to learn all those definitions from all those words. But maybe you should try harder - especially before you post here and show your ignorance.
  15. My gf visits the family maybe one or two times within two months. She enjoys Thai family life, and I enjoy farang home alone. Win/win.
  16. Since I watched The Fall Guy last weekend I listened to this one again and again.
  17. It's years ago, that I was up country. And whenever I am there, visiting the girlfriend's family, latest after an hour I like to get away again. And the problem is not that specific family. It's just life up country. I know some people like it, but for many of us it is just no fun at all.
  18. Are you really so ignorant or do you only pretend to know nothing? I suggest find out about reality. And if you don't want that, then don't pretend you know what you are talking about.
  19. Psst, we are all waiting at the school gates with candies. 😉
  20. I have no personal experience. I remember I spoke with a rich American professor who had this visa and I asked him to buy something for me and bring it with him to Thailand. I was prepared to pay tax and duty - if necessary. He told me don't worry, I just walk through there, nobody ever stopped me.
  21. Really? When and where does that happen? For an hour at a stretch of maybe 100m on the road? What a joke!
  22. You got that wrong. What you describe is a Tea House. Otherwise, the curtains are to hide the cars.
  23. Sure, I also know people with that visa who can afford it and are normal people - not criminals. But I think it is obvious when you offer something for a lot of money which buys people the VIP treatment at the airport, that that attracts certain people who don't want to be scrutinized.
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